A Privlege Given to Criminals- Illegal Aliens in California begin getting driver's licenses


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Being issued a DL is indeed a privlege, not a right. With that said, it is puzzling why the state would reward those with a privlege granted by law. It took an arguably unlawful order to provide a path to obtain the privlege, even though those who will receive it, have no regard for our laws in the fist place.

What a jacked up deal


Historic day as immigrants in U.S. illegally begin getting driver's licenses

After three decades of debate and controversy, immigrants in the country illegally began the process of receiving California driver's licenses.

Friday was the first day the licenses were available. Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation last year allowing such immigrants to get them.

By late in the afternoon, at least 11,000 people had applied for the special licenses.

By 7:30 Friday morning, the line outside the Granada Hills Department of Motor Vehicles office wrapped around the plaza. People held clipboards with DMV license applications. Some were wrapped in blankets to keep themselves warm in the chilly morning.

Pedro Soriano, 38, was first in line, arriving more than 12 hours earlier after driving with his wife from South Los Angeles.

Historic day as immigrants in U.S. illegally begin getting driver apos s licenses - LA Times


California hires 900 DMV workers to meet demand

California, which has the largest population of illegal aliens in the country, is now one of 10 states where illegals can apply for driver’s licenses, and the number of driver’s license applicants more than doubled once illegals were allowed to apply.

California’s legislature approved licenses for illegals back in Sept. 2013 when it passed Assembly Bill 60, which requires “the DMV to issue an original driver’s license to a person who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that the applicant’s presence in the United States is authorized under federal law” if they meet “all other qualifications” set by the state.

As Predicted Illegals Form Long Lines For California Driver 8217 s Licenses Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Being issued a DL is indeed a privlege, not a right. With that said, it is puzzling why the state would reward those with a privlege granted by law. It took an arguably unlawful order to provide a path to obtain the privlege, even though those who will receive it, have no regard for our laws in the fist place.

What a jacked up deal


Historic day as immigrants in U.S. illegally begin getting driver's licenses

After three decades of debate and controversy, immigrants in the country illegally began the process of receiving California driver's licenses.

Friday was the first day the licenses were available. Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation last year allowing such immigrants to get them.

By late in the afternoon, at least 11,000 people had applied for the special licenses.

By 7:30 Friday morning, the line outside the Granada Hills Department of Motor Vehicles office wrapped around the plaza. People held clipboards with DMV license applications. Some were wrapped in blankets to keep themselves warm in the chilly morning.

Pedro Soriano, 38, was first in line, arriving more than 12 hours earlier after driving with his wife from South Los Angeles.

Historic day as immigrants in U.S. illegally begin getting driver apos s licenses - LA Times



California hires 900 DMV workers to meet demand

California, which has the largest population of illegal aliens in the country, is now one of 10 states where illegals can apply for driver’s licenses, and the number of driver’s license applicants more than doubled once illegals were allowed to apply.

California’s legislature approved licenses for illegals back in Sept. 2013 when it passed Assembly Bill 60, which requires “the DMV to issue an original driver’s license to a person who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that the applicant’s presence in the United States is authorized under federal law” if they meet “all other qualifications” set by the state.

As Predicted Illegals Form Long Lines For California Driver 8217 s Licenses Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

They get everything else, so why not? They get food, housing, health care, jobs, and education. They waltz across the border and are welcomed and treated special. And, the American citizens ( legal citizens, taxpayers ) are paying for all of it. I wonder how long it'll be before the immigration laws are taken off the books. The laws aren't enforced anyway. But, hey, we did spend $Millions building a fence so they would have to either climb it, or take a detour around it. And, some dug under it. Besides, we have plenty of jobs for them. And, our neighborhoods could use the diversity and culture. Nothing like a good Cinco De Mayo parade and all-night booze party. What would really be nice is if we had more Middle Eastern immigrants to make sure Sharia Law became the law of the land here. Oh, and lets not forget the wealthy Chinese to finish buying up the real estate and businesses they don't already own.

But, I shouldn't be saying anything, I'm just an American citizen.
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Being issued a DL is indeed a privlege, not a right. With that said, it is puzzling why the state would reward those with a privlege granted by law. It took an arguably unlawful order to provide a path to obtain the privlege, even though those who will receive it, have no regard for our laws in the fist place.

What a jacked up deal


Historic day as immigrants in U.S. illegally begin getting driver's licenses

After three decades of debate and controversy, immigrants in the country illegally began the process of receiving California driver's licenses.

Friday was the first day the licenses were available. Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation last year allowing such immigrants to get them.

By late in the afternoon, at least 11,000 people had applied for the special licenses.

By 7:30 Friday morning, the line outside the Granada Hills Department of Motor Vehicles office wrapped around the plaza. People held clipboards with DMV license applications. Some were wrapped in blankets to keep themselves warm in the chilly morning.

Pedro Soriano, 38, was first in line, arriving more than 12 hours earlier after driving with his wife from South Los Angeles.

Historic day as immigrants in U.S. illegally begin getting driver apos s licenses - LA Times



California hires 900 DMV workers to meet demand

California, which has the largest population of illegal aliens in the country, is now one of 10 states where illegals can apply for driver’s licenses, and the number of driver’s license applicants more than doubled once illegals were allowed to apply.

California’s legislature approved licenses for illegals back in Sept. 2013 when it passed Assembly Bill 60, which requires “the DMV to issue an original driver’s license to a person who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that the applicant’s presence in the United States is authorized under federal law” if they meet “all other qualifications” set by the state.

As Predicted Illegals Form Long Lines For California Driver 8217 s Licenses Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

They get everything else, so why not? They get food, housing, health care, jobs, and education. They waltz across the border and are welcomed and treated special. And, the American citizens ( legal citizens, taxpayers ) are paying for all of it. I wonder how long it'll be before the immigration laws are taken off the books. The laws aren't enforced anyway. But, hey, we did spend $Millions building a fence so they would have to either climb it, or take a detour around it. And, some dug under it. Besides, we have plenty of jobs for them. And, our neighborhoods could use the diversity and culture. Nothing like a good Cinco De Mayo parade and all-night booze party. What would really be nice is if we had more Middle Eastern immigrants to make sure Sharia Law became the law of the land here. Oh, and lets not forget the wealthy Chinese to finish buying up the real estate and businesses they don't already own.

But, I shouldn't be saying anything, I'm just an American citizens.


I bet these fine gentelmen gave the day up at Home Depot to make the epic journey.


Finally - a way to actually keep track of illegals. Its about time and I hope the rest of the country does the same.

Its hardly a "privilege". Does anyone really believe that every single driver, citizen or not, has a valid driver's license in their pocket?
Finally - a way to actually keep track of illegals. Its about time and I hope the rest of the country does the same.

Its hardly a "privilege". Does anyone really believe that every single driver, citizen or not, has a valid driver's license in their pocket?

You're wrong. A drivers license, by definition, is indeed a privlege.

Finally - a way to actually keep track of illegals. Its about time and I hope the rest of the country does the same.

Its hardly a "privilege". Does anyone really believe that every single driver, citizen or not, has a valid driver's license in their pocket?

You're wrong. A drivers license, by definition, is indeed a privlege.


Its a way of finding and tracking people - including illegals.

If RWs were serious about wanting to know who and where they are, they would embrace and celebrate this and demand their own state do the same.
Whether or not the state choses to acknowledge them, illegal immigrants will still be driving in California.

I prefer them to have passed the driving test and have proper insurance coverage.
Whether or not the state choses to acknowledge them, illegal immigrants will still be driving in California.

I prefer them to have passed the driving test and have proper insurance coverage.

Part of the reason 1070 was and is such a farce is that identification is so easy to forge. While there's no reason to believe that every one of them will get a legal driver's license, I agree. This is just one more step in the right direction.

Very smart of California.
Again, it is a privlege we are awarding admitted law breakers. Heck, they'll take your license for many law infractions, yet in this case, we award the criminal with what we take from others of the same coat?

"A Privlege Given to Criminals- Illegal Aliens in California begin getting driver's licenses"


One is not 'illegal' until found guilty of entering the country absent authorization in a court of law.

Until such a determination is made, allowing undocumented immigrants to apply for a driver's license comports with 14th Amendment jurisprudence.

Your unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanics is not justification to ignore the Constitution.
Given that Obama has shown his lawlessness and given these people effective US citizenship I too agree that if they are staying, and there is no one kicking them out, then they should pass the driver's license test, in English. As all the signs are written in English, at least all I see.

Funny that it said a man drove all night to get his driver's license.
"A Privlege Given to Criminals- Illegal Aliens in California begin getting driver's licenses"


One is not 'illegal' until found guilty of entering the country absent authorization in a court of law.

Until such a determination is made, allowing undocumented immigrants to apply for a driver's license comports with 14th Amendment jurisprudence.

Your unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanics is not justification to ignore the Constitution.

No as ordinary, you're wrong.

Show the papers like everyone else or proceed to the ICE van for deportation

"A Privlege Given to Criminals- Illegal Aliens in California begin getting driver's licenses"


One is not 'illegal' until found guilty of entering the country absent authorization in a court of law.

Until such a determination is made, allowing undocumented immigrants to apply for a driver's license comports with 14th Amendment jurisprudence.

Your unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanics is not justification to ignore the Constitution.

You think they should get a drivers license before proving they are here legally?

You leftists are sick you know that? Your brains are warped.

You want to track illegals? Deport them and keep track. Give them a stamp on their neck or something.

If it's ok to enter here illegally, not be deported, get a dl (and hey, don't forget social security!), then it's ok to break some other law and not be charged with a crime. That's your logic. You leftists should be deported.
"A Privlege Given to Criminals- Illegal Aliens in California begin getting driver's licenses"


One is not 'illegal' until found guilty of entering the country absent authorization in a court of law.

Until such a determination is made, allowing undocumented immigrants to apply for a driver's license comports with 14th Amendment jurisprudence.

Your unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanics is not justification to ignore the Constitution.

You think they should get a drivers license before proving they are here legally?

You leftists are sick you know that? Your brains are warped.

You want to track illegals? Deport them and keep track. Give them a stamp on their neck or something.

If it's ok to enter here illegally, not be deported, get a dl (and hey, don't forget social security!), then it's ok to break some other law and not be charged with a crime. That's your logic. You leftists should be deported.

The sad thing is that the illegals are here. The illegals are already driving, illegally. Since the legality of them being here isn't going to be challenged then at least we should make sure they know how to drive. After they have the opportunity to get a DL then those who don't and are caught without DL or Insurance should be instantly sent back to their nation of origin, but that ain't gonna happen with this administration.
It really won't help. Take away the driver's license for hit and run, drunk driving, non payment of the last 150 tickets and they will still drive. It won't get unsafe drivers off the road.

It isn't supposed to create safer roads. It is supposed to blur the line between citizen and non citizen.

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