A Psychiatrist Explains Why Antisemitism Is Mental Illness

I wonder if he ever considered the possibility that many dislike or are jealous of another group which has a disproportionately high amount of wealth and power and appears to have got most of it from a deliberate strategy immersed in cunning , deceit and good old fashioned lies ?

Or, does that signal Critical Thinking moving into Conspiracy Land with such a radical idea ?
I wonder if he ever considered the possibility that many dislike or are jealous of another group which has a disproportionately high amount of wealth and power and appears to have got most of it from a deliberate strategy immersed in cunning , deceit and good old fashioned lies ?

Or, does that signal Critical Thinking moving into Conspiracy Land with such a radical idea ?
Of course, as usual, the stupid bigot has no factual evidence of anything. He is jealous because he has failed and others have not.
Now that is rather clever .

But before you label me as patronising ( which I am ) I doubt you realise why.

I do believe that one who takes to much value in their heritage is bound to be disappointed.
Of course, as usual, the stupid bigot has no factual evidence of anything. He is jealous because he has failed and others have not.
But suppose the person whom you label as super bigot, is neither .
But just ordinary yet reasonably smart and perceptive .

And without fully realising , he/she faces an organised cult that never ever tells the truth outside of their own family .And agrees that all truths will be hidden on pain of death .
Because that is precisely what that family committed to 1200 years ago and has never once changed .
I do believe that one who takes to much value in their heritage is bound to be disappointed.

But that is the very proposition that should be examined

Did the Khazarians actually and deliberately create that very strategy and central belief -- for understandable historical reasons ?
Has it been successful ? With what results ?
Is there any evidence that their deep disguise is under threat ? etc etc

Hardly likely to be addressed here . If even understood .
Atisemitism is too formulaic to be a mental illness. It certainly has psychological aspects, of course, but it is closer to a group psychosis than an individual mental disorder.

For a clue, just look around USMB and take note of the most miserably unhappy and resentful posters who only show negative emotions and never positive because they are utter failures in life. Then look at those who are antisemitic.

There is quite the considerable overlap.
Of course just because some racist counterfeit Jewish racist can't handle facts and disagreement doesn't make anything 'antisemitic'. Jews were never hapless victims of anything but self-segregation and their own bigotry where the 'Orthodox' and 'ultra- Orthodox' racists are concerned. Doing their best to help Muslim pirates and bandits mass murder Christians for some 1,200 years doesn't make for mutual love and understanding, especially after some 500 years of mass murders previous to being overrun by Muslims doesn't add much credibility to their racist pity parties for themselves.

And pay no attention to their own internal bigoted racist battles over who is a 'real Jew' and who isn't. There is a reason why the Christian Jewish sect took off like a rocket while the Babylonian cults failed and remain sniveling whiners to this day. Their Christian sect continues to keep them dumb and happy.

As for who is a 'real Jew' and who isn't, the New Testament and Christians took the religion back to its Mosaic roots and fput an end to that silly argument, in several places, including here:

Galatians 3​


Sons and Heirs
26For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

There is a very good reason so many Jews converted and it spread to Da Evul Goy; universalism is implicit in monotheism, there is no 'Jewish race' determined by genetics, never was, that is just a fiction invented by Ezra and the Jews who sucked up to the Persians ans set themselves up as rulers under their armies when the Persians defeated Babylon. The 'Judaism' of the Babylonians has noting to do with the Hebrewism of Abraham and Moses.

More on Jewish history:
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But that is the very proposition that should be examined

Did the Khazarians actually and deliberately create that very strategy and central belief -- for understandable historical reasons ?
Has it been successful ? With what results ?

Few Jews have any ancestors from the region of Israel or Egypt. I have more actual 'Jewish genes' than 90% of Israelis.

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