A Question For the Republican Leadership: What Is Your Plan?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Before you righties respond with your usual nonsensical crap or attempts at sarcasm, you should realize, only accurate explanations can further the understanding of the “Greatness” that Trump's and the congressional Republicans' policies are supposed to bring all Americans. Your typical BS responses will NOT explain how eliminating all liberal safety net programs will bring about prosperity for all, as Reagan promised, and the return to that “greatness” promised by Trump.

We've all read the headlines since the Trump inauguration, such as: Congress Will Gut Medicaid, Republicans Will Soon Repeal Obamacare, Trump Vows To Gut Social Security, Medicare Is On The Chopping Block, etc. These, and many other safety net programs benefit average Americans including liberals, moderates, those with no opinion, and yes, even some conservatives depend heavily on federal and state safety net programs.

The following question for the GOP leaders deals only with safety net programs and with no other agencies or bureaus. The question for Republicans gives them the opportunity to describe their view of the future for almost half of the citizens of the United States.

The question asks only, what is their plan for the tens-of-millions of middle and lower income families, when the poor, the disabled, and the elderly lose their only source of income and their access to health insurance due to the GOP's cutting or elimination of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, S.N.A.P., Obamacare, and all other safety net programs created by liberals?

Please understand, these families will no longer be able to buy food, pay rent, clothe themselves and their children, seek medical treatment for illnesses, or afford other basic needs.

What is the Republicans’ plan for these ten-of-million of average Americans, many of whom are too young or too old to work or unable to work due to disabilities?

What will the Republicans do with these millions and millions of Americans?


Before you righties respond with your usual nonsensical crap or attempts at sarcasm, you should realize, only accurate explanations can further the understanding of the “Greatness” that Trump's and the congressional Republicans' policies are supposed to bring all Americans. Your typical BS responses will NOT explain how eliminating all liberal safety net programs will bring about prosperity for all, as Reagan promised, and the return to that “greatness” promised by Trump.

We've all read the headlines since the Trump inauguration, such as: Congress Will Gut Medicaid, Republicans Will Soon Repeal Obamacare, Trump Vows To Gut Social Security, Medicare Is On The Chopping Block, etc. These, and many other safety net programs benefit average Americans including liberals, moderates, those with no opinion, and yes, even some conservatives depend heavily on federal and state safety net programs.

The following question for the GOP leaders deals only with safety net programs and with no other agencies or bureaus. The question for Republicans gives them the opportunity to describe their view of the future for almost half of the citizens of the United States.

The question asks only, what is their plan for the tens-of-millions of middle and lower income families, when the poor, the disabled, and the elderly lose their only source of income and their access to health insurance due to the GOP's cutting or elimination of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, S.N.A.P., Obamacare, and all other safety net programs created by liberals?

Please understand, these families will no longer be able to buy food, pay rent, clothe themselves and their children, seek medical treatment for illnesses, or afford other basic needs.

What is the Republicans’ plan for these ten-of-million of average Americans, many of whom are too young or too old to work or unable to work due to disabilities?

What will the Republicans do with these millions and millions of Americans?


Ignore you fascist liberals....
Let's keep something that is really shitty, until we find something better.

Makes sense to the senseless.
Typical non-answers and BS from the righties. They are indeed, clueless.
Trump has plans, alright, but there's no way he's going to telegraph his punches. The first step is well under way:
Condition the masses to trust nothing they see, read or hear. Believe only what I say is true!
It seems to be working, at least on the rubes who voted for him...
Before you righties respond with your usual nonsensical crap or attempts at sarcasm, you should realize, only accurate explanations can further the understanding of the “Greatness” that Trump's and the congressional Republicans' policies are supposed to bring all Americans. Your typical BS responses will NOT explain how eliminating all liberal safety net programs will bring about prosperity for all, as Reagan promised, and the return to that “greatness” promised by Trump.

We've all read the headlines since the Trump inauguration, such as: Congress Will Gut Medicaid, Republicans Will Soon Repeal Obamacare, Trump Vows To Gut Social Security, Medicare Is On The Chopping Block, etc. These, and many other safety net programs benefit average Americans including liberals, moderates, those with no opinion, and yes, even some conservatives depend heavily on federal and state safety net programs.

The following question for the GOP leaders deals only with safety net programs and with no other agencies or bureaus. The question for Republicans gives them the opportunity to describe their view of the future for almost half of the citizens of the United States.

The question asks only, what is their plan for the tens-of-millions of middle and lower income families, when the poor, the disabled, and the elderly lose their only source of income and their access to health insurance due to the GOP's cutting or elimination of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, S.N.A.P., Obamacare, and all other safety net programs created by liberals?

Please understand, these families will no longer be able to buy food, pay rent, clothe themselves and their children, seek medical treatment for illnesses, or afford other basic needs.

What is the Republicans’ plan for these ten-of-million of average Americans, many of whom are too young or too old to work or unable to work due to disabilities?

What will the Republicans do with these millions and millions of Americans?


Trump has plans, alright, but there's no way he's going to telegraph his punches. The first step is well under way:
Condition the masses to trust nothing they see, read or hear. Believe only what I say is true!
It seems to be working, at least on the rubes who voted for him...
Awwww.....You miss being told your lies by Obama.....how sad......
Typical non-answers and BS from the righties. They are indeed, clueless.
You needn't worry so much. The Rs control congress and the president, but Obummercare is still here. The Rs are big gov statists just like you...so it could be Obummercare is here to stay.

Does that make you happy?
I have. Been. Poor, but. I realized. As. An. Adult, I. Am. Responsible. For. Myself. Thus. I set. A. Plan on how
I. Would overcome. My poverty. And
I was. Successful. I. Sought. Higher education. Which. Resulted. In. Higher
Paying work. These. Indigent people. You speak. About. Never developed a
Plan of action. To overcome. Their
Poverty. Many. Of them .have. Money. To smoke cigarettes. And. Drink alcoholic. Beverages but no. Money. To
Help. Themselves, wrong. Attitudes.
Also, where. Are Their family. Members?
This. Is. Who. Should. Be. Helping. Them, not. The. Government.
"The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." Alex Carey

I not sure why it is even necessary to ask the question posed in the OP. Republican policy has been obvious since the twenties in America. The depression screwed them up as did FDR, Truman, and even Eisenhower, but the goals never changed. First hyperbole, move wealth to the top, create an uneducated class of mostly whites to follow, and remove all supporting agencies while blaming the other side. When you have created a group of resentful uneducated people, you have the '400-Year Untold History of Class in America', a history told by Nancy Isenberg. Check it out. Do people really think the fight against public education is about better education? Hardly, it is more about managing ideas which manage the mind. I sound sorta conspiratorial even to myself, but you see this control too often to ignore it. Textbooks control demonstrate that. Teach their corporate sponsored unscientific ideas.

But Truman said it best and nailed them long ago, excerpt below. And for how money and republicans manage policy, see books at bottom.

"Well, I have been studying the Republican Party for over 12 years at close hand in the Capital of the United States. And by this time, I have discovered where the Republicans stand on most of the major issues.

Since they won't tell you themselves, I am going to tell you."
Truman Library - Public Papers of the Presidents: Harry S. Truman

"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken
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We've all read the headlines since the Trump inauguration, such as: Congress Will Gut Medicaid, Republicans Will Soon Repeal Obamacare, Trump Vows To Gut Social Security, Medicare Is On The Chopping Block, etc.

I don't know what the hell you're reading but I've not seen ANY of these headlines.

Gut Medicaid? You mean, like Obama did to the tune of $650 billion to roll out Obamacare? And yes, that IS what happened.

No one has "vowed to gut Social Security" ....that's just a flat out lie.

Medicare on the chopping block? Since fucking WHEN? I've not seen such a proposal by ANYONE!

Every mention of "repeal Obamacare" includes the word "replace" as well. Trump's proposals have ALWAYS included keeping the pre-existing conditions rider and other provisions as well as some sort of coverage for EVERY American. His was probably the most "liberal" of all the GOP candidates.

Now let's have a grown up conversation here.... We are currently $20 trillion in debt. We're having to borrow billions and billions of dollars every single year, just to pay for what we're currently doing. We don't produce enough wealth to pay for the shit we're doing... what part of that are you not understanding? We can't just keep on doing this because we don't live in a fairy tale. Eventually, the whole system collapses and no one has a damn thing anymore... is that what you want to happen? Wouldn't you rather us kinda tighten our belt a little now, make some sensible reforms, cut some waste and redundancy, maybe get rid of shit that's not working so that we can get our financial house in order? Is that not a better idea than acting like a bunch of petulant children who think money grows on fucking trees?

I know that your Socialist-Marxist brainwashers have convinced you that we just need to tax rich people more and all these things can be paid for... that's a lie... there aren't enough rich people to pay for your shit if we took ALL their wealth including the gold in their teeth. We've got to make some serious cuts in funding for things we don't really need and then we've got to massively grow our economy and generate the wealth to pay our way out of this.

Here is the problem with your massive social programs... they haven't HELPED the poor! When you actually LOOK at the poverty levels, you see that we've spent trillions of dollars for basically NO benefit. We're literally enabling one generation after another to be economic dependents on government. We have to come up with a sensible plan to get people off welfare and get them back to working and being productive. That's not cruel and heartless, that's just common fucking goat sense.

Most Americans don't have any problem with having a reasonable safety net for people who are truly in need. No one wants to be cruel and heartless bastards and just let poor people and children die in the streets... but if we don't get control of things, that's exactly what's going to happen. You are invested in a political party who gets it's power by exploiting people who are dependent on government. What you don't seem to understand is this is like a drug addiction. It's easy for an addict to just keep doing drugs and not worry about the consequences. It's hard for the addict to ween themselves off the drugs and get cleaned up. But that's what you have to do if you don't want to die.
We've all read the headlines since the Trump inauguration, such as: Congress Will Gut Medicaid, Republicans Will Soon Repeal Obamacare, Trump Vows To Gut Social Security, Medicare Is On The Chopping Block, etc.

I don't know what the hell you're reading but I've not seen ANY of these headlines.

Gut Medicaid? You mean, like Obama did to the tune of $650 billion to roll out Obamacare? And yes, that IS what happened.

No one has "vowed to gut Social Security" ....that's just a flat out lie.

Medicare on the chopping block? Since fucking WHEN? I've not seen such a proposal by ANYONE!

Every mention of "repeal Obamacare" includes the word "replace" as well. Trump's proposals have ALWAYS included keeping the pre-existing conditions rider and other provisions as well as some sort of coverage for EVERY American. His was probably the most "liberal" of all the GOP candidates.

Now let's have a grown up conversation here.... We are currently $20 trillion in debt. We're having to borrow billions and billions of dollars every single year, just to pay for what we're currently doing. We don't produce enough wealth to pay for the shit we're doing... what part of that are you not understanding? We can't just keep on doing this because we don't live in a fairy tale. Eventually, the whole system collapses and no one has a damn thing anymore... is that what you want to happen? Wouldn't you rather us kinda tighten our belt a little now, make some sensible reforms, cut some waste and redundancy, maybe get rid of shit that's not working so that we can get our financial house in order? Is that not a better idea than acting like a bunch of petulant children who think money grows on fucking trees?

I know that your Socialist-Marxist brainwashers have convinced you that we just need to tax rich people more and all these things can be paid for... that's a lie... there aren't enough rich people to pay for your shit if we took ALL their wealth including the gold in their teeth. We've got to make some serious cuts in funding for things we don't really need and then we've got to massively grow our economy and generate the wealth to pay our way out of this.

Here is the problem with your massive social programs... they haven't HELPED the poor! When you actually LOOK at the poverty levels, you see that we've spent trillions of dollars for basically NO benefit. We're literally enabling one generation after another to be economic dependents on government. We have to come up with a sensible plan to get people off welfare and get them back to working and being productive. That's not cruel and heartless, that's just common fucking goat sense.

Most Americans don't have any problem with having a reasonable safety net for people who are truly in need. No one wants to be cruel and heartless bastards and just let poor people and children die in the streets... but if we don't get control of things, that's exactly what's going to happen. You are invested in a political party who gets it's power by exploiting people who are dependent on government. What you don't seem to understand is this is like a drug addiction. It's easy for an addict to just keep doing drugs and not worry about the consequences. It's hard for the addict to ween themselves off the drugs and get cleaned up. But that's what you have to do if you don't want to die.
Funny thing is Big Ears cut Social Security and no one cared.

Obama cuts social security...
I have. Been. Poor, but. I realized. As. An. Adult, I. Am. Responsible. For. Myself. Thus. I set. A. Plan on how
I. Would overcome. My poverty. And
I was. Successful. I. Sought. Higher education. Which. Resulted. In. Higher
Paying work. These. Indigent people. You speak. About. Never developed a
Plan of action. To overcome. Their
Poverty. Many. Of them .have. Money. To smoke cigarettes. And. Drink alcoholic. Beverages but no. Money. To
Help. Themselves, wrong. Attitudes.
Also, where. Are Their family. Members?
This. Is. Who. Should. Be. Helping. Them, not. The. Government.

Good attitude but please drop the overpunctuation and write like a normal person. The affectation is tres-annoying.
Before you righties respond with your usual nonsensical crap or attempts at sarcasm, you should realize, only accurate explanations can further the understanding of the “Greatness” that Trump's and the congressional Republicans' policies are supposed to bring all Americans. Your typical BS responses will NOT explain how eliminating all liberal safety net programs will bring about prosperity for all, as Reagan promised, and the return to that “greatness” promised by Trump.

We've all read the headlines since the Trump inauguration, such as: Congress Will Gut Medicaid, Republicans Will Soon Repeal Obamacare, Trump Vows To Gut Social Security, Medicare Is On The Chopping Block, etc. These, and many other safety net programs benefit average Americans including liberals, moderates, those with no opinion, and yes, even some conservatives depend heavily on federal and state safety net programs.

The following question for the GOP leaders deals only with safety net programs and with no other agencies or bureaus. The question for Republicans gives them the opportunity to describe their view of the future for almost half of the citizens of the United States.

The question asks only, what is their plan for the tens-of-millions of middle and lower income families, when the poor, the disabled, and the elderly lose their only source of income and their access to health insurance due to the GOP's cutting or elimination of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, S.N.A.P., Obamacare, and all other safety net programs created by liberals?

Please understand, these families will no longer be able to buy food, pay rent, clothe themselves and their children, seek medical treatment for illnesses, or afford other basic needs.

What is the Republicans’ plan for these ten-of-million of average Americans, many of whom are too young or too old to work or unable to work due to disabilities?

What will the Republicans do with these millions and millions of Americans?


Before you righties respond with your usual nonsensical crap or attempts at sarcasm, you should realize, only accurate explanations can further the understanding of the “Greatness” that Trump's and the congressional Republicans' policies are supposed to bring all Americans. Your typical BS responses will NOT explain how eliminating all liberal safety net programs will bring about prosperity for all, as Reagan promised, and the return to that “greatness” promised by Trump.

We've all read the headlines since the Trump inauguration, such as: Congress Will Gut Medicaid, Republicans Will Soon Repeal Obamacare, Trump Vows To Gut Social Security, Medicare Is On The Chopping Block, etc. These, and many other safety net programs benefit average Americans including liberals, moderates, those with no opinion, and yes, even some conservatives depend heavily on federal and state safety net programs.

The following question for the GOP leaders deals only with safety net programs and with no other agencies or bureaus. The question for Republicans gives them the opportunity to describe their view of the future for almost half of the citizens of the United States.

The question asks only, what is their plan for the tens-of-millions of middle and lower income families, when the poor, the disabled, and the elderly lose their only source of income and their access to health insurance due to the GOP's cutting or elimination of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, S.N.A.P., Obamacare, and all other safety net programs created by liberals?

Please understand, these families will no longer be able to buy food, pay rent, clothe themselves and their children, seek medical treatment for illnesses, or afford other basic needs.

What is the Republicans’ plan for these ten-of-million of average Americans, many of whom are too young or too old to work or unable to work due to disabilities?

What will the Republicans do with these millions and millions of Americans?

There are many forums where they congregate, including this one, typing all day, day after day.

Typing is working.



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