A Quick Hello

Welcome! Help yourself to the doughnuts.

A word of warning, while we are a political debate site, many of our members resort to hostility in place of debate. Do not be daunted. There are still a lot of smart people with valid viewpoints.
I auit Biology 1.01 when I found it required "Pything" frogs. Little did I know, then, that was "pith" and the frogs were real French politicians.
I auit Biology 1.01 when I found it required "Pything" frogs. Little did I know, then, that was "pith" and the frogs were real French politicians.

Dissecting pithed frogs was an amazing learning experience. Seeing the systems working was very cool.
I auit Biology 1.01 when I found it required "Pything" frogs. Little did I know, then, that was "pith" and the frogs were real French politicians.

Dissecting pithed frogs was an amazing learning experience. Seeing the systems working was very cool.
While the philosophy of it all was very well written I have yet to share that experience. I'll be taking bio 1.01 for the first time next year and look forward to reflecting on this remark in cheer.
Welcome! Help yourself to the doughnuts.

A word of warning, while we are a political debate site, many of our members resort to hostility in place of debate. Do not be daunted. There are still a lot of smart people with valid viewpoints.

And this ^^ I daresay, is one of them.
I auit Biology 1.01 when I found it required "Pything" frogs. Little did I know, then, that was "pith" and the frogs were real French politicians.

Dissecting pithed frogs was an amazing learning experience. Seeing the systems working was very cool.
When we were dissecting sheep testicles, one of my classmates fainted dead away, fell off her high lab stool face first, gave herself a bloody nose.
While the philosophy of it all was very well written I have yet to share that experience. I'll be taking bio 1.01 for the first time next year and look forward to reflecting on this remark in cheer.

It's easier to do if you wrap each sad little Froggie cadaver in a French flag before pithing on it.

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