A Republican GOV confronted by reality runs away without his Starbucks coffee. Sweet!

I don't usually blame others for me not getting what I'm unwilling to work for.

Is there something in the Utah Water that makes you Mormons stupid?

Here's the thing, if you are going to insist that health care be something you work for, it should not be offered on a whim by employers.

Now most of the world considers health care to be a public service like police and fire protection. They spend less on it, they live longer, they have less of their babies die in infancy.

But a guy like Rick Scott can run a company like Columbia/HCA that overbills the government BILLIONS of dollars for health care treatment, and you complain that some woman would rather be on a public than a private program.

Again, though, you think you are wearing magic underpants, so I think it's all relative.

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