A Sad Day For America - Fascists Destroying Our Liberties


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
I was watching TV last night. I haven't seen any ads by the MyPillow guy in quite a while. Time was when I saw his ads all the time. I have no interest in his products, but I assume he was offering a great product!

THEN THE FASCISTS CAME. The CEO of the company just happened to support the GOP president and was vocal about his beliefs. I assume he can back them up but don't know if he was even given the chance.

So the commie fascists attacked him, attacked his business and sponsors. Why? Because he exercised his freedom of choice, right to vote and freedom of speech. The pathetic pukes want to silence all who disagree with them.

I wonder: has there ever been a single person or company on the Left ever put under by the Right, just for their views? I mean, all I've heard is how Trump was a tyrant and dictator, how is it that the Left have any voice at all?

So I see this ad by MyPillow and I'm shocked: he is advertising a huge sale, stuff normally $70 going for $29.95?

That isn't a sale, that is selling at COST, or below.

I can only assume this guy has been hurt by dropped outlets, sponsors, all kinds of attacks against his hard working American business just for his personal BELIEFS and CHOICES. And it isn't like the guy was promoting the killing of puppies. Just supporting his president and the certitude that his election loss was engineered. And IMO it most certainly was.

This is not the America I know or love. I just looked at his site and he also reflects the sale prices there.

ITMT, that stupid little shit kid from school says he's starting his own pillow company now as if he ever will or knows the first thing about the business much less can make as good a product.

A very sad day for America. People no longer have any respect for other people's freedom of choice. Those who organize to attack OTHERS promote themselves as the protectors of liberty, but in the end, everyone's liberty gets trampled, but THEIRS. Sieg Heil.
I was watching TV last night. I haven't seen any ads by the MyPillow guy in quite a while. Time was when I saw his ads all the time. I have no interest in his products, but I assume he was offering a great product!

THEN THE FASCISTS CAME. The CEO of the company just happened to support the GOP president and was vocal about his beliefs. I assume he can back them up but don't know if he was even given the chance.

So the commie fascists attacked him, attacked his business and sponsors. Why? Because he exercised his freedom of choice, right to vote and freedom of speech. The pathetic pukes want to silence all who disagree with them.

I wonder: has there ever been a single person or company on the Left ever put under by the Right, just for their views? I mean, all I've heard is how Trump was a tyrant and dictator, how is it that the Left have any voice at all?

So I see this ad by MyPillow and I'm shocked: he is advertising a huge sale, stuff normally $70 going for $29.95?

That isn't a sale, that is selling at COST, or below.

I can only assume this guy has been hurt by dropped outlets, sponsors, all kinds of attacks against his hard working American business just for his personal BELIEFS and CHOICES. And it isn't like the guy was promoting the killing of puppies. Just supporting his president and the certitude that his election loss was engineered. And IMO it most certainly was.

This is not the America I know or love. I just looked at his site and he also reflects the sale prices there.

ITMT, that stupid little shit kid from school says he's starting his own pillow company now as if he ever will or knows the first thing about the business much less can make as good a product.

A very sad day for America. People no longer have any respect for other people's freedom of choice. Those who organize to attack OTHERS promote themselves as the protectors of liberty, but in the end, everyone's liberty gets trampled, but THEIRS. Sieg Heil.
The thread premise is a lie.
You know when a topic starts with "I was watching TV yesterday and was missing the MyPillow guy" that it is going to be fucking gold.

Too bad I never even said that DICKWAD. Learn to fucking read.
I was watching TV last night. I haven't seen any ads by the MyPillow guy in quite a while. Time was when I saw his ads all the time. I have no interest in his products, but I assume he was offering a great product!

THEN THE FASCISTS CAME. The CEO of the company just happened to support the GOP president and was vocal about his beliefs. I assume he can back them up but don't know if he was even given the chance.

So the commie fascists attacked him, attacked his business and sponsors. Why? Because he exercised his freedom of choice, right to vote and freedom of speech. The pathetic pukes want to silence all who disagree with them.

I wonder: has there ever been a single person or company on the Left ever put under by the Right, just for their views? I mean, all I've heard is how Trump was a tyrant and dictator, how is it that the Left have any voice at all?

So I see this ad by MyPillow and I'm shocked: he is advertising a huge sale, stuff normally $70 going for $29.95?

That isn't a sale, that is selling at COST, or below.

I can only assume this guy has been hurt by dropped outlets, sponsors, all kinds of attacks against his hard working American business just for his personal BELIEFS and CHOICES. And it isn't like the guy was promoting the killing of puppies. Just supporting his president and the certitude that his election loss was engineered. And IMO it most certainly was.

This is not the America I know or love. I just looked at his site and he also reflects the sale prices there.

ITMT, that stupid little shit kid from school says he's starting his own pillow company now as if he ever will or knows the first thing about the business much less can make as good a product.

A very sad day for America. People no longer have any respect for other people's freedom of choice. Those who organize to attack OTHERS promote themselves as the protectors of liberty, but in the end, everyone's liberty gets trampled, but THEIRS. Sieg Heil.
The thread premise is a lie.
The thread premise is the truth. You do the lying.
Comedy Gold.
The guy has lost support by promoting the insurrection. No wonder folk dont want to associate with him. Keep your business out of it if you want to incite a riot.
Comedy Gold. The guy has lost support by promoting the insurrection. No wonder folk dont want to associate with him. Keep your business out of it if you want to incite a riot.

^^^^^ And the FOP from Wales would know. His pillow is a rolled up wool blanket on a park bench. Lyndell hasn't lost support. There was no insurrection. A bunch of cretins like you likely harmed a good business and all the hard-working people there whose families depend on their jobs for food. And just for daring to speak the truth. Just remember that when it next happens to you. Maybe some Muslim will come up tonight to deprive you of something you value! If you got anything, Pointy.

I haven’t followed the news story he’s been involved with, so I can’t speak on that, but I purchased his pillows and i have no problem saying he’s a huckster.

Edit: His better business bureau rating is F
I was watching TV last night. I haven't seen any ads by the MyPillow guy in quite a while. Time was when I saw his ads all the time. I have no interest in his products, but I assume he was offering a great product!

THEN THE FASCISTS CAME. The CEO of the company just happened to support the GOP president and was vocal about his beliefs. I assume he can back them up but don't know if he was even given the chance.

So the commie fascists attacked him, attacked his business and sponsors. Why? Because he exercised his freedom of choice, right to vote and freedom of speech. The pathetic pukes want to silence all who disagree with them.

I wonder: has there ever been a single person or company on the Left ever put under by the Right, just for their views? I mean, all I've heard is how Trump was a tyrant and dictator, how is it that the Left have any voice at all?

So I see this ad by MyPillow and I'm shocked: he is advertising a huge sale, stuff normally $70 going for $29.95?

That isn't a sale, that is selling at COST, or below.

I can only assume this guy has been hurt by dropped outlets, sponsors, all kinds of attacks against his hard working American business just for his personal BELIEFS and CHOICES. And it isn't like the guy was promoting the killing of puppies. Just supporting his president and the certitude that his election loss was engineered. And IMO it most certainly was.

This is not the America I know or love. I just looked at his site and he also reflects the sale prices there.

ITMT, that stupid little shit kid from school says he's starting his own pillow company now as if he ever will or knows the first thing about the business much less can make as good a product.

A very sad day for America. People no longer have any respect for other people's freedom of choice. Those who organize to attack OTHERS promote themselves as the protectors of liberty, but in the end, everyone's liberty gets trampled, but THEIRS. Sieg Heil.

Here is the absolute truth, I don't even know what this Pillow Guy has been saying, other than him believing that Trump was going to somehow win the WH back through some legal loopholes or whatever he was pushing. I like his back story of rags to riches. He's outspoken as Americans used to ALL be. Listen to him, silence him, or laugh at him. When did destroying someone become the American Way?

In China, the government state run media, basically tell the Chinese citizens what to believe and how to act. Sort of like the modern day, feckless corporation.

One day they are throwing eggs at the Japanese Embassy because media runs story after story about some confrontation if there is a dispute ( a true and funny story of the government lackeys driving a truck full of eggs for citizens to use and many of them pocketed as many as they could, went home and made dinner), citizens smash in windows of sushi shops (owned by Chinese citizens, also true), tear up Japanese flags, yell at anyone the believe is Japanese with threats and name calling. Dissent is only expressed by those looking to be destroyed.

The next day, they tell citizens that Japan and China found "common ground" and citizens quietly go about their business as they normally do, almost immune to their robotic compliance the day prior. Shameless in how quickly and irrationally they turned off the switch as quickly as they had irrationally turned it on. This is what MSM is attempting, in many ways, in the West. My Pillow Guy says some things that are unpopular, maybe even, *gasp*, conspiratorial as he expresses free speech and instead of them calling him out as "some crazy nut", they destroy him. What does that say about how confident some are?

MSM will report him accordingly, just as they report people of Faith in man respects (while avoiding certain marches of life, for instance, that might draw a million people). Corporations will give in to pressure from those who dislike dissent (if it goes against the accepted narrative) and walk away, in fear of some whiny Snowflake pretending he isn't going to buy from there, when they haven't bought from that company ever.

It starts with opposing media (Fox News, Newsmax), opposing politicians who aren't RINOS (funny how media embraced McCain and Romney after many years of calling THEM racists, bigots and angry White men), Star Wars actresses, TV Show actresses (Rosanne for example), GM's of sports team if they offend Big Brother China (Houston Rockets), etc etc. Next it is you. Social media. This forum. The public square downtown.

In the end, it destroys creativity, debate, opposing views and dissent which is the bedrock of innovation, capitalism and liberty. You find you are in many ways, like Canada, or worse...the CCP.
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I was watching TV last night. I haven't seen any ads by the MyPillow guy in quite a while. Time was when I saw his ads all the time. I have no interest in his products, but I assume he was offering a great product!

THEN THE FASCISTS CAME. The CEO of the company just happened to support the GOP president and was vocal about his beliefs. I assume he can back them up but don't know if he was even given the chance.

So the commie fascists attacked him, attacked his business and sponsors. Why? Because he exercised his freedom of choice, right to vote and freedom of speech. The pathetic pukes want to silence all who disagree with them.

I wonder: has there ever been a single person or company on the Left ever put under by the Right, just for their views? I mean, all I've heard is how Trump was a tyrant and dictator, how is it that the Left have any voice at all?

So I see this ad by MyPillow and I'm shocked: he is advertising a huge sale, stuff normally $70 going for $29.95?

That isn't a sale, that is selling at COST, or below.

I can only assume this guy has been hurt by dropped outlets, sponsors, all kinds of attacks against his hard working American business just for his personal BELIEFS and CHOICES. And it isn't like the guy was promoting the killing of puppies. Just supporting his president and the certitude that his election loss was engineered. And IMO it most certainly was.

This is not the America I know or love. I just looked at his site and he also reflects the sale prices there.

ITMT, that stupid little shit kid from school says he's starting his own pillow company now as if he ever will or knows the first thing about the business much less can make as good a product.

A very sad day for America. People no longer have any respect for other people's freedom of choice. Those who organize to attack OTHERS promote themselves as the protectors of liberty, but in the end, everyone's liberty gets trampled, but THEIRS. Sieg Heil.

Here is the absolute truth, I don't even know what this Pillow Guy has been saying, other than him believing that Trump was going to someone win the WH back through some legal loopholes or whatever he was pushing. I like his back story of rags to riches. He's outspoken as Americans used to ALL be. Listen to him, silence him, or laugh at him. When did destroying someone become the American Way?

In China, the government state run media, basically tell the Chinese citizens what to believe and how to act. Sort of like the modern day, feckless corporation.

One day they are throwing eggs at the Japanese Embassy because media runs story after story about some confrontation if there is a dispute ( a true and funny story of the government lackeys driving a truck full of eggs for citizens to use and many of them pocketed as many as they could, went home and made dinner), citizens smash in windows of sushi shops (owned by Chinese citizens, also true), tear up Japanese flags, yell at anyone the believe is Japanese with threats and name calling. Dissent is only expressed by those looking to be destroyed.

The next day, they tell citizens that Japan and China found "common ground" and citizens quietly go about their business as they normally do, almost immune to their robotic compliance the day prior. Shameless in how quickly and irrationally they turned off the switch as quickly as they had irrationally turned it on. This is what MSM is attempting, in many ways, in the West. My Pillow Guy says some things that are unpopular, maybe even, *gasp*, conspiratorial as he expresses free speech and instead of them calling him out as "some crazy nut", they destroy him. What does that say about how confident some are?

MSM will report him accordingly, just as they report people of Faith in man respects (while avoiding certain marches of life, for instance, that might draw a million people). Corporations will give in to pressure from those who dislike dissent (if it goes against the accepted narrative) and walk away, in fear of some whiny Snowflake pretending he isn't going to buy from there, when they haven't bought from that company ever.

It starts with opposing media (Fox News, Newsmax), opposing politicians who aren't RINOS (funny how media embraced McCain and Romney after many years of calling THEM racists, bigots and angry White men), Star Wars actresses, TV Show actresses (Rosanne for example), GM's of sports team if they offend Big Brother China (Houston Rockets), etc etc. Next it is you. Social media. This forum. The public square downtown.

In the end, it destroys creativity, debate, opposing views and dissent which is the bedrock of innovation, capitalism and liberty. You find you are in many ways, like Canada, or worse...the CCP.
You missed out the Dixie Chicks.
When did destroying someone become the American Way?
In China, the government state run media, basically tell the Chinese citizens what to believe and how to act.
In the end, it destroys creativity, debate, opposing views and dissent which is the bedrock of innovation, capitalism and liberty.

YOU SEE VERY CLEARLY, my friend. Look at all the a-holes here HAPPY a harmless and innocent business is being hurt for no reason at all. In their mind, he ISN'T innocent, he deserves it for supporting Trump. They are ALL FOR DESTROYING others they don't agree with because they are communists. Just wait until it comes to THEIR doorstep and someone attacks and tries to destroy them.

These are the same people who were LIVID just because of the smallest incursion on their sensibilities!

Just wait till the shoe is on the other foot. Just wait until people start picking up arms against these doxxers and fighting back.

We have a faction in this country now trying to turn America into the very thing we've spent 250 years being the place to get AWAY from such stuff!
It's no joke, people across the country are being intimidated by the Left. If you speak out against their agenda, they'll come after you personally and professionally.

Sooner or later eventually, folks are going to start fighting back with bullets. Then the Left can label them Trump domestic terrorists.
^^^^^ And the FOP from Wales would know. His pillow is a rolled up wool blanket on a park bench. Lyndell hasn't lost support. There was no insurrection. A bunch of cretins like you likely harmed a good business and all the hard-working people there whose families depend on their jobs for food. And just for daring to speak the truth. Just remember that when it next happens to you. Maybe some Muslim will come up tonight to deprive you of something you value! If you got anything, Pointy.


toobfreak called Tommy Trotsky Pointy.

Laughing Smiley.png
Comedy Gold. The guy has lost support by promoting the insurrection. No wonder folk dont want to associate with him. Keep your business out of it if you want to incite a riot.

^^^^^ And the FOP from Wales would know. His pillow is a rolled up wool blanket on a park bench. Lyndell hasn't lost support. There was no insurrection. A bunch of cretins like you likely harmed a good business and all the hard-working people there whose families depend on their jobs for food. And just for daring to speak the truth. Just remember that when it next happens to you. Maybe some Muslim will come up tonight to deprive you of something you value! If you got anything, Pointy.

View attachment 460100

If Lindell was really concerned about his employees, he'd have kept his fucking pie hole shut. If you're going to keep spouting lies about stolen elections and slandering voting machine companies, expect there to be consequences.
Comedy Gold. The guy has lost support by promoting the insurrection. No wonder folk dont want to associate with him. Keep your business out of it if you want to incite a riot.

^^^^^ And the FOP from Wales would know. His pillow is a rolled up wool blanket on a park bench. Lyndell hasn't lost support. There was no insurrection. A bunch of cretins like you likely harmed a good business and all the hard-working people there whose families depend on their jobs for food. And just for daring to speak the truth. Just remember that when it next happens to you. Maybe some Muslim will come up tonight to deprive you of something you value! If you got anything, Pointy.

View attachment 460100

If Lindell was really concerned about his employees, he'd have kept his fucking pie hole shut. If you're going to keep spouting lies about stolen elections and slandering voting machine companies, expect there to be consequences.
They are not lies and Lindell will be just fine. He welcomes the Dominion lawsuit.
I was watching TV last night. I haven't seen any ads by the MyPillow guy in quite a while. Time was when I saw his ads all the time. I have no interest in his products, but I assume he was offering a great product!

THEN THE FASCISTS CAME. The CEO of the company just happened to support the GOP president and was vocal about his beliefs. I assume he can back them up but don't know if he was even given the chance.

So the commie fascists attacked him, attacked his business and sponsors. Why? Because he exercised his freedom of choice, right to vote and freedom of speech. The pathetic pukes want to silence all who disagree with them.

I wonder: has there ever been a single person or company on the Left ever put under by the Right, just for their views? I mean, all I've heard is how Trump was a tyrant and dictator, how is it that the Left have any voice at all?

So I see this ad by MyPillow and I'm shocked: he is advertising a huge sale, stuff normally $70 going for $29.95?

That isn't a sale, that is selling at COST, or below.

I can only assume this guy has been hurt by dropped outlets, sponsors, all kinds of attacks against his hard working American business just for his personal BELIEFS and CHOICES. And it isn't like the guy was promoting the killing of puppies. Just supporting his president and the certitude that his election loss was engineered. And IMO it most certainly was.

This is not the America I know or love. I just looked at his site and he also reflects the sale prices there.

ITMT, that stupid little shit kid from school says he's starting his own pillow company now as if he ever will or knows the first thing about the business much less can make as good a product.

A very sad day for America. People no longer have any respect for other people's freedom of choice. Those who organize to attack OTHERS promote themselves as the protectors of liberty, but in the end, everyone's liberty gets trampled, but THEIRS. Sieg Heil.

Here is the absolute truth, I don't even know what this Pillow Guy has been saying, other than him believing that Trump was going to someone win the WH back through some legal loopholes or whatever he was pushing. I like his back story of rags to riches. He's outspoken as Americans used to ALL be. Listen to him, silence him, or laugh at him. When did destroying someone become the American Way?

In China, the government state run media, basically tell the Chinese citizens what to believe and how to act. Sort of like the modern day, feckless corporation.

One day they are throwing eggs at the Japanese Embassy because media runs story after story about some confrontation if there is a dispute ( a true and funny story of the government lackeys driving a truck full of eggs for citizens to use and many of them pocketed as many as they could, went home and made dinner), citizens smash in windows of sushi shops (owned by Chinese citizens, also true), tear up Japanese flags, yell at anyone the believe is Japanese with threats and name calling. Dissent is only expressed by those looking to be destroyed.

The next day, they tell citizens that Japan and China found "common ground" and citizens quietly go about their business as they normally do, almost immune to their robotic compliance the day prior. Shameless in how quickly and irrationally they turned off the switch as quickly as they had irrationally turned it on. This is what MSM is attempting, in many ways, in the West. My Pillow Guy says some things that are unpopular, maybe even, *gasp*, conspiratorial as he expresses free speech and instead of them calling him out as "some crazy nut", they destroy him. What does that say about how confident some are?

MSM will report him accordingly, just as they report people of Faith in man respects (while avoiding certain marches of life, for instance, that might draw a million people). Corporations will give in to pressure from those who dislike dissent (if it goes against the accepted narrative) and walk away, in fear of some whiny Snowflake pretending he isn't going to buy from there, when they haven't bought from that company ever.

It starts with opposing media (Fox News, Newsmax), opposing politicians who aren't RINOS (funny how media embraced McCain and Romney after many years of calling THEM racists, bigots and angry White men), Star Wars actresses, TV Show actresses (Rosanne for example), GM's of sports team if they offend Big Brother China (Houston Rockets), etc etc. Next it is you. Social media. This forum. The public square downtown.

In the end, it destroys creativity, debate, opposing views and dissent which is the bedrock of innovation, capitalism and liberty. You find you are in many ways, like Canada, or worse...the CCP.
You forgot to mention the Dixie Chicks.
I was watching TV last night. I haven't seen any ads by the MyPillow guy in quite a while. Time was when I saw his ads all the time. I have no interest in his products, but I assume he was offering a great product!

THEN THE FASCISTS CAME. The CEO of the company just happened to support the GOP president and was vocal about his beliefs. I assume he can back them up but don't know if he was even given the chance.

So the commie fascists attacked him, attacked his business and sponsors. Why? Because he exercised his freedom of choice, right to vote and freedom of speech. The pathetic pukes want to silence all who disagree with them.

I wonder: has there ever been a single person or company on the Left ever put under by the Right, just for their views? I mean, all I've heard is how Trump was a tyrant and dictator, how is it that the Left have any voice at all?

So I see this ad by MyPillow and I'm shocked: he is advertising a huge sale, stuff normally $70 going for $29.95?

That isn't a sale, that is selling at COST, or below.

I can only assume this guy has been hurt by dropped outlets, sponsors, all kinds of attacks against his hard working American business just for his personal BELIEFS and CHOICES. And it isn't like the guy was promoting the killing of puppies. Just supporting his president and the certitude that his election loss was engineered. And IMO it most certainly was.

This is not the America I know or love. I just looked at his site and he also reflects the sale prices there.

ITMT, that stupid little shit kid from school says he's starting his own pillow company now as if he ever will or knows the first thing about the business much less can make as good a product.

A very sad day for America. People no longer have any respect for other people's freedom of choice. Those who organize to attack OTHERS promote themselves as the protectors of liberty, but in the end, everyone's liberty gets trampled, but THEIRS. Sieg Heil.

Here is the absolute truth, I don't even know what this Pillow Guy has been saying, other than him believing that Trump was going to someone win the WH back through some legal loopholes or whatever he was pushing. I like his back story of rags to riches. He's outspoken as Americans used to ALL be. Listen to him, silence him, or laugh at him. When did destroying someone become the American Way?

In China, the government state run media, basically tell the Chinese citizens what to believe and how to act. Sort of like the modern day, feckless corporation.

One day they are throwing eggs at the Japanese Embassy because media runs story after story about some confrontation if there is a dispute ( a true and funny story of the government lackeys driving a truck full of eggs for citizens to use and many of them pocketed as many as they could, went home and made dinner), citizens smash in windows of sushi shops (owned by Chinese citizens, also true), tear up Japanese flags, yell at anyone the believe is Japanese with threats and name calling. Dissent is only expressed by those looking to be destroyed.

The next day, they tell citizens that Japan and China found "common ground" and citizens quietly go about their business as they normally do, almost immune to their robotic compliance the day prior. Shameless in how quickly and irrationally they turned off the switch as quickly as they had irrationally turned it on. This is what MSM is attempting, in many ways, in the West. My Pillow Guy says some things that are unpopular, maybe even, *gasp*, conspiratorial as he expresses free speech and instead of them calling him out as "some crazy nut", they destroy him. What does that say about how confident some are?

MSM will report him accordingly, just as they report people of Faith in man respects (while avoiding certain marches of life, for instance, that might draw a million people). Corporations will give in to pressure from those who dislike dissent (if it goes against the accepted narrative) and walk away, in fear of some whiny Snowflake pretending he isn't going to buy from there, when they haven't bought from that company ever.

It starts with opposing media (Fox News, Newsmax), opposing politicians who aren't RINOS (funny how media embraced McCain and Romney after many years of calling THEM racists, bigots and angry White men), Star Wars actresses, TV Show actresses (Rosanne for example), GM's of sports team if they offend Big Brother China (Houston Rockets), etc etc. Next it is you. Social media. This forum. The public square downtown.

In the end, it destroys creativity, debate, opposing views and dissent which is the bedrock of innovation, capitalism and liberty. You find you are in many ways, like Canada, or worse...the CCP.
You missed out the Dixie Chicks.

Who are they? Are they that band that disliked GBW or something? I vaugely remember.
If Lindell was really concerned about his employees, he'd have kept his fucking pie hole shut.
You might be right. But then, nothing has stopped the CEOs of leftwing organizations like FB, Twitter, Amazon and others from shooting off their mouths when they should have been tending business. 10,000 people and places have called Trump a liar, dangerous, deranged, and a hundred other untrue things.

With impunity.

But you have a problem with the one guy who stands up to speak his mind in defense of Trump. THAT'S fascism. You a commie, too, Little Jerky?

If you're going to keep spouting lies about stolen elections and slandering voting machine companies, expect there to be consequences.
What lies? The ones you have no proof of? Just the claims and word of someone else you choose to believe because it supports your desires?
How did CBS know it was all just baseless lies on Nov. 7 weeks before the evidence was even out to be examined?
And there is plenty of reason to doubt the machines and software. Want me to show you live video of election officials running ballots through a machine with KNOWN input and getting totally wrong output?

Didn't some democrats just contest an election saying there were thousands of wrong votes?

Sure is an odd position to take considering the FOUR YEARS the democrats contested the 2016 election claiming it was hijacked and stolen by just a few ads in Facebook.

Let me know when you're ready to debate the Great Lie. The election was a fraud. I'm prepared to prove it anytime you're ready.

Comedy Gold. The guy has lost support by promoting the insurrection. No wonder folk dont want to associate with him. Keep your business out of it if you want to incite a riot.

^^^^^ And the FOP from Wales would know. His pillow is a rolled up wool blanket on a park bench. Lyndell hasn't lost support. There was no insurrection. A bunch of cretins like you likely harmed a good business and all the hard-working people there whose families depend on their jobs for food. And just for daring to speak the truth. Just remember that when it next happens to you. Maybe some Muslim will come up tonight to deprive you of something you value! If you got anything, Pointy.

View attachment 460100

If Lindell was really concerned about his employees, he'd have kept his fucking pie hole shut. If you're going to keep spouting lies about stolen elections and slandering voting machine companies, expect there to be consequences.
They are not lies and Lindell will be just fine. He welcomes the Dominion lawsuit.

Just the 10,000th time these idiots have made claims over the past four years. And been WRONG every time.

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