A Sad Day for Truthers......Another 9-11 Aniversary

It has to be an inside job. The internets told me so.


the official story must be true cuz G.W Bush said it was

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pwh8H1huyx8&feature=related]YouTube - With Us or the Terrorist[/ame]
nothing there
but it would figures a known antisemite like you would think there was
it was investigated and dealt with, they were here on expired visas and deported

it's NOT Anti-Semitic to post links and let people decide for themselves
i read the story, it does NOT say what YOU seem to think it does
and you are a well known antisemite on this forum
To be antisemenite one would have to know what a semite actually is:lol:
What happened?

Nine years and the truthers have not unearthed a single smoking gun. Where are the millions of people they promised who would join their movement?

How many pathetic souls will be out protesting on 9-11?

Truthers will not get a single media story

I guess someone forgot to tell the truthers huffing was bad for them.
nothing there
but it would figures a known antisemite like you would think there was
it was investigated and dealt with, they were here on expired visas and deported

it's NOT Anti-Semitic to post links and let people decide for themselves
i read the story, it does NOT say what YOU seem to think it does
and you are a well known antisemite on this forum
Page 3 of this story seems to have quite a lot to say:

"Since their arrest, plenty of speculation has swirled about the case, and what the five men were doing that morning. Eventually, The Forward, a respected Jewish newspaper in New York, reported the FBI concluded that two of the men were Israeli intelligence operatives.

"Vince Cannistraro, a former chief of operations for counterterrorism with the CIA who is now a consultant for ABCNEWS, said federal authorities' interest in the case was heightened when some of the men's names were found in a search of a national intelligence database.

Israeli Intelligence Connection?

"According to Cannistraro, many people in the U.S. intelligence community believed that some of the men arrested were working for Israeli intelligence.

"Cannistraro said there was speculation as to whether Urban Moving had been 'set up or exploited for the purpose of launching an intelligence operation against radical Islamists in the area, particularly in the New Jersey-New York area.'

"Under this scenario, the alleged spying operation was not aimed against the United States, but at penetrating or monitoring radical fund-raising and support networks in Muslim communities like Paterson, N.J., which was one of the places where several of the hijackers lived in the months prior to Sept. 11.

"For the FBI, deciphering the truth from the five Israelis proved to be difficult. One of them, Paul Kurzberg, refused to take a lie-detector test for 10 weeks — then failed it, according to his lawyer.

"Another of his lawyers told us Kurzberg had been reluctant to take the test because he had once worked for Israeli intelligence in another country."
What happened?

Nine years and the truthers have not unearthed a single smoking gun. Where are the millions of people they promised who would join their movement?

How many pathetic souls will be out protesting on 9-11?

Truthers will not get a single media story

I think that we all should take the day off of posting. A lot of good people died on that day and whomever you think the culprits are; we all agree on that. Lets take a day just to quietly reflect on what happened and consider our humanity on a day of inhuman acts.

I encourage you all to attend a church service...of a different denomination (sp?). Drives radical Islam crazy. I think we can all agree that radical Islam IS our common enemy; can we not?
What happened?

Nine years and the truthers have not unearthed a single smoking gun. Where are the millions of people they promised who would join their movement?

How many pathetic souls will be out protesting on 9-11?

Truthers will not get a single media story

I think that we all should take the day off of posting. A lot of good people died on that day and whomever you think the culprits are; we all agree on that. Lets take a day just to quietly reflect on what happened and consider our humanity on a day of inhuman acts.

I encourage you all to attend a church service...of a different denomination (sp?). Drives radical Islam crazy. I think we can all agree that radical Islam IS our common enemy; can we not?

NO, I will not allow the terrorist bastards the satisfaction of anything except my strength to fight them tooth and nail. I will place my Patriotic flags out on that day and I will go ahead with my son's going away/wedding party on 9-11. (He leaves on the 15th for Germany where he will be getting married and living).
I sell truther expulsion kits.....I have several left in stock, hurry though 911 is close.


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How many Muslim children has the US Military exterminated since 1991?

Zero dip shit.
Would you even care if 40,000 Iraqi children died from direct and indirect effects of US bombs during Gulf War I?

I care about all innocents, however I also understand that their government played a dangerous game and didn't give a shit about the consequences.

In war people die, sometimes those who are defenseless. Sometimes it is simply unavoidable.But I also know that there was a lot less collateral damage in Iraq than there could have been. But for you to call it extermination. Fuck you. You haven't a clue.
Zero dip shit.
Would you even care if 40,000 Iraqi children died from direct and indirect effects of US bombs during Gulf War I?

I care about all innocents, however I also understand that their government played a dangerous game and didn't give a shit about the consequences.

In war people die, sometimes those who are defenseless. Sometimes it is simply unavoidable.But I also know that there was a lot less collateral damage in Iraq than there could have been. But for you to call it extermination. Fuck you. You haven't a clue.

bullshit there government played the same game many other nations have without consequences like shock and awe..it was total avoidable dont start so called preemptive wars which is simply doublespeak for invade sovereign nations in wars of conquest

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKX6luiMINQ&feature=related]YouTube - Bush Jokes about WMD[/ame]
Let's all give Id eots a hand :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

He first (in this thread) gives us a conspiracy video from an Iranian news source, and then he brings us President Bush making jokes at a dinner where he was invited to make jokes.

When we lose the ability to laugh at ourselves it will be a sad sad day indeed.

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