A silver lining


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
With the revelations of abuse after abuse by the crumbling government of Barack Obama, it's easy to become discouraged and question if there is anything positive to be found in these scandals. I think that there is.

Over the last years of the Obama regime, there has been a pattern of incitement, where Obama and his lieutenants have sought to provoke opposition groups. Blatant attacks on civil rights and trampling due process are the hallmark of this administration. I have held the belief that the Obama regime has been engage in a campaign to spark a civil war.

If Obama could pressure pro-Constitution groups into violence, this had two important results for the administration. First, it supports the fiction that the administration has been spinning from the first day of Obama's term, that those who support the United States Constitution are unstable and prone to violence. Secondly, it would give the administration the opportunity to revoke nearly all civil rights under emergency powers.

With the attacks on the pro-Constitution factions of America by the IRS, I believe that Obama has lost the ability to foment a civil war.

And that is a good thing.
i think you give him too much credit. I don't think his actions are to deliberately cause a civil riff. But I do think his actions/rhetoric have polarized the country to a point where such a civil explosion could happen.
i think you give him too much credit. I don't think his actions are to deliberately cause a civil riff. But I do think his actions/rhetoric have polarized the country to a point where such a civil explosion could happen.

I think Obama is a mere puppet - stupid, but he looks good on stage and delivers his lines well. However, I think the Chicago mob that runs Obama has been doing everything they can to spark a civil war.
I agree with TASB, Obama isn't intelligent enough to orchestrate such an event. Hell he can't even manage being president.
Wow! You guys are really, really smart!

What do you find that is good about the dozens of Obama scandals?

Look, Obama has sought to provoke the opposition into action for years. He has done everything within his power to incite a response from those who "cling to the constitution." I think these scandals end all of that, even if they don't outright end Obama's term in office.
Wow! You guys are really, really smart!

What do you find that is good about the dozens of Obama scandals?

Look, Obama has sought to provoke the opposition into action for years. He has done everything within his power to incite a response from those who "cling to the constitution." I think these scandals end all of that, even if they don't outright end Obama's term in office.

Sure! He wanted to divide the country. Makes perfect sense. You are a genius.
Without a second term, most people would not have realized that all of the promises about changing Washington was just typical BS wrapped up in a different package. He blew so many opportunities, including a positive legacy.
He guaranteed himself the lagacy of being the head most devisive, unethical, and scandelous Admin EVER!!!
Hmmm............ Our President took office with the nation sliding into the Second Great Republican Depression. Now, in the first year of his second term Wall Street is at record levels. The unemployment numbers are slowly declining. All of this, in spite of the GOP efforts to plunge this nation into an economic abyss.

The Bush admin lied us into a war that took over 4500 American lives, on the basis of lies, and kept the costs off of the books until President Obama took office. We lose an Ambassador and three others in an area that is in very violent flux, and the GOP wants to impeach the President over it. Anyone else see how rediculous their Bullshit is?
Sure! He wanted to divide the country. Makes perfect sense. You are a genius.

No question that Obama want's to divide the country into the party faithful and the untouchables.

But what I speak of is the attempts by the the radical left, including this administration to incite violence against the opposition.

{ President Obama has challenged just about every cherished American heritage one can think of, from our Christian originated morality to the very guiding tenets of the US Constitution. The administration has been on a mission of assault and ridicule upon state’s rights, defending our southern borders, refusing to prosecute voter fraud, refusing to prosecute illegal aliens captured by US border agents, and even providing arms to nation states that harbor terrorists in the Middle East. It seems that the Obama White House has been on an urgent and accelerated objective to tear down American traditions and national security as fast as they possibly can.}

Is Obama pushing America to the brink of civil war? | NowPublic News Coverage

{However, he was compelled to remind people that Monday is the “official Patriots Day holiday” in Massachusetts, celebrating the Battles at Lexington and Concord. He also pointed out that April 19, the actual date of the battles, is connected to Oklahoma City bomber Tim McVeigh, who apparently considered himself a “waterer of the tree of liberty and the like,” according to Pierce.

“I’ll bet good money it’s a right-wing nutjob. Today is April 15, Boston Harbor was where the original Tea Party took place and the on-going gun-safety legislation makes it the mostly likely culprit,” commenter Linda Ginsburg wrote.}

Boston Marathon Explosions Already Being Blamed on the Right | TheBlaze.com

{Obama delivered a speech today in Mexico City where he blamed the United States for being the root of Mexico’s violence. He even implied that the 2nd Amendment was to blame, after absurdly claiming he was committed to “uphold” the right to bear arms.

But worst of all was the shameless hypocrisy of a man whose Attorney General Eric Holder carried out a gun-running “Operation Fast and Furious” which sold AK-47s and other weapons, which have been used to murder over 300 Mexican civilians, and 2 U.S. Agents.}
Obama Smuggles Guns to Mexico, Blames 2nd Amendment for Mexican Gun Violence | FrontPage Magazine
Does anyone else find it interesting that there are exactly NO liberals on this board that act as stupidly as about half the rightwingers here act on a daily basis?

Don't you find it interesting that no liberal on this board provides an intelligent counterpoint to a conservative thread? Don't you find it interesting that instead of said counterpoint, they offer personal insults?

Liberals themselves claim to value intelligent debate, but offer responses such as this one.

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