A Time to Face Reality-Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint




Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

The news reported both the transcript and their analysis

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump
A $50,000 bounty? The "news" on this says "certain individuals" have offered that. One article says the whistleblower is in the Witness Protection program. lol Don't fall for same horseshit the other side is falling for, Sealy. I'm totally sick of the unfounded rumors on both sides of this "scandal."
Whistleblower attorney says '60 Minutes' 'misinterpreted' key letter
Regardless. I find it amazing that 2 days after the Mueller report Trump was right back to doing what we accused him of doing with Russia only this time in Ukraine. Busted. And now I think it's sort of obvious that although the Mueller report completely exhonerated the president, he was colluding with Russia too. Don't you think?

It would be like if OJ killed someone else two days after he got off.

It's great that we already know the tactics Trump, Rudy and the Corporate/Right wing media are going to try to use. They want to know EVERYTHING about the whistleblower. Why? To make it about them.

They want to bring up Joe, Hillary and Barrack.

I love Trump at the podium, "impeach me, for what? for that?" He can't fucking believe it. He thinks he's above the law. And so do his followers.
I'm not amazed at all. That's pure Trump, that right there.
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump
A $50,000 bounty? The "news" on this says "certain individuals" have offered that. One article says the whistleblower is in the Witness Protection program. lol Don't fall for same horseshit the other side is falling for, Sealy. I'm totally sick of the unfounded rumors on both sides of this "scandal."
Whistleblower attorney says '60 Minutes' 'misinterpreted' key letter
Regardless. I find it amazing that 2 days after the Mueller report Trump was right back to doing what we accused him of doing with Russia only this time in Ukraine. Busted. And now I think it's sort of obvious that although the Mueller report completely exhonerated the president, he was colluding with Russia too. Don't you think?

It would be like if OJ killed someone else two days after he got off.

It's great that we already know the tactics Trump, Rudy and the Corporate/Right wing media are going to try to use. They want to know EVERYTHING about the whistleblower. Why? To make it about them.

They want to bring up Joe, Hillary and Barrack.

I love Trump at the podium, "impeach me, for what? for that?" He can't fucking believe it. He thinks he's above the law. And so do his followers.
I'm not amazed at all. That's pure Trump, that right there.
...An still no Russian connection, let alone a Ukraine connection. Lol

Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

Can you show us the transcripts that you think exonerate him?

Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

Can you show us the transcripts that you think exonerate him?
How about the Ukrainian pres. Said nothing happened....you fuckers are going to lose SO MUCH IN 2020 !!! ROTFLMFAO



Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

The news reported both the transcript and their analysis

Maybe the Republican party should hire one of these USMB Republicans to go on 60 minutes because Kevin McCarthy did a horrible job defending Trump last night.

Trying to defend Trump, GOP leader caught off guard by reality

Last night, the House Minority Leader appeared on CBS’ 60 Minutes to defend the president against the Ukraine scandal, but McCarthy appeared lost when Scott Pelley presented him with basic factual information.

PELLEY: What do you make of this exchange? President Zelensky says, “We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.” And President Trump replies, “I would like you to do us a favor though.”

MCCARTHY: You just added another word.

PELLEY: No, it’s in the transcript.

MCCARTHY: He said- “I’d like you to do a favor though”?

PELLEY: Yes, it’s in the White House transcript.

At the bottom of page two of the call summary, released by the White House, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is quoted talking about how eager his country is to receive additional military support from the United States. The very next words out of the American president’s mouth, according to the document, are, “I would like you to do us a favor, though.”

I don’t understand why McCarthy didn’t know that. In fact, when the House GOP leader was presented with the now-infamous quote, he reflexively assumed that the CBS News correspondent was engaged in a public deception, “adding another word.”

To put this in some additional context, McCarthy knew he was going on 60 Minutes. He knew the topic. He and his staff had time to prepare for basic questions about obvious details – such as the single most controversial phrase in the rough transcript that created a political earthquake the moment it was released. It’s only 10 words; it stands to reason McCarthy would’ve familiarized himself with it before his national television appearance.

But House Republicans don’t appear to be sending us their best.

Too often, GOP officials rely exclusively on conservative media, which filters out accurate information Republicans really ought to know. Then, when the cocoon is punctured, and folks like McCarthy are exposed to details the rest of us already know, they’re incredulous.

“Wait a second,” the House Minority Leader seemed to say last night, “you mean there’s evidence of the American president telling his Ukrainian counterpart, ‘I would like you to do us a favor, though’ in the context of a conversation about military aid?”

Well, yes. It’s in the document McCarthy probably should’ve read before going on 60 Minutes. Maybe after learning a bit more about reality, the House Republican leader will reconsider the scandal through fresh eyes?
Did we or the state dept pay for his consiglieri Giuliani to go there with our tax dollars?
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

I think we have the "right" to know who this "whistle blower" is.

Why not?

2. Intimidation and retribution of the higher ups of a whistleblower is also against the law, which the president is also doing and breaking the law

3. this intimidation to "out them" is what the MOB does to keep witnesses of crimes or wrong doings, coming forward....


It is in the best interest of the Nation.... to have whistle blowers of crimes, corruption, abuses of power, wrong doings come forward and not have the fear of being fired or get death threats etc....

And to have them do so by going to the Inspector General, instead of directly to the press.

the IG finds whistle blower complaints not credible, when they are not credible.... not every whistleblower complaint is true or completely accurate and it takes the Inspector General's office and their preliminary investigation to determine such....

The IG found that this whistleblower complaint was credible after he investigated the complaint.... talking to first hand witnesses among other things...

And the IG designated this complaint as URGENT.
When W/B complaints are designated Urgent, it means there is a National Security Risk or an alleged crime has been committed....

This automatically TRIGGERS the IG's report, turned over to the DNI, the Director of National Intelligence, turn over the complaint to the leaders of the Intelligence committees in the House and Senate within 7 days.

the DNI did NOT do THAT....

They HID IT INSTEAD and did not turn it over.

AND THIS is why all of this whistleblower stuff is all out in the open....

the President's minions tried to cover it up, and prevent Congress from receiving it...they broke the law that states the DNI

SHALL turn the complaint if designated urgent, over to Congress within 7 days.....

The IG by law, if the DNI chooses not to turn it over, can tell and brief congress and give congress the complaint in person, as long as the IG tells the DNI he is going to do such.
Trump doesn’t seem too happy to me

What news have you been watching?

Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

Can you show us the transcripts that you think exonerate him?
How about the Ukrainian pres. Said nothing happened....you fuckers are going to lose SO MUCH IN 2020 !!! ROTFLMFAO



How about he's still afraid of Trump? How about he still wants that money the USA promised him?

How about because he's a foreigner he didn't know the mafia like tactics Trump was using on him. That happens a lot when someone is getting shaken down. The shaker doesn't come out and say exactly what they mean. But after a few minutes you get where they are going with this. So Trump told the guy "a lot of people" want him to look into Biden. The guy says "but we already did look into Biden and no wrong doing was found" so Trump says he's going to send Rudy his fixer to him to help him investigate.

In other words make some shit up.

This is why we need to impeach this mother fucker. We need to explain to the American people what a scoundral/criminal Trump is. And this isn't his only offense.

He started off his presidency by trying to pull this loyalty crap on Comey. Comey didn't join the cult. Even Paul Ryan said Trump was wrong for having that conversation but "Trump's new to politics" and doesn't understand. BULLSHIT. But ok, so he just got a warning. Then we know Trump colluded with Russia. No smoking gun but it's fairly obvious that if Trump wasn't president, he would have been charged. Hell, look at how many people close to Trump are in jail. That doesn't seem to phase Trump supporters. Well that's what the impeachment trial is going to cover. All of it. All 3 years of it. There is a pattern. Then a cover up.

This Ukraine shit is just the straw that broke the camels back. Finally a smoking gun to what we knew he was doing this entire time.

Amazing how much Trump cried that Obama was using the government against him, a political opponent. Then Trump goes and uses the government to go after his political opponent.

Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

Can you show us the transcripts that you think exonerate him?
How about the Ukrainian pres. Said nothing happened....you fuckers are going to lose SO MUCH IN 2020 !!! ROTFLMFAO


see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

the phrase is often used to refer to those who deal with impropriety by turning a blind eye.

There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info
The first time you faced reality would be the first.
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info
The first time you faced reality would be the first.
As troll posts go, that was pretty frigid stupid

Can the first of anything ever be anything BUT the first dumbass?

Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

Can you show us the transcripts that you think exonerate him?
How about the Ukrainian pres. Said nothing happened....you fuckers are going to lose SO MUCH IN 2020 !!! ROTFLMFAO



You think we are going to "lose so bad" anyways so I say fuck it impeach the guy. The corporate media sure isn't doing a good job explaining to the American people what a criminal Trump has been the entire time in office. All the lies.

Anyways, I also don't see why this impeachment has to take a long time or cost a lot of money. The House can impeach him in a week. Just a week of embarrassing the orange criminal. But we can lay out all the facts and then the Republicans in the Senate can defend his criminal activity. This will perfectly illustrate how the Republicans have allowed Trump to get away with shit they would never let a Democrat do.

I think this is great during an election year. Bad for Trump, not good for him like he's trying to suggest. That's reverse psychology. You guys are so obvious at this point.
Bring it on you party of INFANTICIDE svum...bring it on!!!



There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info
The first time you faced reality would be the first.
As troll posts go, that was pretty frigid stupid

Can the first of anything ever be anything BUT the first dumbass?
Another one so detached from reality that psychotropics are definitely in order.

In any event, the garbage cited in the OP is more hearsay and opinion.....Neither of which come anywhere near "reality".

So stuff it.

Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

Can you show us the transcripts that you think exonerate him?
How about the Ukrainian pres. Said nothing happened....you fuckers are going to lose SO MUCH IN 2020 !!! ROTFLMFAO



If you watched that press conference and believed the Ukraine President then you're dumber than I thought. Or you'll believe anything Trump the liar says so maybe you did believe him. But it was so obvious that Trump was standing over him and made him come here to say that he didn't feel uncomfortable or pressure from Trump. That's hilarious. Trump was dangling millions of dollars over the guys head while asking him to investigate Biden, who they already said did nothing wrong. So fucking obvious it's funny. So to suggest the guy wasn't still being bullied by Trump during that press conference is laughable.

Reminds me of when Trump stood over Melania as she voted and he even peeked to make sure she voted for him. No pressure there.


Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

Can you show us the transcripts that you think exonerate him?
How about the Ukrainian pres. Said nothing happened....you fuckers are going to lose SO MUCH IN 2020 !!! ROTFLMFAO


see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

the phrase is often used to refer to those who deal with impropriety by turning a blind eye.

View attachment 282000

Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

Can you show us the transcripts that you think exonerate him?
How about the Ukrainian pres. Said nothing happened....you fuckers are going to lose SO MUCH IN 2020 !!! ROTFLMFAO


see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

the phrase is often used to refer to those who deal with impropriety by turning a blind eye.

View attachment 282000


I think Trump should be impeached for threatening civil war.

Sorry Trump, you're not that fucking important that people on the right are going to lose their lives to keep you in office.

GOP Rep Slams Trump’s Quoting Of Pastor’s ‘Civil War’ Warning As ‘Beyond Repugnant’
Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger says he “never imagined” such a message from a president.

Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

Can you show us the transcripts that you think exonerate him?
How about the Ukrainian pres. Said nothing happened....you fuckers are going to lose SO MUCH IN 2020 !!! ROTFLMFAO



If you watched that press conference and believed the Ukraine President then you're dumber than I thought. Or you'll believe anything Trump the liar says so maybe you did believe him. But it was so obvious that Trump was standing over him and made him come here to say that he didn't feel uncomfortable or pressure from Trump. That's hilarious. Trump was dangling millions of dollars over the guys head while asking him to investigate Biden, who they already said did nothing wrong. So fucking obvious it's funny. So to suggest the guy wasn't still being bullied by Trump during that press conference is laughable.

Reminds me of when Trump stood over Melania as she voted and he even peeked to make sure she voted for him. No pressure there.

Hey asshole....haven't you been paying attention or do you just want to continue looking like a demented party of INFANTICIDE troll, which you are!

DOH! Did You Know There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation ...
5 days ago · My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton
Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

Can you show us the transcripts that you think exonerate him?
How about the Ukrainian pres. Said nothing happened....you fuckers are going to lose SO MUCH IN 2020 !!! ROTFLMFAO



If you watched that press conference and believed the Ukraine President then you're dumber than I thought. Or you'll believe anything Trump the liar says so maybe you did believe him. But it was so obvious that Trump was standing over him and made him come here to say that he didn't feel uncomfortable or pressure from Trump. That's hilarious. Trump was dangling millions of dollars over the guys head while asking him to investigate Biden, who they already said did nothing wrong. So fucking obvious it's funny. So to suggest the guy wasn't still being bullied by Trump during that press conference is laughable.

Reminds me of when Trump stood over Melania as she voted and he even peeked to make sure she voted for him. No pressure there.

Hey asshole....haven't you been paying attention or do you just want to continue looking like a demented party of INFANTICIDE troll, which you are!

DOH! Did You Know There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation ...
5 days ago · My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton

So what is your point?

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