A Time to Face Reality-Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

Barr needs to fix the whistleblower law that was changed illegally from firsthand knowledge to allow secondhand hearsay. If the whistleblower can name names and they come forward and testify themselves, that would be a credible complaint. As it stands now the entire complaint should be tossed out.
Even though everything turned out to be true?
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Same reason we don’t let el chapo know who’s on the jury.

This isn’t he said she said. We don’t need the whistleblowers testimony to know what trump did was illegal and impeachable. We have the damning transcripts

Plus I want the plant to keep whistleblowing on the trump crime family wrong doings

You wan spies and not whistleblowers...

Also a jury is not the same as a witness or an accuser, so why would you compare the two?

Trump has every right to face his accusers and to say he does not is very telling in my opinion and would make Putin very proud of you...
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

I think we have the "right" to know who this "whistle blower" is.

Why not?
Easy answer..the whistle-blower is active CIA. There are laws and procedures that govern such people. Preserving their identity might be in the National interest.

Or...at least they're sure going to say so. Can you refute them cogently?
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who is telling you this crap?


first hand WITNESSES and


he determined that the whistle blower complaint was CREDIBLE.and URGENT

Then why did they not file the complaint?

Are you getting your news from MSNBC?
No, I believe she got that from the IG's actual letter forwarding the complaint to the Director of National Intelligence. Do you want me to post it for you?

Go ahead because when I try to read it the font was to small...
Here you go. I know it's CNN but the print is big enough to read.
READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

No, it is not large enough to read on my phone and IM2 being a smart ass thinking it is funny should know Trump is not being removed so what will IM2 do after being shown this?

Most likely go into a rant about how Republicans are racists...
You need to get on a computer and read the damned documents, Bruce, before you argue about them. I don't know where you're getting your talking points, but a few of them aren't accurate. I tried to help, but it's up to you to get informed.
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There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
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who is telling you this crap?


first hand WITNESSES and


he determined that the whistle blower complaint was CREDIBLE.and URGENT

Then why did they not file the complaint?

Are you getting your news from MSNBC?
No, I believe she got that from the IG's actual letter forwarding the complaint to the Director of National Intelligence. Do you want me to post it for you?

But also remember many of you claim the favor was to get dirt on Biden and the transcript says Cyberstrike...
Yes, they talked about Crowdstrike and then they talked about the prosecution of corruption in general and then Trump said,

The other thing,
There's a lot of talk about Biden's son,.that Biden stopped the
prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.
Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if
you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

Bruce, I don't believe Crowdstrike had anything to do with Biden or his son, did it? If it did, enlighten me. I don't know much about what Crowdstrike is, except the DNC hack.

Read the transcript of Trump’s call with Ukraine’s president

Read the transcript in it entirely and at the time of the favor it was crowdstrike he was asking the favor on...

I do not deny Trump talked about Biden but he did not say " Hey do me a favor and let look into that also "...

That part is murky and can be looked at different ways...
That part is murky and can be looked at different ways.
Not really. Trump DID say do me a favor and look into that also, he said "The other thing" changing the topic...so whatever you can do with the Attorney General.... so if you can look into it....

It's not murky.
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump
A $50,000 bounty? The "news" on this says "certain individuals" have offered that. One article says the whistleblower is in the Witness Protection program. lol Don't fall for same horseshit the other side is falling for, Sealy. I'm totally sick of the unfounded rumors on both sides of this "scandal."
Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump
A $50,000 bounty? The "news" on this says "certain individuals" have offered that. One article says the whistleblower is in the Witness Protection program. lol Don't fall for same horseshit the other side is falling for, Sealy. I'm totally sick of the unfounded rumors on both sides of this "scandal."
Whistleblower attorney says '60 Minutes' 'misinterpreted' key letter
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump
A $50,000 bounty? The "news" on this says "certain individuals" have offered that. One article says the whistleblower is in the Witness Protection program. lol Don't fall for same horseshit the other side is falling for, Sealy. I'm totally sick of the unfounded rumors on both sides of this "scandal."
Whistleblower attorney says '60 Minutes' 'misinterpreted' key letter
Regardless. I find it amazing that 2 days after the Mueller report Trump was right back to doing what we accused him of doing with Russia only this time in Ukraine. Busted. And now I think it's sort of obvious that although the Mueller report completely exhonerated the president, he was colluding with Russia too. Don't you think?

It would be like if OJ killed someone else two days after he got off.

It's great that we already know the tactics Trump, Rudy and the Corporate/Right wing media are going to try to use. They want to know EVERYTHING about the whistleblower. Why? To make it about them.

They want to bring up Joe, Hillary and Barrack.

I love Trump at the podium, "impeach me, for what? for that?" He can't fucking believe it. He thinks he's above the law. And so do his followers.



Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is
Last edited:

Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Not really

You can investigate what second hand reports are claiming. Recordings, documents, interviews with those who were there

You could ask Trump but he would just lie about it
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Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

The news reported both the transcript and their analysis
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There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

I think we have the "right" to know who this "whistle blower" is.

Why not?

2. Intimidation and retribution of the higher ups of a whistleblower is also against the law, which the president is also doing and breaking the law

3. this intimidation to "out them" is what the MOB does to keep witnesses of crimes or wrong doings, coming forward....


It is in the best interest of the Nation.... to have whistle blowers of crimes, corruption, abuses of power, wrong doings come forward and not have the fear of being fired or get death threats etc....

And to have them do so by going to the Inspector General, instead of directly to the press.

the IG finds whistle blower complaints not credible, when they are not credible.... not every whistleblower complaint is true or completely accurate and it takes the Inspector General's office and their preliminary investigation to determine such....

The IG found that this whistleblower complaint was credible after he investigated the complaint.... talking to first hand witnesses among other things...

And the IG designated this complaint as URGENT.
When W/B complaints are designated Urgent, it means there is a National Security Risk or an alleged crime has been committed....

This automatically TRIGGERS the IG's report, turned over to the DNI, the Director of National Intelligence, turn over the complaint to the leaders of the Intelligence committees in the House and Senate within 7 days.

the DNI did NOT do THAT....

They HID IT INSTEAD and did not turn it over.

AND THIS is why all of this whistleblower stuff is all out in the open....

the President's minions tried to cover it up, and prevent Congress from receiving it...they broke the law that states the DNI

SHALL turn the complaint if designated urgent, over to Congress within 7 days.....

The IG by law, if the DNI chooses not to turn it over, can tell and brief congress and give congress the complaint in person, as long as the IG tells the DNI he is going to do such.
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Not really

You can investigate what second hand reports are claiming. Recordings, documents, interviews with those who were there

You could ask Trump but he would just lie about it
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

I think we have the "right" to know who this "whistle blower" is.

Why not?

2. Intimidation and retribution of the higher ups of a whistleblower is also against the law, which the president is also doing and breaking the law

3. this intimidation to "out them" is what the MOB does to keep witnesses of crimes or wrong doings, coming forward....


It is in the best interest of the Nation.... to have whistle blowers of crimes, corruption, abuses of power, wrong doings come forward and not have the fear of being fired or get death threats etc....

And to have them do so by going to the Inspector General, instead of directly to the press.

the IG finds whistle blower complaints not credible, when they are not credible.... not every whistleblower complaint is true or completely accurate and it takes the Inspector General's office and their preliminary investigation to determine such....

The IG found that this whistleblower complaint was credible after he investigated the complaint.... talking to first hand witnesses among other things...

And the IG designated this complaint as URGENT.
When W/B complaints are designated Urgent, it means there is a National Security Risk or an alleged crime has been committed....

This automatically TRIGGERS the IG's report, turned over to the DNI, the Director of National Intelligence, turn over the complaint to the leaders of the Intelligence committees in the House and Senate within 7 days.

the DNI did NOT do THAT....

They HID IT INSTEAD and did not turn it over.

AND THIS is why all of this whistleblower stuff is all out in the open....

the President's minions tried to cover it up, and prevent Congress from receiving it...they broke the law that states the DNI

SHALL turn the complaint if designated urgent, over to Congress within 7 days.....

The IG by law, if the DNI chooses not to turn it over, can tell and brief congress and give congress the complaint in person, as long as the IG tells the DNI he is going to do such.

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