A typical German suicide

What kind of nonsense argument is this now?

¿Do you know what is an anecdote?

What's a typical racist comment of an extremist idiot.


I'm always astonished to meet people like you who live not any fear of god.

That's a nonsense argument.

It's stupid what you say here. That's totally absurde. The virus is the preoblem - the vaccines are a solution of this problem.

Only to make this clear: A drug is a substance which produces drug addicts - as for example opioids, cocaine, cannabis, alcohol and so on. It's idiotic to call a vaccine "drug".

That's not real. Very most people who block in Germany the intenive care units on reason of covid had not been vaccinated.

The research will never be complete because the virus builds new variants. In the moment the variant omicron starts to replace the variant delta which had replaced other variants. Depending on this variants we always have to calculate the risks.

You found no correct translation for the crome "Mord durch Unterlassen" (~murder by omission) in the English speaking world? Strange.

What a luck that you are not a Nazi who has not any idea about real biology but only a stupid racist - without any manners - and without knowledge about natural science including biology. You should slowly start to try to understand that a dangerous virus attacks all mankind all over the whole planet and that we all together will have to reduce drastically the number of Sars-Co-V2 virusses, suicidal man.
OK Turk, let's see...

You're doing everything today as Nazis did back than, except gassing people, because you want to protect the people from the disease that has 99.98 survival rate.

You know, the Nazis had a phrase which covered all abuses by the state: "Für Ihre Sicherheit".

"It's for your safety."

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