A typical German suicide

^ I am afraid that nobody is safe from what is coming. Thus, it is freedom-loving individuals’ duty to stand up for their liberty, here and in other countries, to speak up, and to deny compliance to the infringements of our rights. Not everyone is indeed in the same position to speak up and take action, but together we can oppose this madness. I will end this article with one of my favourite German quotes, often referenced when warning of totalitarianism: Wehret den Anfäengen — be wary of early beginnings. As a German, I have always asked myself “why did people not speak up and fight back against the Nazi party in its infancy?” The answer? Complacency!
People in NYC have lost their minds. They think that the unvaccinated are murderers. These are the kinds of idiots that made Nazis difficult to get rid of. They'll believe anything the media tells them.....and refuse to believe that what the left is doing in their country is actually happening.
brownshirts are all i see Muddy....~S~
According to the draconian dystopian 'law' of the crazy mentally ill 'state' anyone forged vaccination certificate goes to prison and child protective services take children away, many of them will be 'fostered' by homosexual 'couples'
Just think about.
The criminal insane 'state' forces citizens to accept their death in the form of the 'jab'
Numerous laws and Constitution are completely trowed in the trash bin.
Citizens are denied the right of self-defense against murders from politic and presstitute lying media.
The family must die to avoid prison and 'families' of homosexuals as fostering parents.
Who is gulty?
Only the tyrannical 'state' which wanted to murder the family by the jab.

Why it's a typical German suicide?
Because moronic Germans are too coward, too weak and too stupid to protect own families against the satanic gang in Bundestag and Bundeskanzleramt.

Man in Königs Wusterhausen probably killed family because forgery of vaccination certificate was discovered
The father's fear is said to have played a major role in the case of the dead family of five found in Königs Wusterhausen. According to his suicide note, he had feared being arrested. In addition, according to judicial sources, there was the worry that his children would be taken away from him and his wife. According to the letter, the 40-year-old had a vaccination certificate forged for his wife. Her employer had found out about this.
ow the couple was afraid of arrest and the loss of their children, as senior prosecutor Gernot Bantleon said. He did not want to give further details. Investigators found the letter in the family's home. After the discovery of the five dead on Saturday in a family home in Königs Wusterhausen, the father of the family is considered responsible, according to investigators. The man had committed suicide after the crime, resulted in first investigations, about which police and public prosecutor's office Cottbus had informed on Monday. A suicide note points to the 40-year-old man.

A typical extended suicide of a man who "thinks" the own family will not be able to survive without him so he kills them all. It's one of the most interesting psychopathological problems. I fear in this case all propagandists of hate - a conglomerate of esoterics, never learning Nazis and insane anti-vaxxers - made it more difficult for this man to trust in officials and in psychiatric, psychotherapeutic and medical help.
^ I am afraid that nobody is safe from what is coming. Thus, it is freedom-loving individuals’ duty to stand up for their liberty, here and in other countries, to speak up, and to deny compliance to the infringements of our rights. Not everyone is indeed in the same position to speak up and take action, but together we can oppose this madness. I will end this article with one of my favourite German quotes, often referenced when warning of totalitarianism: Wehret den Anfäengen — be wary of early beginnings. As a German, I have always asked myself “why did people not speak up and fight back against the Nazi party in its infancy?” The answer? Complacency!

Idiot. It's really u-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e what a totally absurde unreal bullshit someone is able to think.
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A typical extended suicide of a man who "thinks" the own family will not be able to survive without him so he kills them all. It's one of the most interesting psychopathological problems. I fear in this case all propagandists of hate - a conglomerate of esoterics, never learning Nazis and insane anti-vaxxers - made it more difficult for this man to trust in officials and in psychiatric, psychotherapeutic and medical help.
We don´t want the old times back.
Germans are intelligent, kind hearted people, but like with many native Europeans, their blind conformity, and deference to power will be their undoing.
It has already been once, you know, the recent unpleasantness that ran from 1939 to 1945 and pretty much destroyed their country.
We don´t want the old times back.

Pseudo-German - go and seek for your "we are Germans" someone else. If you should really live in Germany - totally independent who you are really - then I'm absolutelly sure your local public prosecutor's office could be intestested in you. Every criminal is always proud to be a "we" - however stupid and criminal this "we" really is. You are not only a useful idiot - you are a superidiot on your own. Although Hitler is dead you - like your grandfather and your father - continue to help him in his most gigantic extended suicide the world ever had seen.
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Whatelse to expect than weird laughter from a weird preacher of hate who thinks the combination of the words "plumbum" or "lead" and "priest" could make any sense in the German language?
A typical extended suicide of a man who "thinks" the own family will not be able to survive without him so he kills them all. It's one of the most interesting psychopathological problems. I fear in this case all propagandists of hate - a conglomerate of esoterics, never learning Nazis and insane anti-vaxxers - made it more difficult for this man to trust in officials and in psychiatric, psychotherapeutic and medical help.

A big lot of 'psychopathological problems' has your corrupted lying good-for-nothing communist 'governement'.
The sad man and his family were forced in the suicide by Scamdemic criminals who transformed the former Germany in the concentration camp.
The entirely political class of Germany excluding of course AFD is a bunch of insane psychopaths, communists and schizophrenics, it badly needs not only 'psychotherapeutic and medical help.' but life sentences behind bars for their numerous crimes against the country and its people.
Idiot. It's really u-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e what a totally absurde unreal bullshit someone is able to think.

u-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e is what your united presstitute trotsky-like propaganda MS 'media' (Lugenpresse) 24/7 write about those who want to prevent transformation of the former free Germany to a communist shithole and Hell on the Earth
P - then I'm absolutelly sure your local public prosecutor's office could be intestested in you. n.

Can you put your 'prosecutor's offices' in your stupid communist ass?
You are not welcome on USMB, you're continuously spreading insane communist lies and threat anyone with your 'courts'
No one cares about your shitty communist country lead by psychopaths and its 'justice'!
Especially those who are under the protection of the First Amendment!

Go away from here, fuck off!
Just stop calling others Nazis. That would be a major improvement of what you think is democracy.

She will never stop it.
After 1945 Germany is lead by its enemies who smear any non-communist or non-satanist as a Nazi.
Only in USA you are allowed to be a patriot, in Germany you became immediately a Nazi

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