Hezbollah hits Israel with deadliest attack in months-long conflict, IDF says, raising fears of escalation

It was a golden age because the Muslims had a civilized base of conquered people. As the assimilated and/or killed them off, Islamic civilization collapsed back to the sixth century level it is at now.
It was stated that Islam had never attained "civilization" and I refuted that claim. But what is "civilization"? Christian Europe has been the primary source of antisemitism in the world not Islam. The Third Reich exterminated six million Jews not Islam.
Hezbollah took credit for the attack and then try to withdraw this confession when they found out they killed a bunch of kids.
No that's not true. Hezbollah have denied the attack on Majdal Shams. It is only the Israelis that are making the claim it was Hezbollah. But even if it were true, why is ten kids killed by Hezbollah some kind of outrage when Israel has been and still is bombing schools and refugee camp? causing toddlers to undergo amputations without anesthetic?

Please don't pretend to have moral values, your reasoning is shameful and bigoted, Israeli kids are important but Arab kids are rats to all intents and purposes. It is because of sick racists like you, that I post here, exposing your hypocrisy and crocodile tears and (no doubt) fake Christianity.
No that's not true. Hezbollah have denied the attack on Majdal Shams. It is only the Israelis that are making the claim it was Hezbollah. But even if it were true, why is ten kids killed by Hezbollah some kind of outrage when Israel has been and still is bombing schools and refugee camp? causing toddlers to undergo amputations without anesthetic?

Please don't pretend to have moral values.

I was outspoken at calling out Bibi for the death of innocents. I posted on here that this runs counter to the Judaism Faith to murder the innocent. The terrorists are fair game but not innocent civilians.
The difference has always been intent. Israel does not specifically target innocents. The death of innocent citizens is collateral damage, or, in extreme cases, bad intelligence. Neither are ideal, especially when sending young men to engage in not only risking their lives but potentially their souls, but the reality remains that it was not intentional.

Therefore, the situations are quite different. Whether it was Hamas or Hezbollah, they have operated in the same manner: firing rockets indiscriminately into Israeli territory. Even their Big Brother Iran did the same when they sent all the drones into Israel.

If you need further proof, consider all of the innocent civilians who lived peacefully on a kibbutz only to be murdered, tortured and/or kidnapped by Hamas. This is what those in their neighbourhood do to Israelis. They target innocent civilians.

To go through the great effort of kidnapping them confirms their intent beyond any reasonable doubt. This latest rocket attack is just a reminder.
I was outspoken at calling out Bibi for the death of innocents. I posted on here that this runs counter to the Judaism Faith to murder the innocent. The terrorists are fair game but not innocent civilians.
The difference has always been intent. Israel does not specifically target innocents.
How did you establish that belief? Israel never lies, is that the basis for it? You cannot perform an action that has a foreseeable outcome and claim the outcome was not foreseeable. You cannot unintentionally act indiscriminately, there is always intent.

The death of innocent citizens is collateral damage, or, in extreme cases, bad intelligence. Neither are ideal, especially when sending young men to engage in not only risking their lives but potentially their souls, but the reality remains that it was not intentional.
Are you serious? there are many reliable reports of children being shot intentionally, sniped, two shots one dead center head and the other dead center heart, these are reports from trauma surgeons. Stop lying to yourself.

'No toddler gets shot twice by mistake': US doctor shares horrific experience of Gaza I quote:

Two American doctors volunteering in Gaza have said they saw and treated multiple children with gunshot wounds to the head and heart, in the latest example of possible war crimes committed by the Israeli military in the nine-month long conflict.

So go on, tell me, where the FUCK is your moral OUTRAGE now?

Therefore, the situations are quite different. Whether it was Hamas or Hezbollah, they have operated in the same manner: firing rockets indiscriminately into Israeli territory. Even their Big Brother Iran did the same when they sent all the drones into Israel.
Yes, both sides to the conflict are guilty of terrorism.
If you need further proof, consider all of the innocent civilians who lived peacefully on a kibbutz only to be murdered, tortured and/or kidnapped by Hamas. This is what those in their neighborhood do to Israelis. They target innocent civilians.
You say "lived peacefully on a kibbutz". Many of the villages attacked on Oct 7th were once Arab villages, Arabs lived in them and had for many generations, sometimes hundreds of years. In 1948 these villages (amounting to several tens of thousands of people) were ethnically cleansed, the houses destroyed and Jew settlements then constructed.

Do you know where those thousands of displaced Arabs went? They went to Gaza and became refugees. Their descendants would watch over the barbed wire wall that surrounds Gaza and see the people "living peacefully" enjoying the villages, the river and streams and farms that was once their home.

The kibbutz are illegal settlements, they are squatters, living on stolen land while the original owners are crammed into an open air prison all but forgotten by the outside world.
To go through the great effort of kidnapping them confirms their intent beyond any reasonable doubt. This latest rocket attack is just a reminder.
If you treat people like animals then do not act all surprised when they fight back, when they want revenge for injustice and stolen land and destroyed families.

Israel has no legitimacy, it is a deranged Jew-supremacist ultra nationalist state and that must be stopped, the Palestinians have tried over and over and over to get justice via the UN but the USA has PREVENTED that, it has never allowed the UN to sanction Israel into obedience. So that's the situation, the Palestinians KNOW nobody cares, nobody wants to help and so - just as the Jews in Warsaw once did - they will fight like hell in any way they can, to right the many wrongs that Israel is guilty of.
How did you establish that belief? Israel never lies, is that the basis for it? You cannot perform an action that has a foreseeable outcome and claim the outcome was not foreseeable. You cannot unintentionally act indiscriminately, there is always intent.

Are you serious? there are many reliable reports of children being shot intentionally, sniped, two shots one dead center head and the other dead center heart, these are reports from trauma surgeons. Stop lying to yourself.

'No toddler gets shot twice by mistake': US doctor shares horrific experience of Gaza I quote:

So go on, tell me, where the FUCK is your moral OUTRAGE now?

Yes, both sides to the conflict are guilty of terrorism.

You say "lived peacefully on a kibbutz". Many of the villages attacked on Oct 7th were once Arab villages, Arabs lived in them and had for many generations, sometimes hundreds of years. In 1948 these villages (amounting to several tens of thousands of people) were ethnically cleansed, the houses destroyed and Jew settlements then constructed.

Do you know where those thousands of displaced Arabs went? They went to Gaza and became refugees. Their descendants would watch over the barbed wire wall that surrounds Gaza and see the people "living peacefully" enjoying the villages, the river and streams and farms that was once their home.

The kibbutz are illegal settlements, they are squatters, living on stolen land while the original owners are crammed into an open air prison all but forgotten by the outside world.

If you treat people like animals then do not act all surprised when they fight back, when they want revenge for injustice and stolen land and destroyed families.

Israel has no legitimacy, it is a deranged Jew-supremacist ultra nationalist state and that must be stopped, the Palestinians have tried over and over and over to get justice via the UN but the USA has PREVENTED that, it has never allowed the UN to sanction Israel into obedience. So that's the situation, the Palestinians KNOW nobody cares, nobody wants to help and so - just as the Jews in Warsaw once did - they will fight like hell in any way they can, to right the many wrongs that Israel is guilty of.

Keep looking back while walking and you will trip. 1948? Almost 80 years ago? That's history now and long overdue to move on and consider your future.

How about you go back to 2006 or 2007 when Israel left Gaza entirely. 17+ Years of Hamas rule and what were their great accomplishments for their citizens? Multi-billion dollar underground structures and accumulation of weapons while their "leaders" lived luxuriously in foreign countries with their mistresses.

G-d willing any leader who has betrayed their countrymen and broader humanity will pay a price. In this life and the next.

Stop blaming Israel for every ill in the region. Just stop it. They are the only democratic, meritocracy system in the region with a strong foundation of debate and civil liberty.

If the government in Gaza really wanted to have a booming economy and prosperity they would have developed housing and opportunities for their citizens. They would have encouraged education in culture, sciences and civics, rejecting religious extremism that has taught them to hate Jews.

You also miss the point in that Israel has admitted to mistakes on many occasions. The admittance of these errors is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength and is diametrically opposed to Hamas who has never accepted blame. Even to the point of blaming Israel for their own terror attack on October 7th!
Keep looking back while walking and you will trip. 1948? Almost 80 years ago? That's history now and long overdue to move on and consider your future.
So is the migration of Abraham into Canaan, that's also history now, time to move on.
How about you go back to 2006 or 2007 when Israel left Gaza entirely.
Ooh that was nice of them, leaving Gaza, how considerate.
17+ Years of Hamas rule and what were their great accomplishments for their citizens? Multi-billion dollar underground structures and accumulation of weapons while their "leaders" lived luxuriously in foreign countries with their mistresses.
Hamas were elected in a fair election observed by various external bodies. Soon after being elected they kidnapped an Israeli soldier because they had no other form of leverage to get Israel to release female Palestinian and child hostages that it has been taking for years and years. The only way to reduce terrorism from Palestinians is to compel Israel to abide by international law, every day they are allowed to act with impunity only serves to increase the resentment, if the world says Israel is guilty, breaking the law, illegal yet nothing ever gets done to address it, what is surprising about Hamas attacking as it did?
G-d willing any leader who has betrayed their countrymen and broader humanity will pay a price. In this life and the next.

Stop blaming Israel for every ill in the region. Just stop it. They are the only democratic, meritocracy system in the region with a strong foundation of debate and civil liberty.
The term "democratic" is misleading. Israel is not an egalitarian society, it can never be until it defines a proper constitution. Palestinian citizens of Israel are expected to cast their votes in designated areas and the access to voting offices is far less than in Jewish areas, basically it is much more effort to cats a vote if you are not a Jew. The entire society is riddled with stuff like this, but you seem to be unaware.
If the government in Gaza really wanted to have a booming economy and prosperity they would have developed housing and opportunities for their citizens. They would have encouraged education in culture, sciences and civics, rejecting religious extremism that has taught them to hate Jews.
You obviously know nothing of the nature of life in Gaza before Israel starting to destroy it.
You also miss the point in that Israel has admitted to mistakes on many occasions.
What point did I miss?
The admittance of these errors is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength and is diametrically opposed to Hamas who has never accepted blame. Even to the point of blaming Israel for their own terror attack on October 7th!
Blame is very clearly apportioned in the many UN resolutions brought against Israel that Israel completely disregards, any discussion about "blame" must begin by examining that history, the many resolutions and the many vetoes by the US preventing action to improve the quality of life of the Palestinians.

The UN is the basis for deciding these things, so we can step back from Hamas are to blame for this and Israel are to blame for that rhetoric and instead look at the formal resolutions that were put together by competent representatives of all of the nations who voted in the security council votes.

So based on the UN resolution and US veto history, there is a huge credible argument that Israel is by far, the worst offender.

These are the maniacs running the country, these are the maniacs who suffer from delusions of grandeur, believing that Jews are eternally entitled to do and say whatever they want anytime and any place. These are the true, modern faces of Zionism, racists, xenophobes, filth, filth in human form, Nazis as Hajo Meyer was fond of saying.

When a man speaks in that way, he cannot claim to be surprised when his arrogance causes Israel to be attacked, I mean that rhetoric ("I'm proud" of basically torturing and starving people who've not even been charged) is ASKING to be attacked, and that's because he WANTS Israel to be attacked so he can then embark on more violence which is the only tool such people understand.

The people of Israel must wake up and put and end to this extremism, if not then they can expect far worse than Oct 7th.
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So is the migration of Abraham into Canaan, that's also history now, time to move on.

Ooh that was nice of them, leaving Gaza, how considerate.

Hamas were elected in a fair election observed by various external bodies. Soon after being elected they kidnapped an Israeli soldier because they had no other form of leverage to get Israel to release female Palestinian and child hostages that it has been taking for years and years. The only way to reduce terrorism from Palestinians is to compel Israel to abide by international law, every day they are allowed to act with impunity only serves to increase the resentment, if the world says Israel is guilty, breaking the law, illegal yet nothing ever gets done to address it, what is surprising about Hamas attacking as it did?

The term "democratic" is misleading. Israel is not an egalitarian society, it can never be until it defines a proper constitution. Palestinian citizens of Israel are expected to cast their votes in designated areas and the access to voting offices is far less than in Jewish areas, basically it is much more effort to cats a vote if you are not a Jew. The entire society is riddled with stuff like this, but you seem to be unaware.

You obviously know nothing of the nature of life in Gaza before Israel starting to destroy it.

What point did I miss?

Blame is very clearly apportioned in the many UN resolutions brought against Israel that Israel completely disregards, any discussion about "blame" must begin by examining that history, the many resolutions and the many vetoes by the US preventing action to improve the quality of life of the Palestinians.

The UN is the basis for deciding these things, so we can step back from Hamas are to blame for this and Israel are to blame for that rhetoric and instead look at the formal resolutions that were put together by competent representatives of all of the nations who voted in the security council votes.

So based on the UN resolution and US veto history, there is a huge credible argument that Israel is by far, the worst offender.

You criticize that Israel left. You see the results over these years after they did?

The decisions that Hamas engaged in over the years since Israel left have reinforced the reasons for some believing the need that they not leave.

To have a two state solution those in Gaza have to have a government that wishes long term prosperity and liberty for their citizens and the education of children should not involve indoctrinating them into wanting to murder Jews. They are proud and brag when they murder Jews in fact.
You criticize that Israel left. You see the results over these years after they did?

The decisions that Hamas engaged in over the years since Israel left have reinforced the reasons for some believing the need that they not leave.

To have a two state solution those in Gaza have to have a government that wishes long term prosperity and liberty for their citizens and the education of children should not involve indoctrinating them into wanting to murder Jews. They are proud and brag when they murder Jews in fact.
Understand something, the Arabs and Palestinians owe Israel nothing. Israel is a colonization by a European Jewish Nationalist regime. It is alien, foreign to the Levant, it was imposed upon the Arab people who lived there, they did not vote for a Zionist government, it was FORCED upon them.

The people who's land has been stolen, who's homes have been destroyed, who's villages have been converted into Jewish squats, owe Israel nothing. Israel is the problem, it cannot be reasoned with, it cannot be compromised with, it is inherently evil and that's the plain truth here, it's basically that simple.

Israel has to go, in the same sense that the Third Reich had to go, nothing else can fix this.

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