Civil Disobedience

I know the Democratic agenda is more for the middle class.

I think the GOP cares more about the rich than they should. Dems too but not as much. You see it with the right wing Supreme's too btw.

You're either rich or socially conservative.

Honey really you need to catch up. This was true in like maybe 2002. It's 2024.


No. Really.
Honey really you need to catch up. This was true in like maybe 2002. It's 2024.


No. Really.

No even back then you denied it. It's just Trump has you believing he cares about the middle class and labor. It's a joke. Is he pro unions? No? Then he's not for the middle class. Neither are you because you hate unions. You don't understand how important they are to a strong middle class. You're a dingbat.
Only incels, and they are too fat to climb out of their mom's basement.

You cracker Boomers are done. Now go gum your jello.
Ahhhh, yes. How does it feel to be an INCEL? I am unfamiliar with that condition. You Gen Z people are funny. Do you have a teddy bear to comfort you or are you dependent on drugs to help get you through the day?
You are funny. Companies grow the food now, not you Boomer Welfare Queens. They hire illegals while you produce NOTHING.
PEOPLE deliver the food to that city you live in, moron.

People who actually work, unlike you.

They stop delivering, YOU start whimpering.
Please try to storm the Capitol again. 🥳🥳🥳
Nah, that's what you pussies do. And then the corrupt demofascists take care of you so you don't have to experience real consequences.

But, come out west where we don't coddle petulant children and you will experience a good ass whipping!
The primary voters wanted him to step down after the debates. You want to force Biden to stay on the ticket? 85% of us are happy. I voted for Biden too but then I wrote him after the debate to please step down. He did a great job but he's going to take the party down with him if he stayed in.

And he listened. Do you think Trump would listen and stand down for the good of the country or party? Fuck no.

Now you're starting to get it. Kamala is going to win. Trump barely beat Hillary in 2016. He won MI by .0001%. You think he's going to win MI now? LOL.

So you are going to engage in civil disobedience if Kamala wins? AKA Insurrection?

What ever happened to “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,"?

So when you lose the white house, which when he said this you didn't expect to happen, will the right keep it bloodless?

For months the magats have been calling for Biden to step down or get out of the race, now look at them. Wishy washy.
Nah, that's what you pussies do. And then the corrupt demofascists take care of you so you don't have to experience real consequences.

But, come out west where we don't coddle petulant children and you will experience a good ass whipping!
Ok Boomer.

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