Hezbollah hits Israel with deadliest attack in months-long conflict, IDF says, raising fears of escalation

Who invented the yellow badge to distinguish Jews in public?

Hint - it weren't Europeans.

I have no idea who invented it. The fact remains antisemitism is primarily a European Christian phenomenon and Islam has never pursued a mass extermination campaign against Jews as did the Nazis.

Many Jews choose to distinguish themselves in public too.
Outrage in the Arab World following Majdal Shams massacre: 'Hezbollah enjoys killing children'
On X, dozens of users from Syria and Lebanon expressed outrage over Hezbollah's rocket hit on the Druze village in the Golan Heights. "The resistance to terror kills Druze," wrote one user. The Lebanese government condemned the attacks on civilians.
By Neta Bar and Shachar Kleiman Published on 07-28-2024 07:00 Last modified: 07-28-2024 12:54
I have no idea who invented it. The fact remains antisemitism is primarily a European Christian phenomenon and Islam has never pursued a mass extermination campaign against Jews as did the Nazis.

Many Jews choose to distinguish themselves in public too.

For a "Sherlock" your fear of detail is quiet religious.
In other words, you admit that to justify your position
depends on an almost dogmatic ignorance of basic facts.

Then what's your moral basis to give marching orders
and judging the people actually involved?

Meanwhile all you do is wear masks
to attack old ladies on the streets
call that masculinity...and drown
that misery drinking vodka
in the "great satan".

And all that for
"jihad glory"
of course...
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For a "Sherlock" your fear of detail is quiet religious.
In other words, you admit that to justify your position
depends on an almost dogmatic ignorance of basic facts.

So what's your moral basis to give marching orders and judge the people involved?
That's a new turn of phrase "dogmatic ignorance". I admitted I don't know who "invented" the yellow badge, I don't know.
At least 10 dead. They won't stop, Iran is flush with cash and so are their terrorist friends. They want to eliminated Israel

Worse, when they believe there is a chance the next administration might be sympathetic to their cause.

JERUSALEM – The Iran-backed terrorist movement Hezbollah on Saturday rained down rockets on Israel, with at least one hitting a soccer field where children were playing in the northern Israeli town of Majdal Shams right by the border with Syria. Initial reports say at least 10 dead and 29 injured, many thought to be children.

The soccer field in the majority Druze town is a scene of shocking violence and the most devastating loss of life in the north since Hezbollah entered the war on behalf of the terrorist entity Hamas on Oct. 7. The Magen David Adom ambulance service says the victims are aged 10 to 20.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) put the blame squarely on Hezbollah in a statement issued shortly after the attack. "According to an IDF situational assessment and the intelligence in our possession, the rocket launch toward Majdal Shams was carried out by the Hezbollah terrorist organization. The Hezbollah terrorist organization is behind the rocket launch at a soccer field in Majdal Shams which caused multiple civilian casualties, including children earlier this evening."
This attack would not have happened if Israel was not occupying the Golan.
That's a new turn of phrase "dogmatic ignorance". I admitted I don't know who "invented" the yellow badge, I don't know.

Apparently it's willful ignorance, since the link was already provided.
because facts and context destroy the Arab supremacist agenda.

Let's examine your integrity and intellectual courage:
who initially forced the yellow badge on Jews?

Hint: not Europeans.
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Apparently it's willful ignorance, since the link was already provided.
because you know facts and context destroy your agenda.

Let's examine your integrity and intellectual courage:

who initially forced the yellow badge on Jews?
The article is speculative, virtually no source material for the claim it was first used by Muslims, so I simply don't know.

But lets accept that it was first used at that time, does that somehow prove that Islam seeks to exterminate Jews? I explain to you that extermination campaigns against Jews and antisemitism is largely a European Christian phenomenon and you respond with "but Muslims made Jews wear yellow badges a thousand years ago".
The article is speculative, virtually no source material for the claim it was first used by Muslims, so I simply don't know.

But lets accept that it was first used at that time, does that somehow prove that Islam seeks to exterminate Jews? I explain to you that extermination campaigns against Jews and antisemitism is largely a European Christian phenomenon and you respond with "but Muslims made Jews wear yellow badges a thousand years ago".

Speculation is all you have offered so far habibti.

Would you consider an all out war against the only Jewish state
with it's 10 million Jewish and non-Jewish citizens among
more than 20 Arab states a call for extermination?

What else do you call demanding exclusive
Arab domination over the entire M. East
and North Africa?

Arab Imperialism - from the camel's mouth

Speculation is all you have offered so far habibti.

Would you consider an all out war against the only Jewish state
with it's 10 million Jewish and non-Jewish citizens among
more than 20 Arab states a call for extermination?

What else do you call demanding exclusive
Arab domination over the entire M. East
and North Africa?
Complaining of Arab domination of Palestine is as ridiculous as complaining about French domination of France or Chinese domination of China. Israel planted itself in the middle of Arab occupied lands, promptly kicked out a million Arabs and then cries "Look, all the hostile Arabs threatening us, and we just went through one Holocaust already, please help us".

If Israel didn't want to be surrounded by hostile Arabs then it shouldn't have created a racist state in the middle of Arab lands, North Pole would have been far better.

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The UN didn't agree to "return them to their ancestral lands"...
Actually ...

Article 6

The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.
Actually ...

Article 6

The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.
Right, so no use of "ancestral" then.
I am sick of that ancestral home bullshit to justify a Jewish New York cab driver or Jewish London Bus driver taking land and homes in Palestine, they have as much connection to that land as i have, which is NO connection, do you know how insane it sounds? the ancestrors of Pontius Pilate could have a claim, my ancestors probably came from Scanidnavia if i took a farm at gun point in Norway i would be arrested and jailed but more likely locked up in a mental home.
I'm sick of this bizarre conflation between individual property ownership and the collective rights of a people to self-determination. These are not the same things.

If you are of Norwegian ancestry, and you know this because of the Norwegian culture you practice in your everyday life, there is nothing inherently wrong with you immigrating to Norway. That is not the same thing as you holding a Norwegian family at gunpoint and forcibly removing them from their home. It is a false comparison. (And yes, holding families at gunpoint and forcibly removing them DID happen during the wars -- on both sides.)

You appear to be making the argument that you have a connection to your Norwegian ancestry, but that Jewish people can't possibly be connected to their own Jewish ancestry. Made even more ridiculous by the practice of Jewish culture in Jewish everyday life, both religious and secular.
Complaining of Arab domination of Palestine is as ridiculous as complaining about French domination of France or Chinese domination of China. Israel planted itself in the middle of Arab occupied lands, promptly kicked out a million Arabs and then cries "Look, all the hostile Arabs threatening us, and we just went through one Holocaust already, please help us".

If Israel didn't want to be surrounded by hostile Arabs then it shouldn't have created a racist state in the middle of Arab lands, North Pole would have been far better.


That's called consistency,
a concept that might be unfamiliar to you,
but I'm actually applying the very "liberation" argument
you use to argue for exclusive Arab domination over the Levant.

The Arab-Muslim occupation of MENA lands wasn't by peaceful means,
only someone totally lacking self awareness, would suggest such
a self defeating argument. Which rather points to the Arab fear
of Zionism as practical alternative to indigenous minorities
under the yoke of Arab imperialism.

Right, so no use of "ancestral" then.


Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their National Home in that country; and

Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their National Home in that country; and
That's the Palestine Mandate, not a UN resolution and "ancestral" wasn't used.
That's the Palestine Mandate, not a UN resolution and "ancestral" wasn't used.

Its a legal document signed under the League of Nations, the precursor to the UN, clearly demonstrating the legal right for the Jewish people to settle that territory due to their historical (ancestral) claim.

Its a legal document signed under the League of Nations, the precursor to the UN, clearly demonstrating the legal right for the Jewish people to settle that territory due to their historical (ancestral) claim.
You can interpret it that way if you want to.

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