Beware the Marxist world of Kamalla Harris: "There’s a big difference between equality and equity."

So your peers that do know the difference, what are their opinions?
She nor her peers know anything about equity or equality if they do have assessed how things have cometo be the way they are.

You are an adut and YOU don't know.
'Equity' is hideous, and should not be tolerated in a free capitalistic society!!

We all should be on board for 'equality'.
The people that don't understand the difference between Equity and Equality,
are the same people that don't understand the difference Ignorant and Stupid.
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She nor her peers know anything about equity or equality if they do have assessed how things have cometo be the way they are.

You are an adut and YOU don't know.
True, many of my peers don't know. They just take what the prof's spoon feed them. I suppose it is easer because the are studying something else and just jump thru the hoops. I don't do that, and the profs are surprised when they read my assignments.
Whites didn't find or build a damn thing. People were already living here when whites showed up and my ancestors along with other non whites literaly built this land yr ancestrs tried committing genocide to have. So again whites need to shut the fuck up about equity when they made the rules to exclude non whites and the ONLY reason they ave what they do is because of social engneering.

Today the same racism exists that has denied equalit and equity. So you can just stop lying about how your white racist ass is getting punished for the past.
Who was the first person to go from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific? A black Muslim. Did Columbus discover America in 1492, or was it Muslims from Spain, seven centuries before Columbus. Explain the map of Abul-Hassan Al-Masudi, from around 900 AD.
True, many of my peers don't know. They just take what the prof's spoon feed them. I suppose it is easer because the are studying something else and just jump thru the hoops. I don't do that, and the profs are surprised when they read my assignments.
YOU don't know.
I don't believe any of you following along with the OP, and the pied piper senior editor from Reason, understand the meaning of the word, "equity". The sad part, that editor damn sure knows the meaning of "equity".

Pay attention to the video. It is about everyone starting out at the same place, with the same opportunities. That is not happening now.

The most damning statistic about the United States, and the reason we keep finding ourselves falling further and further behind the rest of the world. Here, in the United States a student raised in the highest income quintile, but showing up in the lowest quintile of standardized test scores, has a better chance of graduating from college than a student, raised in the lowest quintile in income, but scoring in the highest quintile on standardized test. That is FUBARED. It robs all of us. Robs us of potential, robs us of innovation and progress.

In counties throughout this country there are vast differences in school districts. Eliminating the Department of Education is a terrible idea. The federal government is the only entity with the capability to help "level the playing field".

In the wealthy suburban area of the county, around the lake, among the golf courses, within the Country Club, there are school districts with plush facilities, astroturf on the football field, Latin classes in high school, first graders are presented a laptop on their first day of school. Textbooks are replaced after three or four years, the library has everything from the old classics to modern literature. They have real working labs, gas-jets on lap tables for science classes. In the inner-city students are showing up in classes where the roof leaks, mold is building up in the bathroom, textbooks came from the last century and are worn and torn. They don't have a lab, they don't know what Latin is, and they have one choice for a foreign language, Spanish. Laptops? LMAO, you people went batshit crazy when the poor were given access to cell phones.

You know another word for "equity"? JUSTICE. Someone, anyone, tell me how it is "just" that two students, attending two different schools, have such a difference in accommodations and opportunities? Is it their fault?

Harris is talking about leveling the playing field, period. And no, she ain't going to get there, it will take three or four generations to get us to that point. And from what I have seen with the most recent generations, it is going to happen, like it or not. First, all the self-absorbed asshat Boomers have to die off.

To them, and to many of you, you believe you are playing a football game. Problem is, there is no change of the field at halftime. And the wealthy, and even much of the upper-middleclass, are trying to score a touchdown on about a 30% decline. And worse, when they do score, they hoot and holler and act like they just bought Jesus back.

Meanwhile, the poor, and actually much of the middleclass, they are on the opposing team and looking at a goalpost that is at the end of a 30% incline. And here is the thing, both teams can see the damn field. Harris might want to move it to a flat ground, she can't get there. But even her attempts at lowering the grade are met with bullshit, like the OP's linked article. Can you blame those that are facing that hill for getting mad, lashing out? I can't. I won't. I reserve my anger for the pussies that are scoring touchdowns downhill.

But i got the drift. The thing is, it's a distinction without a difference. "Equal outcomes" and "equal starting place" both require government to violate equal rights. Instead of equal rights under the law, everyone is treated differently depending on which interest group they belong to.

Equity sounds good for people who are getting a raw deal from society as is. But equal rights is far more important and fundamental to free society. If we trade it in for equity, I think we'll soon regret it.
Equity does give everyone a chance at that apple by making adjustments.

equality does not guarantee that you will get that apple and failure is always an option simply because of circumstances beyond your control. There are winners and losers.

So equity makes everyone a winner. levels the playing field.
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Who was the first person to go from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific? A black Muslim. Did Columbus discover America in 1492, or was it Muslims from Spain, seven centuries before Columbus. Explain the map of Abul-Hassan Al-Masudi, from around 900 AD.
Why should I describe these things? Because I know Columbus didn't discover America. He never made it to America. If I was to say that blacks landed in what Is called Los Angeles now years before Jonestown, the racists here will try telling me it is fake news. They are the ones you need to ask to explain things.
White Americans really need to shut up about this. Go back and re read your history so you understand how America was socially engineered to provide the best possible outcomes for whites.

Somehow this was attributed to IM2. I apologize.
The USA was built by whites, blacks were never more than a minority. In any country the majority has the best outcomes. In Japan, ethnic Japanese built their society to provide the best outcome for them, in China the ethnic Han did the same, In the various African countries the same, in the Soviet Union ethnic Russians got the bennies. If you don't like it living in a majority NOT BLACK country, go move to one. Zimbabwe or Somalia would be great places for you to locate to. I'm sure with your great amount of education and vast amount of experience in advancing black people you would be a great success in either country.
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Equity does give everyone a chance at that apple by making adjustments.

equality does not guarantee that you will get that apple and failure is always an option.
My main argumemt with those who make negative claims about equty, which you are not doing here, is that they post opinions that ignore how things actully created the way things are now.
I don't believe any of you following along with the OP, and the pied piper senior editor from Reason, understand the meaning of the word, "equity". The sad part, that editor damn sure knows the meaning of "equity".

Pay attention to the video. It is about everyone starting out at the same place, with the same opportunities. That is not happening now.

The most damning statistic about the United States, and the reason we keep finding ourselves falling further and further behind the rest of the world. Here, in the United States a student raised in the highest income quintile, but showing up in the lowest quintile of standardized test scores, has a better chance of graduating from college than a student, raised in the lowest quintile in income, but scoring in the highest quintile on standardized test. That is FUBARED. It robs all of us. Robs us of potential, robs us of innovation and progress.

In counties throughout this country there are vast differences in school districts. Eliminating the Department of Education is a terrible idea. The federal government is the only entity with the capability to help "level the playing field".

In the wealthy suburban area of the county, around the lake, among the golf courses, within the Country Club, there are school districts with plush facilities, astroturf on the football field, Latin classes in high school, first graders are presented a laptop on their first day of school. Textbooks are replaced after three or four years, the library has everything from the old classics to modern literature. They have real working labs, gas-jets on lap tables for science classes. In the inner-city students are showing up in classes where the roof leaks, mold is building up in the bathroom, textbooks came from the last century and are worn and torn. They don't have a lab, they don't know what Latin is, and they have one choice for a foreign language, Spanish. Laptops? LMAO, you people went batshit crazy when the poor were given access to cell phones.

You know another word for "equity"? JUSTICE. Someone, anyone, tell me how it is "just" that two students, attending two different schools, have such a difference in accommodations and opportunities? Is it their fault?

Harris is talking about leveling the playing field, period. And no, she ain't going to get there, it will take three or four generations to get us to that point. And from what I have seen with the most recent generations, it is going to happen, like it or not. First, all the self-absorbed asshat Boomers have to die off.

To them, and to many of you, you believe you are playing a football game. Problem is, there is no change of the field at halftime. And the wealthy, and even much of the upper-middleclass, are trying to score a touchdown on about a 30% decline. And worse, when they do score, they hoot and holler and act like they just bought Jesus back.

Meanwhile, the poor, and actually much of the middleclass, they are on the opposing team and looking at a goalpost that is at the end of a 30% incline. And here is the thing, both teams can see the damn field. Harris might want to move it to a flat ground, she can't get there. But even her attempts at lowering the grade are met with bullshit, like the OP's linked article. Can you blame those that are facing that hill for getting mad, lashing out? I can't. I won't. I reserve my anger for the pussies that are scoring touchdowns downhill.

I understand it, I have been warning people about it for several years now.

The video, is simplistic, and I probably should not have even posted it.

I get what you're saying about everyone 'starting at the same place'. If that was all we were doing, then that would be simply 'equality', which is what we all should want.
But here's the problem with that, when viewed through the 'equity' lens. In order to get everyone at that same perceived 'starting place' the ones who are viewed as being below the starting place, in order to elevate them, someone else has to be discriminated against for whatever period of time in order for all those on the lower rungs to be elevated to the so-called 'starting place'.

This philosophy has been tried and re-tried throughout history. There's a name for it, which escapes me at the moment........................:razz:
Whites didn't find or build a damn thing. People were already living here when whites showed up and my ancestors along with other non whites literaly built this land yr ancestrs tried committing genocide to have. So again whites need to shut the fuck up about equity when they made the rules to exclude non whites and the ONLY reason they ave what they do is because of social engneering.

Today the same racism exists that has denied equalit and equity. So you can just stop lying about how your white racist ass is getting punished for the past.

It's worthless to argue with people like you. No doubt, your free education consisted of black radical professors, who filled your head with silly notions.
How would possibly know what I know and what I don't know?

Your support of Trump is telling.

So how about you just tell me what you do know? Since you have claimed to be so much more enlightened than your perrs about equity and equality to the point where you surprise your professors.

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