Beware the Marxist world of Kamalla Harris: "There’s a big difference between equality and equity."

This is how I understand it, but profs keep trying to blur the lines. They also keep talking about how WHITENESS is bad, but they are really talking about WHITE.
And so here you have bought into the lie of white grievance.
It's worthless to argue with people like you. No doubt, your free education consisted of black radical professors, who filled your head with silly notions.
He admits to having been a Sociology Major. MODS, that is from one of IM2s posts, I AM NOT DOXXING HIM.
Your support of Trump is telling.

So how about you just tell me what you do know? Since you have claimed to be so much more enlightened than your perrs about equity and equality to the point where you surprise your professors.
It's telling of what? And where do you get off telling me to talk with you? You sound quite paternalistic.

But i got the drift. The thing is, it's a distinction without a difference. "Equal outcomes" and "equal starting place" both require government to violate equal rights. Instead of equal rights under the law, everyone is treated differently depending on which interest group they belong to.

Equity sounds good for people who are getting a raw deal from society as is. But equal rights is far more important and fundamental to free society. If we trade it in for equity, I think we'll soon regret it.
Only if we're pretending property and capital were equally distributed. Some of us had the right to own others as property.
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Wrong. Equity means the same OUTCOME. Equality is the same OPPORTUNITY.
Again, whites really need to stop talking about this, because the rules were made to exclude non whites for all but 60 years of this country. And even with the CRA, whites have worked to circumvent those policies. Things have been artificialy engineered to provide whites with the best OUTCOMES and most OPPORTUNITIES
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What lie?
The "whites are are bad' lie.

Do you not understand how laws and policies were made and have been maintained to provide whites with the most opportunities, therefore ensuring the best outcomes for whites? Do you not know that you, the white female, has been the number one beneficiary of Affirmative Action and DEI? That is evidence of the lie right there.
It's worthless to argue with people like you. No doubt, your free education consisted of black radical professors, who filled your head with silly notions.
You can't argue because you have ost. The facts defeat your argument. My education? I graduated from college 4 decades ago, my research for the past 30 years show me the facts.
Do you not understand how laws and policies were made and have been maintained to provide whites with the most opportunities, therefore ensuring the best outcomes for whites? Do you not know that you, the white female, has been the number one beneficiary of Affirmative Action and DEI? That is evidence of the lie right there.
First of all, I am not a white female. Second of all, you sound like a grade A Whiner.
It's telling of what? And where do you get off telling me to talk with you? You sound quite paternalistic.
Your attitude is rather silly. If you can't explain your position, I understand.
'Equity' is hideous, and should not be tolerated in a free capitalistic society!!

We all should be on board for 'equality'. We know, that has not been the case in the past, but the goal starting today, is that everyone should have an equal opportunity.

'Equity' on the other hand, is a whole different animal, and is very un-American!

Not surprisingly, a Marxist will always be for 'equity', where you take and give depending on their needs. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". Sound familliar? This is the world that Kamalla Harris wants for America.

"The government cannot deny rights to certain people because they are black, female, Muslim, etc.—this would be unequal treatment. A mandate to foster equity, though, would give the government power to violate these rights in order to achieve identical social results for all people. In accordance with this thinking, the authorities might be justified in giving some people more rights than others."

Kamala Harris Says Equal Outcomes Should Be the Goal of Public Policy​

"There’s a big difference between equality and equity."​

Equality sets a standard and all people regardless of who they are can try to meet that standard. If that results in an unequal representation of any societal demographic so be it. If the standard is physical strength it will be mostly or all men who qualify. That is not unfair to women so long as they are not excluded from trying. If only black people qualify, that is not unfair to white people so long as they had an equal chance to try. Or vice versa etc. The result is increased competence, potential, ability, expertise, excellence and encouragement for the ambitious to work to meet the required standard.

Equity lowers the standard so all or most can qualify however limited in ability or aptitude. The result is lowered competence, potential, ability, expertise with mediocre or pitiful or disastrous outcomes and little incentive for people to excel or improve themselves.
He admits to having been a Sociology Major. MODS, that is from one of IM2s posts, I AM NOT DOXXING HIM.

Saying that "Whites didn't find or build a damn thing", is simply an outburst with no credibility, and in fact laughable.

White-Europeans and their technology of the day founded this NATION. Obviously the land itself was already here, I mean DUH!!

White-Europeans wrote the rules, the laws, the Constitution.

Between Europeans, and white European-Americans the technology grew at an amazing rate.

Potable water
Modern Heat
Space flight

Good lord, what's the point this list could go on endlessly!

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