Debate Now A Hard Look at the MAGA Movement

If we build the wall and patrol it properly the supply of illegal aliens will dry up

Wages will rise for Americans and lure some people off the dole

But we will need true welfare reform to force some people to find jobs

And welfare reform means no money given to healthy adults
We knew the wall wouldn't work and sure enough if doesn't. Boarder barriers have to be built on our side of the boarder so they can be protected, patrolled and repaired. Today, we don't hear much about tunnels going under the barriers or ladders going over them because it's not necessary. Migrants cross the boarder, sit down by the barrier and wait for the boarder patrol. When they come they claim amnesty or refugee statue.

And if we change our laws, the migrants will find other ways such as flying over the barriers. And when that fails, they will come by way of our 100,000 miles of coastlines which is far more vulnerable than our southern boarder.

The answer is not building more barriers to keep them out but to persuade them not to invade our boarders. Rather pursue legal means of entry or help them fix the issues that are the root of the problem.
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We are not talking about the Maginot Line

Illegal aliens are being arrested for murder after being deported numerous times

That is unacceptable
People in a country illegally keep low profiles so don't get arrested. The homicide conviction rate for illegal immigrants was 2.4 per 100,000 illegal immigrants in 2015, which is lower than the homicide conviction rate of 2.8 per 100,000 for native-born Americans. Legal immigrants still have the lowest homicide conviction rate at 1.1 per 100,000 legal immigrants.

People in a country illegally keep low profiles so don't get arrested. The homicide conviction rate for illegal immigrants was 2.4 per 100,000 illegal immigrants in 2015, which is lower than the homicide conviction rate of 2.8 per 100,000 for native-born Americans. Legal immigrants still have the lowest homicide conviction rate at 1.1 per 100,000 legal immigrants.

2.4 innocent Americans murdered by an illegal alien is ok with you?

There is no easy antidote such as preemptive deportation for American citizens

So the 2.8 people they murder is unfortunate but unavoidable

But we can do something to save the victims of illegal aliens

Which is dont allow illegal aliens to be here

Which will cut the nation’s murder rate in half
As I have already pointed out, same day deportation will be needed also

If they know they cant stay even 24 hours they will stop coming
They will certainly stay more than 24 hour. It usually takes days and sometime weeks before they can get their first screening. There's a 50% chance of passing. The second screening is much more extensive and it takes weeks or even a month or more and chance of passing the second screening is less. Most of those people would come even there was only a slight chance of making.
2.4 innocent Americans murdered by an illegal alien is ok with you?

There is no easy antidote such as preemptive deportation for American citizens

So the 2.8 people they murder is unfortunate but unavoidable

But we can do something to save the victims of illegal aliens

Which is dont allow illegal aliens to be here

Which will cut the nation’s murder rate in half
The point is that the exaggerated claims made by Trump and his supporters are wrong. Illegal immigrants are actually lowering the overall murder rate slightly and legal immigrants are lowering it even more. Maybe we should encourage more abortions and admit more immigrants.

Deportation is not punish for a crime. It is correction of immigration status. Native born Americans are immune from deportation because they were lucky enough to born in the US.
They will certainly stay more than 24 hour. It usually takes days and sometime weeks before they can get their first screening.
They dont need a screening

If they dont have a visa send them back across the border immediately

Yes, you can id them and put them on a list to see a judge

And then send them back to mexico
They dont need a screening

If they dont have a visa send them back across the border immediately

Yes, you can id them and put them on a list to see a judge

And then send them back to mexico
I'm talking about Asylum. By law they can not be removed without due process. In this case due process is determination as to whether they meet the legal requirements for Asylum. That can only be done by an immigration judge or an asylum officer. The applicant can ask for a review of their case by a panel of 12 immigration judges which will delay deportation. If they rule that the person does meet the requirements the applicant may reapply but they must show that the circumstances have changed and that they now meet the eligibility requirements.

The law does need to be changed, not be repealed. I believe the applicant should be allowed to apply at any US Embassy or US Consulate. The first screening should be done there. This should reduce the number of applicants at the US Border. It would also make it easier to verify the applicants claims.
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First let's look's at what MAGA is?
It is a political movement that emerged in the United States during the 2016 presidential campaign of its putative leader, Donald Trump. Its name is derived from Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” which became a rallying cry for many Trump supporters during his candidacy, presidency (2017–21), and beyond.

The MAGA movement (often referred to simply as MAGA, or Make America Great Again), was founded on the belief that the United States was once a “great” country but has lost this status owing to foreign influence, both within its borders (via immigration and multiculturalism) and without (via globalization, or the increased integration of multiple national economies).

1. Is it true that America has lost it's status as a great country?
2. What policies and legislation does the MAGA movement claim should be implemented?
3. Assuming America is no longer a great country, will these policies work to restore America to it's former greatness?
It’s a movement that says as Christians you only have to vote one time and then he’ll fix it
I'm talking about Asylum. By law they can not be removed without due process. In this case due process is determination as to whether they meet the legal requirements for Asylum. That can only be done by immigration judge or an asylum officer. The applicant can ask for a review of their case by a panel of 12 immigration judges which will delay deportation. If ruling is the person does meet the requirements they may reapply but they must show that the circumstances have changed and that they now meet the eligibility requirements.

The law does needs to be changed, not be repealed. I believe the applicant should apply at any US Embassy or US Consulate. The first screening should be done there. This will should reduce the number of applicants at the US Border. It would also make it easier to verify the applicants claims.
Same rules for asylum

Assign them a number and return them to mexico till its their turn to see a judge
First let's look's at what MAGA is?
It is a political movement that emerged in the United States during the 2016 presidential campaign of its putative leader, Donald Trump. Its name is derived from Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” which became a rallying cry for many Trump supporters during his candidacy, presidency (2017–21), and beyond.

The MAGA movement (often referred to simply as MAGA, or Make America Great Again), was founded on the belief that the United States was once a “great” country but has lost this status owing to foreign influence, both within its borders (via immigration and multiculturalism) and without (via globalization, or the increased integration of multiple national economies).

1. Is it true that America has lost it's status as a great country?
2. What policies and legislation does the MAGA movement claim should be implemented?
3. Assuming America is no longer a great country, will these policies work to restore America to it's former greatness?
The definition given here is flawed.

The intent of the slogan is that it is undefined.

Tired of globalism? We want you.

Tired of working your ass off your entire life, only to die in debt? We want you.

Tired of uppity blacks acting like they can do anything they want? We want you.

Tired of women having total control of their own lives? We want you.

Tired of your city turning browner? We want you.

Tired of religion not having complete control of our politics? We want you.

Tired of feeling stupid all the time? Tired of the educated "elites" laughing your conspiracy theories out of the room?

We want you.

It's a broad catchall that helps organize a support group disaffected folks and for for intellectual and ethical deviants who prefer the blunt force and guardrails of the past.

Grievance is the uniting factor.

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