Hezbollah hits Israel with deadliest attack in months-long conflict, IDF says, raising fears of escalation

You mean the way the UN interprets it.
Well I have no idea if there's a UN resolution stating an interpretation of the Palestine mandate, if you know of such a thing please share it, I'd certainly be interested in reading it.

Bear in mind though the British had previously agreed to facilitate Arab independence in return for Arab assistance in routing the Ottomans.

The secret Sykes-Picot agreement was an agreement between the colonial powers as to how to partition the former Ottoman territory to give Britain, France etc. a chunk of territory to rule.

The British however were traitors and betrayed the Arabs, because they had agreed (see the McMahon Hussein letters) to formally recognize Arab independence but later published the Balfour Declaration promising a national home for Jews in Palestine and enraging the Arabs.

Thus from 1918 onwards the Arabs distrusted the British for agreeing to support Jewish independence in a land with few Jews and sidelining any support for Arab independence. A this time there were an estimated 56,000 Jews in Palestine and some ten times as many Arabs, Jews were less than 10% of the population.

So I don't see how we can airbrush out Arab interests and goals here, and instead focus on British geopolitical ambitions and Zionist nationalist ambitions when Jews were only 10% of the population.
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These are the maniacs running the country, these are the maniacs who suffer from delusions of grandeur, believing that Jews are eternally entitled to do and say whatever they want anytime and any place. These are the true, modern faces of Zionism, racists, xenophobes, filth, filth in human form, Nazis as Hajo Meyer was fond of saying.

When a man speaks in that way, he cannot claim to be surprised when his arrogance causes Israel to be attacked, I mean that rhetoric ("I'm proud" of basically torturing and starving people who've not even been charged) is ASKING to be attacked, and that's because he WANTS Israel to be attacked so he can then embark on more violence which is the only tool such people understand.

The people of Israel must wake up and put and end to this extremism, if not then they can expect far worse than Oct 7th.
That savage may get more violence than he can handle before long.
Hezbollah took credit for the attack and then try to withdraw this confession when they found out they killed a bunch of kids.
Stop lying, lets get one thing clear all the dead are Syrian Arab Druze killed on occupied Syrian land, Hezbollah said they had nothing to do with it, now why would Hezbollah attack Arabs in Syria, this was probably a Iron Dome missile going wrong, the same thing happened two months ago in the same village, now the rabid language coming from the Israelis sounds like they are about to kick off a regional war maybe in the coming hours if they do it will be the last.
The Iranian mullahs. They're very open about it.
Have been, for decades.
Nope, nobody has said "We want to kill all the Jews" you can lie if you must but you won't be able to prove this claim because it's false, more sensationalist Propaganda, comic book goodies vs baddies.
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Stop lying, lets get one thing clear all the dead are Syrian Arab Druze killed on occupied Syrian land, Hezbollah said they had nothing to do with it, now why would Hezbollah attack Arabs in Syria, this was probably a Iron Dome missile going wrong, the same thing happened two months ago in the same village, now the rabid language coming from the Israelis sounds like they are about to kick off a regional war maybe in the coming hours if they do it will be the last.
The Israelis also initially said the victims were Israelis, but that was a lie, these people are not Israeli citizens, they are Syrians:

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