A Utah man was killed during a police traffic stop. His family say they’ve been ‘stonewalled’ by authorities

How did you hear about the other 21?
I looked it up a couple of days ago - curious after so much media attention was made over this particular case. I was shocked that there were so many, but not much was made of them because it didn’t fit the leftist agenda of “another white kills an innocent black” narrative. In fact, I didn’t come across a single white-on-black murder.

Plus, the others were all deliberate murders. More is made of this one - accidental - because whitey baaaaad!!
I looked it up a couple of days ago - curious after so much media attention was made over this particular case. I was shocked that there were so many, but not much was made of them because it didn’t fit the leftist agenda of “another white kills an innocent black” narrative. In fact, I didn’t come across a single white-on-black murder.

Plus, the others were all deliberate murders. More is made of this one - accidental - because whitey baaaaad!!
How many folks were arrested for the other 21 murders?
How many folks were arrested for the other 21 murders?
What do you mean “other murders”? This case wasn‘t a murder.

I’m more interested in how many unintentional homicides resulted in charges. They aren’t always, you know. But because it was a white against a black, they will throw the book at him.
What do you mean “other murders”? This case wasn‘t a murder.
Yea when you choke someone to death, that is a murder.
I’m more interested in how many unintentional homicides resulted in charges. They aren’t always, you know. But because it was a white against a black, they will throw the book at him.
How many people were arrested in the other 21 murders that you claim has happened.
Yea when you choke someone to death, that is a murder.

How many people were arrested in the other 21 murders that you claim has happened.
Murder means intentional. That’s why the whitey isnt being charged with murder.

And the criminal who was threatening to kill somebody doesn’t get excused just because he was black.
Murder means intentional. That’s why the whitey isnt being charged with murder.
When you choke someone to death, they are fighting for their life. The charge should be murder, because he knew he was choking this man to death.
And the criminal who was threatening to kill somebody doesn’t get excused just because he was black.
You mean the man who hadn't touched anyone and was murdered.
When you choke someone to death, they are fighting for their life. The charge should be murder, because he knew he was choking this man to death.
Most people survive a chokehold when the hold is released while he is still breathing and moving. I know you hate whitey, but it was not his intention.
You mean the man who hadn't touched anyone and was murdered.
I mean the criminal with a history of violence who threatened to kill somebody. This wasn’t an innocent person here, even though you can never admit that ANY Black can EVER be bad.

I remember telling you how five Black thugs assaulted me - I was rescued quickly - and I asked you if it was wrong for five black teens to assault a middle-aged white woman who was just standing on the corner, and you refused to criticize them.

Once we retake the WH, we can start to dispel this leftist narrative that when a black is involved in an altercation with a white, it is NEVER the black’s fault.
Most people survive a chokehold when the hold is released while he is still breathing and moving. I know you hate whitey, but it was not his intention.
Based on what? How many folks have you choked? How many times have you been choked?
I mean the criminal with a history of violence who threatened to kill somebody. This wasn’t an innocent person here, even though you can never admit that ANY Black can EVER be bad.
So according to you, if someone is ranting and raving you can just pull out your gun and blow their damn brains out.
I remember telling you how five Black thugs assaulted me - I was rescued quickly - and I asked you if it was wrong for five black teens to assault a middle-aged white woman who was just standing on the corner, and you refused to criticize them.
Nope, wrong black man. You have never told me any bullshit like that before.
Once we retake the WH, we can start to dispel this leftist narrative that when a black is involved in an altercation with a white, it is NEVER the black’s fault.
You mean you can go back to the days of just locking innocent black men up, because white is right.
Based on what? How many folks have you choked? How many times have you been choked?

So according to you, if someone is ranting and raving you can just pull out your gun and blow their damn brains out.

Nope, wrong black man. You have never told me any bullshit like that before.

You mean you can go back to the days of just locking innocent black men up, because white is right.
No criminal code infractions have been removed. Just not enforced in Prog areas. i say this to you. How does a free nation and people have an authoritarian security force who can treat residents like shit? How did this grow in a free nation? Whether you agree or not agree with the Constitution it did not have any wording on this. African Americans are not the only ones affected by abuses to rights. Authoritarians can and do destroy civilians and even kill them. The issue is that some of it is not intelligent by the civilian response. The movements now though will continue and expand. As the authoritarians cannot help themselves just like criminal elements cannot.
Based on what? How many folks have you choked? How many times have you been choked?
Based on the fact that as soon as one releases the chokehold on a person still alive, the body automatically restores the blood flow.
So according to you, if someone is ranting and raving you can just pull out your gun and blow their damn brains out.
No, but that’s not what happened here. A man was threatening to kill someone, and a brave marine prevented that. The death Itself was accidental.
Nope, wrong black man. You have never told me any bullshit like that before.

You mean you can go back to the days of just locking innocent black men up, because white is right.
Oh, the irony. The only reason leftists are railroading the marine and painting the black man as merely a harmless guy who was “ranting and raving” is because of the races here. If the races were reversed, this would never have made the news - like the 22 ACTUAL murders that happened in 2022.
Based on the fact that as soon as one releases the chokehold on a person still alive, the body automatically restores the blood flow.
So why did this man end up dead or are you telling us he was just going to drop dead that day. Damn where have we heard that before.
No, but that’s not what happened here. A man was threatening to kill someone, and a brave marine prevented that. The death Itself was accidental.
How many people had this man harmed?
Oh, the irony. The only reason leftists are railroading the marine and painting the black man as merely a harmless guy who was “ranting and raving” is because of the races here. If the races were reversed, this would never have made the news - like the 22 ACTUAL murders that happened in 2022.
Tell me how many had been arrested for the other 21 murders you were speaking of.
So why did this man end up dead or are you telling us he was just going to drop dead that day. Damn where have we heard that before.

How many people had this man harmed?

Tell me how many had been arrested for the other 21 murders you were speaking of.
All you leftists do is give assignments.

You tell ME why the criminal is being sanitized and the Marine demonized. Every article about Neely describes him as a MJ performer - never mentioning his 42 arrests, violent attacks, including those in the subway, and how he broke an elderly woman’s eye socket, tried to kidnap a small child, and threw a man into the subway tracks.

Shhhh about all that. Doesn’t fit the narrative of poor, oppressed, innocent black men.

HE SHOULD HAVR BEEN IN PRISON - not out terrorizing and issuing death threats to people.
Since Biden and the pro-criminal Democrats have been letting criminals roam free because - equity!! - the number of murders between 2020 and 2022 are more than those between 2008 and 2019 combined.

This is all due to the dangerous upside values of Democrats, who side with the wrong people - be it dangerous criminals over innocent citizens or scofflaws from foreign countries over law-abiding Americans.

Chase Allan was fatally shot by police in Farmington, Utah, during a traffic stop on 1 March. While the department has claimed that Allan refused to exit his vehicle and cooperate with their orders, his mother Diana Allan contends that he was “brutal[ly] murder[ed].”

Ms Allan, who was stopped by Farmington police nearly a year before a similar incident would prove fatal for her son, said in a statement that her family learned about the tragic news through media reports of the shooting and that they have been “stonewalled” by law enforcement.

Body camera footage of the incident has yet to be released, but a description of the events as narrated by law enforcement states that officers saw a gun on the driver-side floorboard of the car — in Utah, it is legal to open carry a registered weapon if the carrier owns the vehicle.

Five police officers have been placed on administrative leave following department policy.

As an investigation by the Davis County Critical Incident Protocol Team unfolds, Allan’s family
continues to demand answers.

Altercation escalated after officers spotted handgun

The shooting took place during what police have said was a regular traffic stop. The stop, reportedly conducted because the vehicle Allan was driving had an “illegitimate license,” took place around 3.20pm on 1 March outside a United States Postal Service office.

According to a statement by police, responding officers requested that Allan provide identification but he refused to do so, stating that he was not required to cooperate, local ABC4 reported. Two other officers, a trainee and a supervisor, were called to assist but Allan continued to refuse to cooperate.

Were the police justified in the actions they took against this young man?

Is it time for Congress and the President to pass the George Floyd Policing Act?
Let me guess: You think the police just wanted to kill the guy because he was black? You don't believe he refused to cooperate?
All you leftists do is give assignments.

You tell ME why the criminal is being sanitized and the Marine demonized. Every article about Neely describes him as a MJ performer - never mentioning his 42 arrests, violent attacks, including those in the subway, and how he broke an elderly woman’s eye socket, tried to kidnap a small child, and threw a man into the subway tracks.

Shhhh about all that. Doesn’t fit the narrative of poor, oppressed, innocent black men.

HE SHOULD HAVR BEEN IN PRISON - not out terrorizing and issuing death threats to people.
If the Neely was threatening folks I don't have a problem with you holding him until the police arrive. With that being said you don't choke a man to death because you claim he was threatening folks.

I asked you simple question that you can't or refuse to answer, because it will show you are full of shit.
If the Neely was threatening folks I don't have a problem with you holding him until the police arrive. With that being said you don't choke a man to death because you claim he was threatening folks.

I asked you simple question that you can't or refuse to answer, because it will show you are full of shit.
He didn’t choke him to death. He released while the criminal was still moving and breathing. You make it sound like he held tight until he was dead.
Also, if the leftists hadn’t so demonized the police, there would have been more of them ans they could have gotten there within minutes. Penny was calling for the police, but it took them 15 minutes.
Also, if the leftists hadn’t so demonized the police, there would have been more of them ans they could have gotten there within minutes. Penny was calling for the police, but it took them 15 minutes.
Any excuse will do.

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