A view I agree with


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWvKMc7wBWU&feature=feedu]When Good Men Do Nothing - YouTube[/ame]
Why do people fear watching a video?

Seriously, I can't be arsed to load it. Takes forever with my ISP. I should change ISPs but I can't be arsed to do that either. Such is life.

Also, I'm generally quite bored with watching you tubes and being expected to accept that as some kind of 'truth'.
Why do people fear watching a video?

Seriously, I can't be arsed to load it. Takes forever with my ISP. I should change ISPs but I can't be arsed to do that either. Such is life.

Also, I'm generally quite bored with watching you tubes and being expected to accept that as some kind of 'truth'.

Fair enough.
Evil can ALSO be when good men are bamboozled by bad ideals, amigo.

SEE: Hitlerian GERMANY 1933-45
yes me too

ows are basically entitled pussies

which extends to and manifests itself in their revolution
You know what Reb, I can't say that I don't understand the frustration which led that cop to spray those morons because they wouldn't comply. Those cops have been dealing with those jackasses for weeks AND those jackasses put themselves in a position where that could happen through their own actions.

Was it right? NOT to my way of thinking...on either side.

However, to then quote Jefferson as some justification for the people around the situation to CLAIM justice into their own hands and deliver it unto that cop is LUNACY!

It's anarchy, plain and simple. That guy doesn't have a CLUE what this countries founding principles or foundations are. The founding fathers worked for YEARS to avoid, as this moron claims, claiming the right to self defense.

They endured years of REAL physical attacks, atrocities, shackles, chains and so many of their brothers and sister imprisoned that the King of England had to resort to renting ships and parking them off shore to warehouse our ancestors...and STILL the founders did not give up on possibility of peace and getting the justice they sought using the system.

ONLY when it became obvious that there was no other recourse did the Declaration Of Independence get signed and Lexington and Concord occur.

While I DO understand your frustration with the way things are going in this country right now Reb...THAT guy is an even bigger lunatic than useful idiots setting there to get pepper sprayed for goals of the very fat cats THEY think they are raging against.

The system will take care of that cop. The system will take care of the useful idiots. The SYSTEM will deliver justice in 2012. When THAT is no longer possible...THEN we have an obligation to do as the founders provided for and claim our heritage from the oppressors!
The LeftMedia, instead of serving as an unbiased chronicler of the days events to the nation, has assumed the function of serving as the equivalent of the WWII Japanese Comfort Battalions, women impressed into service providing aid and comfort, including sexual, to the Japanese Army in the course of its world conquest, busily fornicating and copulating away for the beneit of the Liberal/Progressive agenda.
OWS is the vanguard of Barack Obama's army, his Twentyfirst Century version of the Brownshirts, his Twentyfirst Century version of the SA.
Over the course of the last fifty to sixty years the media has developed its own unique, unvarying, script portraying confrontation between government and groups of protestors. The storyline over time universally devolves into a tale of the diadvantaged struggling against a repressive, overbearing government. It was so in the tale of Bull Connor versus Martin Luther King's marchers. And again in the story of the Kent State rioters versus the Ohio National Guard. It was especially so in Kent State, because it allowed the Leftmedia the opportunity to not only expand the anti war feeling in this country, but also to raise animosity to the LeftMedia's much hated, much reviled arch enemy, Richard M Nixon, to unprecedented heights, a media two fer. Its a story line the LeftMedia has deftly learned to write well, and repeatedly, over the years.
In some ways Barack Obama's description of Americans as "Lazy" may be correct. We no longer go out as groups of individuals to meet the advancing British at Concord with our muzzle loaders as the early colonists were forced to. We relegate that task to our police forces and our military. The Leftmedia relies on that happening. The forces that seek to maintain order, peace, and tranquillity become faceless, anonymous and easily painted as evil and repressive according to the Media's master script.
Had 1000 random Ohioan's gathered with their assorted 30-06's and .223's to bring order to the Kent State campus instead the uniformed and regimented, and easily portrayed as evil, National Guard units would the LeftMedia have been tongue tied instead?
As with the statistical concept that "Given enough monkeys with typewriters, eventually one will produce a Shakespearian work" the various police agencies attempting to maintain law and order against orchestrated and well coordinated protests across the country will eventually make a mistake during the course of their police function. This will provide the explosive. The Media will provide the match. Van Jones, Frances Fox Piven, and Barack Obama know this. They have waited a very long time for this. This is their moment.
You know what Reb, I can't say that I don't understand the frustration which led that cop to spray those morons because they wouldn't comply. Those cops have been dealing with those jackasses for weeks AND those jackasses put themselves in a position where that could happen through their own actions.

Was it right? NOT to my way of thinking...on either side.

However, to then quote Jefferson as some justification for the people around the situation to CLAIM justice into their own hands and deliver it unto that cop is LUNACY!

It's anarchy, plain and simple. That guy doesn't have a CLUE what this countries founding principles or foundations are. The founding fathers worked for YEARS to avoid, as this moron claims, claiming the right to self defense.

They endured years of REAL physical attacks, atrocities, shackles, chains and so many of their brothers and sister imprisoned that the King of England had to resort to renting ships and parking them off shore to warehouse our ancestors...and STILL the founders did not give up on possibility of peace and getting the justice they sought using the system.

ONLY when it became obvious that there was no other recourse did the Declaration Of Independence get signed and Lexington and Concord occur.

While I DO understand your frustration with the way things are going in this country right now Reb...THAT guy is an even bigger lunatic than useful idiots setting there to get pepper sprayed for goals of the very fat cats THEY think they are raging against.

The system will take care of that cop. The system will take care of the useful idiots. The SYSTEM will deliver justice in 2012. When THAT is no longer possible...THEN we have an obligation to do as the founders provided for and claim our heritage from the oppressors!

I don't support the motivation behind why the protesters are protesting, because most don't have a clue as to whom is behind the protest. But I do support their right too protest without being man handled by the government. However, I agree mainly with what the narrator was talking about, even though the video was showing the OWS protesters he was talking about America's fundamental rights to resist the government.
You know what Reb, I can't say that I don't understand the frustration which led that cop to spray those morons because they wouldn't comply. Those cops have been dealing with those jackasses for weeks AND those jackasses put themselves in a position where that could happen through their own actions.

Was it right? NOT to my way of thinking...on either side.

However, to then quote Jefferson as some justification for the people around the situation to CLAIM justice into their own hands and deliver it unto that cop is LUNACY!

It's anarchy, plain and simple. That guy doesn't have a CLUE what this countries founding principles or foundations are. The founding fathers worked for YEARS to avoid, as this moron claims, claiming the right to self defense.

They endured years of REAL physical attacks, atrocities, shackles, chains and so many of their brothers and sister imprisoned that the King of England had to resort to renting ships and parking them off shore to warehouse our ancestors...and STILL the founders did not give up on possibility of peace and getting the justice they sought using the system.

ONLY when it became obvious that there was no other recourse did the Declaration Of Independence get signed and Lexington and Concord occur.

While I DO understand your frustration with the way things are going in this country right now Reb...THAT guy is an even bigger lunatic than useful idiots setting there to get pepper sprayed for goals of the very fat cats THEY think they are raging against.

The system will take care of that cop. The system will take care of the useful idiots. The SYSTEM will deliver justice in 2012. When THAT is no longer possible...THEN we have an obligation to do as the founders provided for and claim our heritage from the oppressors!

I don't support the motivation behind why the protesters are protesting, because most don't have a clue as to whom is behind the protest. But I do support their right too protest without being man handled by the government. However, I agree mainly with what the narrator was talking about, even though the video was showing the OWS protesters he was talking about America's fundamental rights to resist the government.

Think Soros, moveon.org etc. It is orchestrated, it is centrally controlled. The people that own Zucotti Park just received some Government loan guarantees immediately before the protestors set up camp. Think Solyndra. Then there was all that legal help for the protestors eviction day. Obama's Organizing for America was there with bells on. stirring the pot, during the civil unrest in Madison, Wisconsin. The entire scenario fits the Soros pattern of collapsing Governments and economies, reb. These are Obama's Brownshirts, his SA. Make no mistake by thinking these are simple, innocent people. They are there because of an evil, malevolent purpose, the collapse of the American Capitalist system and its Constitution. These are institutions Barack Hussein Obama has been educated to be, and still is at war with, ever since avowed Marxist and pedophile Frank Marshall Davis took charge of his education. You think the "Kill Israelis " message out of the Arab Madrasas has been a problem?

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