A Woman Told Her Boss About A Devastating Cancer Diagnosis. He Responded By Firing Her.

Although Carol Jumper worked full-time for Dr. Visnich, her fiancé said she did not have employer provided healthcare — the woman was able to get insurance on her own through an Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) health plan.

Doctor's Letter Laying Off Employee After Cancer Diagnosis Incites Outrage And Calls For Support - BeaverCountian.com

Just imagine what her life would be like without Obamacare.

Obamcare is NOT the official name of the Act, so why do you feel the need to include it, do you get an additional portion of fire water when you do so?
He should have kept her on, even if only part time.
What's done is done though.
If there is enough of a public campaign identifying him and walking back and forth in front of his clinic, vilifying him, perhaps he will lose enough business to have to move out of the area.
Pretty shitty thing to do to someone in their time of pain. :(
Obamacare does relate to politics - and I wonder how this doctor can legally fire her due to health reasons. After all, she has worked for him for 12 years. If nothing else, he surely screwed his reputation in the community. He should have handled this humanely and quietly with the employee.

I can't imagine how he could have handled it better. He did handle it quietly. It was the girls sister who made a photo copy, and splashed it all over the planet.

In fact, the girl herself, was against this, and has openly said, she wants the crap storm to go away. This doctor, will be forced out of the community, no question about it... and for trying to do a good deed.

Secondly, the girls fiance, is a liar. He said she had no income. That's a lie. The doctor said one of the reasons he laid her off, was so she could collect unemployment, and the doctor didn't dispute the unemployment either (FYI, employers can dispute unemployment claims). The girl herself said she was getting unemployment. So that claim by her lying BF, is false.

Lastly.... I have searched and searched and searched. No one anywhere that I can find, no news article I can pull up, none of the Facebook groups, or the other social media I have looked at.... none say what exactly this girls job was.

Think about that.... Oral Surgeon. Doctor of Dental Medicine D.M.D.

Think about that for a second. Unless she was secretary... what other jobs could she have been doing?

There is only one non-dental position in the average Dentist office. Secretary. Everyone else is cleaning teeth with long sharp pointy objects, or worse.

Tell me... do you want a woman suffering from extremely painful cancer, who can't sleep at night, and is now hopped up on drugs, drilling in your mouth?

And what happens which said woman slices your mouth up, and you find out the doctor knew about her condition, and kept her on?

Will any of you self proclaimed judge and jury people, be saying how humane the doctor was, when she screws up your mouth?

Now perhaps she was in fact the secretary. That's possible, but even then, you want her handling your medical records? What happens if she fumbles, and you end up with the wrong tooth pulled or drilled?

This doctor did what was best for himself, the rest of his staff which depend on his wise management, what was best for his patients and customers, and what was best for the girl herself. But the left, and bleeding heart, knee jerk reactionaries in our society, eager to attack anyone they can, have ruined this man for at least 5 to 10 years.

But he was an asshole about it, no question. Only assholes fire people via email.
Actually it happens much more often that one would think.....And it will be a growing trend.
Employers simply do not want to deal with the potential for at best, a disruption of other employees and at worst, workplace violence.
It's just easier to do it this way and ship the former employee's stuff to them.
Pretty shitty thing to do to someone in their time of pain. :(
Obamacare does relate to politics - and I wonder how this doctor can legally fire her due to health reasons. After all, she has worked for him for 12 years. If nothing else, he surely screwed his reputation in the community. He should have handled this humanely and quietly with the employee.

I can't imagine how he could have handled it better. He did handle it quietly. It was the girls sister who made a photo copy, and splashed it all over the planet.

In fact, the girl herself, was against this, and has openly said, she wants the crap storm to go away. This doctor, will be forced out of the community, no question about it... and for trying to do a good deed.

Secondly, the girls fiance, is a liar. He said she had no income. That's a lie. The doctor said one of the reasons he laid her off, was so she could collect unemployment, and the doctor didn't dispute the unemployment either (FYI, employers can dispute unemployment claims). The girl herself said she was getting unemployment. So that claim by her lying BF, is false.

Lastly.... I have searched and searched and searched. No one anywhere that I can find, no news article I can pull up, none of the Facebook groups, or the other social media I have looked at.... none say what exactly this girls job was.

Think about that.... Oral Surgeon. Doctor of Dental Medicine D.M.D.

Think about that for a second. Unless she was secretary... what other jobs could she have been doing?

There is only one non-dental position in the average Dentist office. Secretary. Everyone else is cleaning teeth with long sharp pointy objects, or worse.

Tell me... do you want a woman suffering from extremely painful cancer, who can't sleep at night, and is now hopped up on drugs, drilling in your mouth?

And what happens which said woman slices your mouth up, and you find out the doctor knew about her condition, and kept her on?

Will any of you self proclaimed judge and jury people, be saying how humane the doctor was, when she screws up your mouth?

Now perhaps she was in fact the secretary. That's possible, but even then, you want her handling your medical records? What happens if she fumbles, and you end up with the wrong tooth pulled or drilled?

This doctor did what was best for himself, the rest of his staff which depend on his wise management, what was best for his patients and customers, and what was best for the girl herself. But the left, and bleeding heart, knee jerk reactionaries in our society, eager to attack anyone they can, have ruined this man for at least 5 to 10 years.

But he was an asshole about it, no question. Only assholes fire people via email.
Actually it happens much more often that one would think.....And it will be a growing trend.
Employers simply do not want to deal with the potential for at best, a disruption of other employees and at worst, workplace violence.
It's just easier to do it this way and ship the former employee's stuff to them.

That doesn't make it less asshollish.
Does Carol Jumper have grounds for an EEOC complaint? Even if she does, they can take years to resolve.
No..Being riddled with cancer is not included on EEOC regs. Nice try.

I actually wonder how long it is before some dumb fuck gets fired for being a lazy fucker and sues under the Americans with Dishabillities Act and says they're just too sad to work any harder and some fucking POS judge orders the employer to rehire them.

Yes, I see that happening.
To me, that man should be sued. A person getting cancer dumped on their plate is not a legitimate reason for their boss to add more to the person's misery...unless the person is guilty of a whole other matter.

God bless you and the woman always!!!

From the OP link:

Visnich's office did not respond to multiple requests for comment by The Huffington Post. However, Larry Kelly, an attorney for Visnich, told the Beaver County Timesthat the doctor laid off Jumper so that she could claim unemployment benefits, describing the dismissal as a "humanitarian thing."

Does anyone believe her firing was a "humanitarian thing"? I don't.

The woman would need time off, but as she has worked for twelve years, surely her boss could have been a bit more tactful. The letter he sent was rude.
Although Carol Jumper worked full-time for Dr. Visnich, her fiancé said she did not have employer provided healthcare — the woman was able to get insurance on her own through an Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) health plan.

Doctor's Letter Laying Off Employee After Cancer Diagnosis Incites Outrage And Calls For Support - BeaverCountian.com

Just imagine what her life would be like without Obamacare.
More than likely, the doctor's office had to drop the insurance they used to have, because of Obugarcare.
Pretty shitty thing to do to someone in their time of pain. :(
Obamacare does relate to politics - and I wonder how this doctor can legally fire her due to health reasons. After all, she has worked for him for 12 years. If nothing else, he surely screwed his reputation in the community. He should have handled this humanely and quietly with the employee.

I can't imagine how he could have handled it better. He did handle it quietly. It was the girls sister who made a photo copy, and splashed it all over the planet.

In fact, the girl herself, was against this, and has openly said, she wants the crap storm to go away. This doctor, will be forced out of the community, no question about it... and for trying to do a good deed.

Secondly, the girls fiance, is a liar. He said she had no income. That's a lie. The doctor said one of the reasons he laid her off, was so she could collect unemployment, and the doctor didn't dispute the unemployment either (FYI, employers can dispute unemployment claims). The girl herself said she was getting unemployment. So that claim by her lying BF, is false.

Lastly.... I have searched and searched and searched. No one anywhere that I can find, no news article I can pull up, none of the Facebook groups, or the other social media I have looked at.... none say what exactly this girls job was.

Think about that.... Oral Surgeon. Doctor of Dental Medicine D.M.D.

Think about that for a second. Unless she was secretary... what other jobs could she have been doing?

There is only one non-dental position in the average Dentist office. Secretary. Everyone else is cleaning teeth with long sharp pointy objects, or worse.

Tell me... do you want a woman suffering from extremely painful cancer, who can't sleep at night, and is now hopped up on drugs, drilling in your mouth?

And what happens which said woman slices your mouth up, and you find out the doctor knew about her condition, and kept her on?

Will any of you self proclaimed judge and jury people, be saying how humane the doctor was, when she screws up your mouth?

Now perhaps she was in fact the secretary. That's possible, but even then, you want her handling your medical records? What happens if she fumbles, and you end up with the wrong tooth pulled or drilled?

This doctor did what was best for himself, the rest of his staff which depend on his wise management, what was best for his patients and customers, and what was best for the girl herself. But the left, and bleeding heart, knee jerk reactionaries in our society, eager to attack anyone they can, have ruined this man for at least 5 to 10 years.

But he was an asshole about it, no question. Only assholes fire people via email.

Um. That's old school thinking. Which is not 'wrong', but it is not up to the current times.

Everything is done impersonally. I never go the bank anymore. I never pay bills in person. I don't even call up friends or family on the telephone. They send me a text. Kids text each other, from the very next chair at the table.

Welcome to the new world. Why debate with each other in person, when we can sit at home in our underwear, punching in "you're wrong!" on an internet forum?

That said... he did write, by hand, on an actual bit of paper, using a pen, and mail it to her. That's far more personal than most get.
Although Carol Jumper worked full-time for Dr. Visnich, her fiancé said she did not have employer provided healthcare — the woman was able to get insurance on her own through an Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) health plan.

Doctor's Letter Laying Off Employee After Cancer Diagnosis Incites Outrage And Calls For Support - BeaverCountian.com

Just imagine what her life would be like without Obamacare.

Yeah, she might have able to afford her own insurance, if Obamacare had not driven up the cost making it unaffordable.

That's why I don't have insurance. If I get sick, I'll have to get it through subsidized soak the tax payer Obamacare too.

You people are amazing. You look at a train wreck, and think "wow look how awesome we are!".
A doctor's office is not a humanitarian effort. Of course he had to let her go. He can't destroy his practice just because an employee is very sick. He has an obligation to his other employees and more importantly his patients.
Seems clear to me the Doc is some crazed Christian right-wing Tea Party radical nutjob.
Obamacare does relate to politics - and I wonder how this doctor can legally fire her due to health reasons. After all, she has worked for him for 12 years. If nothing else, he surely screwed his reputation in the community. He should have handled this humanely and quietly with the employee.
What's this got to do with Obamacare?

Obamadon'tcare was supposed to make medical care decisions independent of employment. One was supposed to be able to jump jobs, or as we were told, not work at all, and still get terrific coverage.

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