A World Without Capitalism and Tradable Shares?

Wanting to fix the ACA,
I was under the assumption the ACA was the "fix". LOL

It was a good start. Nobody claimed it was the final fix especially after Republicans got done putting in all their "amendments".
But hey, all Republicans had to do was come up with and pitch a plan of their own to help fix it..which they did.....oh..wait..they didn't.
They spent the next decade trying to knock it out piece by piece...all without offering an alternative of their own.
Try again. But thanks for playing! :)
Wanting to fix the ACA,
I was under the assumption the ACA was the "fix". LOL

It was a good start. Nobody claimed it was the final fix especially after Republicans got done putting in all their "amendments".
But hey, all Republicans had to do was come up with and pitch a plan of their own to help fix it..which they did.....oh..wait..they didn't.
They spent the next decade trying to knock it out piece by piece...all without offering an alternative of their own.
Try again. But thanks for playing! :)
It was a good start for those who received the benefits but not for the payers.
It ain't gonna happen in my lifetime.
Gotta figure out how to purge all the trumpkins first.

They'll purge themselves out. Mostly by dying off or just plain old getting bored and moving on to a new obsession.
Eventually, you'll be left with a small minority and the rest wandering around in a Q-Anon like haze trying to find something
else to believe in. :)

Do you know what makes you look stupid? You think it's about Rump/Biden. It isn't, it's about change. It's about breaking free of this stupid binary political paradigm. It's about someone, ANYONE throwing off he chains of the Bankers and the MIC. You? You're mothing but a pussy binary partisan hack. It's your way or the highway. That won't work.
Me? You live your life how you want, marry your boyfriend. Ride a bike wherever you want. Drive an F-350 if you want. Pay for your kids gender re-assignment if you want. You do he same, leave the rest of us alone to live our lives.

Bullshit. You thought Trump was going to deliver this change for you. When he had no intention of being worried about anyone but himself. You're just another true believer who can't stand anyone that's "different" from you. And with Trump as President, you were free to shout out any bigoted thing that popped into your brain. Admit it, THAT'S why you supported him and liked him. He was your kindred spirit. The person you grew up with, in your family or your close circle of friends. Your vision of what America should be. We just got done with four years of incompetence and corruption. Take your own advice if you are unhappy with the present political situation, sit down and SHUT UP!!..oh wait...sorry, that was MY advice. :auiqs.jpg:

LOL. I didn't vote for him kid. Rump was/is part of the binary system. You? You are just another punk kid running his mouth on the internet. I've been unhappy with the situation since 1992, hell you weren't even potty trained then.

Do you know what makes you look stupid? You think it's about Rump/Biden. It isn't, it's about change. It's about breaking free of this stupid binary political paradigm. It's about someone, ANYONE throwing off he chains of the Bankers and the MIC. You? You're mothing but a pussy binary partisan hack. It's your way or the highway. That won't work.
Me? You live your life how you want, marry your boyfriend. Ride a bike wherever you want. Drive an F-350 if you want. Pay for your kids gender re-assignment if you want. You do he same, leave the rest of us alone to live our lives.

Nothing to be unhappy about in 1992. It was 1994 that the downhill slide began. It was when boomers like you started discovering conservative talk radio and started trying to force your "beliefs" on the masses because it was what you grew up with. Trump was part of nothing except an innate desire to burn things to the ground. That ain't gonna work in this day and age. Sorry, the words you type just don't jive with "live and let live". :)
No, Im not finding it difficult as to what is about to transpire with the new world order. The deaths will be in the billions.
If so, the capitalists will "earn" trillion$
Man, you have some real issues, when you have to use Karl Marx for a history lesson..

Alpha male, dominated the small communities, he, the "Monarch" of the tribe ate first, had all the women, and any male that wanted in had to subjugate to the Alpha or was kicked out. Are you really that stupid....oh, wait, did you go to public schools? Nevermind, now i know why you are that stupid.
Socialism worked well enough in the Soviet Union to win WWII and put the first human being into space.
Soviet Socialism won WWII? Do you know how many Russians died in WWII? The Russian Winter and Hitler's strategic lunacy defeated the Nazis. Soviet Socialism had nothing to do with it.
If Hitler wouldnt of divided his troops just before Moscow, the Soviet Union would of fallen and there would never be a threat of the Red Dawn. Of course everyone would be speaking German today, but we are pretty close to Nazi's now that the Progs have the Senate, Congress and President....
It ain't gonna happen in my lifetime.
Gotta figure out how to purge all the trumpkins first.

They'll purge themselves out. Mostly by dying off or just plain old getting bored and moving on to a new obsession.
Eventually, you'll be left with a small minority and the rest wandering around in a Q-Anon like haze trying to find something
else to believe in. :)

Do you know what makes you look stupid? You think it's about Rump/Biden. It isn't, it's about change. It's about breaking free of this stupid binary political paradigm. It's about someone, ANYONE throwing off he chains of the Bankers and the MIC. You? You're mothing but a pussy binary partisan hack. It's your way or the highway. That won't work.
Me? You live your life how you want, marry your boyfriend. Ride a bike wherever you want. Drive an F-350 if you want. Pay for your kids gender re-assignment if you want. You do he same, leave the rest of us alone to live our lives.

Bullshit. You thought Trump was going to deliver this change for you. When he had no intention of being worried about anyone but himself. You're just another true believer who can't stand anyone that's "different" from you. And with Trump as President, you were free to shout out any bigoted thing that popped into your brain. Admit it, THAT'S why you supported him and liked him. He was your kindred spirit. The person you grew up with, in your family or your close circle of friends. Your vision of what America should be. We just got done with four years of incompetence and corruption. Take your own advice if you are unhappy with the present political situation, sit down and SHUT UP!!..oh wait...sorry, that was MY advice. :auiqs.jpg:

LOL. I didn't vote for him kid. Rump was/is part of the binary system. You? You are just another punk kid running his mouth on the internet. I've been unhappy with the situation since 1992, hell you weren't even potty trained then.

Do you know what makes you look stupid? You think it's about Rump/Biden. It isn't, it's about change. It's about breaking free of this stupid binary political paradigm. It's about someone, ANYONE throwing off he chains of the Bankers and the MIC. You? You're mothing but a pussy binary partisan hack. It's your way or the highway. That won't work.
Me? You live your life how you want, marry your boyfriend. Ride a bike wherever you want. Drive an F-350 if you want. Pay for your kids gender re-assignment if you want. You do he same, leave the rest of us alone to live our lives.

Nothing to be unhappy about in 1992. It was 1994 that the downhill slide began. It was when boomers like you started discovering conservative talk radio and started trying to force your "beliefs" on the masses because it was what you grew up with. Trump was part of nothing except an innate desire to burn things to the ground. That ain't gonna work in this day and age. Sorry, the words you type just don't jive with "live and let live". :)

Of course they do it's just that YOU think you know best about everything. Rump was distraction, nothing more. It's YOUR words that that won't allow "live and let live". Me? I don't care if you let Pedo Joe kiss your brother's son on the mouth.
Until Clinton there was a break on the slide of our system, after Clinton the breaks came off and we've been sliding downhill at a break neck speed ever since. Truthfully since Ronnie the spending has been unchecked and we are about to pay a terrible price.
Talk radio got going in 1988, educate yourself.
Me? You live your life how you want, marry your boyfriend. Ride a bike wherever you want. Drive an F-350 if you want. Pay for your kids gender re-assignment if you want. You do he same, leave the rest of us alone to live our lives.
When did you conservitards have this change of heart? Have you run it past your tRumpling buddies? How about the evangelicals or the white supremacists? I seriously doubt they're gonna be on board with that.

'cause evidence says what you just stated is the liberal position, not the conservative one.
The Star Trek scenario. Where your basic needs (shelter, food, transportation, medical care) are provided. There is no monetary system. You work for the betterment and advancement of the species and for your own personal knowledge and deed based goals. Sure, I can see it happening....in maybe in thirty or fourty years when we've blown the shit out of the system we have now. :) It ain't gonna happen in my lifetime. Honestly, why do we keep rolling this stuff over? Our economic system has been a mix of capitalism and socialism for almost a century now. Wanting to fix the ACA, wanting to provide better infrastructure, wanting to provide an equitable tax system, making education more affordable. These can be accomplished within our present system without throwing all the bullshit "ism" and "ist" terms around.
Does this sound possible in your lifetime?

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"When a baby is born, the central bank automatically grants her or him a trust fund (or personal capital account) that is periodically topped up with a universal basic dividend.

"When the child becomes a teenager, the central bank throws in a free checking account.

"Workers move freely from company to company, carrying with them their trust-fund capital, which they may lend to the company they work in or to others.

"Because there are no equities to turbocharge with massive fictitious capital, finance becomes delightfully boring—and stable.

"States drop all personal and sales taxes, instead taxing only corporate revenues, land, and activities detrimental to the commons."
Nice fairy tale, but the bottom line is that everyone has different desires and needs and of course there is greed in those who want it all and jealousy in those that want what you have. Some things do not have an infinite supply (as in a beautiful mansion overlooking the Pacific in Malibu.) What is your answer when 100M people all decide they want that mansion too. Utopia is a fairy tale.
Socialism worked well enough in the Soviet Union to win WWII and put the first human being into space.
Soviet Socialism won WWII? Do you know how many Russians died in WWII? The Russian Winter and Hitler's strategic lunacy defeated the Nazis. Soviet Socialism had nothing to do with it.
If Hitler wouldnt of divided his troops just before Moscow, the Soviet Union would of fallen and there would never be a threat of the Red Dawn. Of course everyone would be speaking German today, but we are pretty close to Nazi's now that the Progs have the Senate, Congress and President....
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, and if Truman had let McArthur go across the Yalu River into China we wouldn't have covid. Woulda Coulda Shoulda. Irrelevant.
It ain't gonna happen in my lifetime.
Gotta figure out how to purge all the trumpkins first.

They'll purge themselves out. Mostly by dying off or just plain old getting bored and moving on to a new obsession.
Eventually, you'll be left with a small minority and the rest wandering around in a Q-Anon like haze trying to find something
else to believe in. :)

Do you know what makes you look stupid? You think it's about Rump/Biden. It isn't, it's about change. It's about breaking free of this stupid binary political paradigm. It's about someone, ANYONE throwing off he chains of the Bankers and the MIC. You? You're mothing but a pussy binary partisan hack. It's your way or the highway. That won't work.
Me? You live your life how you want, marry your boyfriend. Ride a bike wherever you want. Drive an F-350 if you want. Pay for your kids gender re-assignment if you want. You do he same, leave the rest of us alone to live our lives.

Bullshit. You thought Trump was going to deliver this change for you. When he had no intention of being worried about anyone but himself. You're just another true believer who can't stand anyone that's "different" from you. And with Trump as President, you were free to shout out any bigoted thing that popped into your brain. Admit it, THAT'S why you supported him and liked him. He was your kindred spirit. The person you grew up with, in your family or your close circle of friends. Your vision of what America should be. We just got done with four years of incompetence and corruption. Take your own advice if you are unhappy with the present political situation, sit down and SHUT UP!!..oh wait...sorry, that was MY advice. :auiqs.jpg:

LOL. I didn't vote for him kid. Rump was/is part of the binary system. You? You are just another punk kid running his mouth on the internet. I've been unhappy with the situation since 1992, hell you weren't even potty trained then.

Do you know what makes you look stupid? You think it's about Rump/Biden. It isn't, it's about change. It's about breaking free of this stupid binary political paradigm. It's about someone, ANYONE throwing off he chains of the Bankers and the MIC. You? You're mothing but a pussy binary partisan hack. It's your way or the highway. That won't work.
Me? You live your life how you want, marry your boyfriend. Ride a bike wherever you want. Drive an F-350 if you want. Pay for your kids gender re-assignment if you want. You do he same, leave the rest of us alone to live our lives.

Nothing to be unhappy about in 1992. It was 1994 that the downhill slide began. It was when boomers like you started discovering conservative talk radio and started trying to force your "beliefs" on the masses because it was what you grew up with. Trump was part of nothing except an innate desire to burn things to the ground. That ain't gonna work in this day and age. Sorry, the words you type just don't jive with "live and let live". :)

Of course they do it's just that YOU think you know best about everything. Rump was distraction, nothing more. It's YOUR words that that won't allow "live and let live". Me? I don't care if you let Pedo Joe kiss your brother's son on the mouth.
Until Clinton there was a break on the slide of our system, after Clinton the breaks came off and we've been sliding downhill at a break neck speed ever since. Truthfully since Ronnie the spending has been unchecked and we are about to pay a terrible price.
Talk radio got going in 1988, educate yourself.

Uh Trump wasn't a distraction, he was President. And a completely incompetent one at that. There was no getting around him. :)
We've been sliding downhill since Newt and his Republican Revolution came to Congress. If you'd like to know where things went
off the rails, look no further. Rush got going in 1988. It wasn't until the 1992 campaign that conservative talk radio blossomed into
the cancer that it is today. Ah....the days of G. Gordon Liddy. :auiqs.jpg:
It worked in the Soviet Union, eh comrade?
Socialism worked well enough in the Soviet Union to win WWII and put the first human being into space.

Are you disappointed?
And only 27 million dead during WWII and millions more during the purges and manufactured famines. Socialism is great ain't it .
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He likes the Nordic model. It may be better capitalism than we have here.
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
How much fault does the corporation deserve?
Corporations do what they are allowed to do. We need strong government to keep them in line. Right now they buy the government.
It worked in the Soviet Union, eh comrade?
Socialism worked well enough in the Soviet Union to win WWII and put the first human being into space.

Are you disappointed?

Both Germany and the USSR were socialist states. And before war broke out between the USSR and Germany on 22 June 1941, Mr. Hitler and Mr. Stalin were BFF's.
Germany was not socialist.

Au contraire, Germany was the national type of socialism. The risky medical scheme they had was Hitlercare- socialized medicine.

Of course, the elite like Hitler himself didn't go to the Hitlercare clinic run by crappy docs like Joe Mengele.

The dear leaders went highly sought after doctors like Theodor Morell who was the fuhrer personal, PRIVATE physician. After the war, they never charged him with war crimes because Dr. Morell didn't work for the socialist regime.
If tradable shares as enshrined in corporate law "weaponized" capitalism, is it time to revisit the scene of the crime?

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Confronting rentier capitalism and fashioning firms for which social responsibility is more than a marketing ploy requires nothing less than re-writing corporate law.

"To recognize the scale of the undertaking, it helps to return to the moment in history when tradable shares weaponized capitalism, and to ask ourselves: Are we ready to correct that 'error'?

"The moment occurred on 24 September 1599. In a timbered building off Moorgate Fields, not far from where Shakespeare was struggling to complete Hamlet, a new type of company was founded. Its ownership of the new firm, called the East India Company, was sliced into tiny pieces to be bought and sold freely...."

"To imagine what transcending capitalism might mean in practice requires rethinking the ownership of corporations.

"Imagine that shares resemble electoral votes, which can be neither bought nor sold."

Imagine that.:stir:
Do you propose to make selling your shares illegal?
If tradable shares as enshrined in corporate law "weaponized" capitalism, is it time to revisit the scene of the crime?

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Confronting rentier capitalism and fashioning firms for which social responsibility is more than a marketing ploy requires nothing less than re-writing corporate law.

"To recognize the scale of the undertaking, it helps to return to the moment in history when tradable shares weaponized capitalism, and to ask ourselves: Are we ready to correct that 'error'?

"The moment occurred on 24 September 1599. In a timbered building off Moorgate Fields, not far from where Shakespeare was struggling to complete Hamlet, a new type of company was founded. Its ownership of the new firm, called the East India Company, was sliced into tiny pieces to be bought and sold freely...."

"To imagine what transcending capitalism might mean in practice requires rethinking the ownership of corporations.

"Imagine that shares resemble electoral votes, which can be neither bought nor sold."

Imagine that.:stir:

Sure, imagine that.

Imagine people unable to invest their money so they can pay their way when they can no longer work.

The government can just shoot you when you become a "useless eater", eh?

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