A World Without Capitalism and Tradable Shares?

Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
It worked in the Soviet Union, eh comrade?
Socialism worked well enough in the Soviet Union to win WWII and put the first human being into space.

Are you disappointed?

Both Germany and the USSR were socialist states. And before war broke out between the USSR and Germany on 22 June 1941, Mr. Hitler and Mr. Stalin were BFF's.
Germany was not socialist.

Nazi Germany was socialist.

The Soviet Union didn't stand a change without hundreds of billions in U.S. Aid. Do you know how many trucks, tanks, planes we sent them? Tons of steel, copper, aluminum, rubber, yada, yada yada?
FACT CHECK: Were Nazis Socialists? (snopes.com)

Above all, the Nazis were German white nationalists. What they stood for was the ascendancy of the “Aryan” race and the German nation, by any means necessary. Despite co-opting the name, some of the rhetoric, and even some of the precepts of socialism, Hitler and party did so with utter cynicism, and with vastly different goals. The claim that the Nazis actually were leftists or socialists in any generally accepted sense of those terms flies in the face of historical reality.
You leftwing sources have zero credibility. The theory that the NAZIs were lying about being socialists is just too absurd for mere words to describe. "Nationalism" and socialicism are two separate things. The theory that you can't be a nationalist if you are a socialist is pure idiocy. None of the standard leftwing areguments hold water. they are all easily exploded.
All you morons live in fantasy land. Sure you believe dems are all lizard people too. haha
Where's the "fantasy?"
Just about everything you moron righties believe in.

So you think the Nazis almost took over the whole planet with a socialist economy? You are promoting socialism now I guess.
Socialism is great for building tanks, bombers and battleship.
Oh really? So a socialist economy is so strong it can power a giant army like the Nazi's had? You are a good spokesman for socialism.
Their army wasn't that big, especially when it came to tanks, ships and other war material. Germany just had very good generals. Stalin executed all his best generals.
It worked in the Soviet Union, eh comrade?
Socialism worked well enough in the Soviet Union to win WWII and put the first human being into space.

Are you disappointed?

Both Germany and the USSR were socialist states. And before war broke out between the USSR and Germany on 22 June 1941, Mr. Hitler and Mr. Stalin were BFF's.
Germany was not socialist.

Nazi Germany was socialist.

The Soviet Union didn't stand a change without hundreds of billions in U.S. Aid. Do you know how many trucks, tanks, planes we sent them? Tons of steel, copper, aluminum, rubber, yada, yada yada?
FACT CHECK: Were Nazis Socialists? (snopes.com)

Above all, the Nazis were German white nationalists. What they stood for was the ascendancy of the “Aryan” race and the German nation, by any means necessary. Despite co-opting the name, some of the rhetoric, and even some of the precepts of socialism, Hitler and party did so with utter cynicism, and with vastly different goals. The claim that the Nazis actually were leftists or socialists in any generally accepted sense of those terms flies in the face of historical reality.
You leftwing sources have zero credibility. The theory that the NAZIs were lying about being socialists is just too absurd for mere words to describe. "Nationalism" and socialicism are two separate things. The theory that you can't be a nationalist if you are a socialist is pure idiocy. None of the standard leftwing areguments hold water. they are all easily exploded.
All you morons live in fantasy land. Sure you believe dems are all lizard people too. haha
Where's the "fantasy?"
Just about everything you moron righties believe in.

So you think the Nazis almost took over the whole planet with a socialist economy? You are promoting socialism now I guess.
The Russian front was on socialist dictatorship fighting another socialist dictatorship.
Yeah and the Nazis were fighting them and us and Europe all at the same time. If Hitler was smarter they would have won. They sure had the army to do it. All powered by socialism according to you. Hmmmm....nationalists that spend a lot on the military. Sounds like republicans don't it?
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
It worked in the Soviet Union, eh comrade?
Socialism worked well enough in the Soviet Union to win WWII and put the first human being into space.

Are you disappointed?
And only 27 million dead during WWII and millions more during the purges and manufactured famines. Socialism is great ain't it .

WWII had nothing to do with socialism.
WWII was caused by the capitalists who forced the corrupt Treaty of Versailles on the Germans.

And clearly Staling was not at all a socialist or else he would not have been an early ally of Hitler and he would not have murdered all the socialists, communists, and Anarchists.
It worked in the Soviet Union, eh comrade?
Socialism worked well enough in the Soviet Union to win WWII and put the first human being into space.

Are you disappointed?

Both Germany and the USSR were socialist states. And before war broke out between the USSR and Germany on 22 June 1941, Mr. Hitler and Mr. Stalin were BFF's.
Germany was not socialist.

Nazi Germany was socialist.

The Soviet Union didn't stand a change without hundreds of billions in U.S. Aid. Do you know how many trucks, tanks, planes we sent them? Tons of steel, copper, aluminum, rubber, yada, yada yada?
FACT CHECK: Were Nazis Socialists? (snopes.com)

Above all, the Nazis were German white nationalists. What they stood for was the ascendancy of the “Aryan” race and the German nation, by any means necessary. Despite co-opting the name, some of the rhetoric, and even some of the precepts of socialism, Hitler and party did so with utter cynicism, and with vastly different goals. The claim that the Nazis actually were leftists or socialists in any generally accepted sense of those terms flies in the face of historical reality.
You leftwing sources have zero credibility. The theory that the NAZIs were lying about being socialists is just too absurd for mere words to describe. "Nationalism" and socialicism are two separate things. The theory that you can't be a nationalist if you are a socialist is pure idiocy. None of the standard leftwing areguments hold water. they are all easily exploded.
All you morons live in fantasy land. Sure you believe dems are all lizard people too. haha
Where's the "fantasy?"
Just about everything you moron righties believe in.

So you think the Nazis almost took over the whole planet with a socialist economy? You are promoting socialism now I guess.
Socialism is great for building tanks, bombers and battleship.
Oh really? So a socialist economy is so strong it can power a giant army like the Nazi's had? You are a good spokesman for socialism.
Their army wasn't that big, especially when it came to tanks, ships and other war material. Germany just had very good generals. Stalin executed all his best generals.
Yeah they almost defeated Europe and Russia with almost no army. Your stupidity is funny.
It worked in the Soviet Union, eh comrade?
Socialism worked well enough in the Soviet Union to win WWII and put the first human being into space.

Are you disappointed?

Both Germany and the USSR were socialist states. And before war broke out between the USSR and Germany on 22 June 1941, Mr. Hitler and Mr. Stalin were BFF's.
Germany was not socialist.

Nazi Germany was socialist.

The Soviet Union didn't stand a change without hundreds of billions in U.S. Aid. Do you know how many trucks, tanks, planes we sent them? Tons of steel, copper, aluminum, rubber, yada, yada yada?
FACT CHECK: Were Nazis Socialists? (snopes.com)

Above all, the Nazis were German white nationalists. What they stood for was the ascendancy of the “Aryan” race and the German nation, by any means necessary. Despite co-opting the name, some of the rhetoric, and even some of the precepts of socialism, Hitler and party did so with utter cynicism, and with vastly different goals. The claim that the Nazis actually were leftists or socialists in any generally accepted sense of those terms flies in the face of historical reality.
You leftwing sources have zero credibility. The theory that the NAZIs were lying about being socialists is just too absurd for mere words to describe. "Nationalism" and socialicism are two separate things. The theory that you can't be a nationalist if you are a socialist is pure idiocy. None of the standard leftwing areguments hold water. they are all easily exploded.
All you morons live in fantasy land. Sure you believe dems are all lizard people too. haha
Where's the "fantasy?"
Just about everything you moron righties believe in.

So you think the Nazis almost took over the whole planet with a socialist economy? You are promoting socialism now I guess.
The Russian front was on socialist dictatorship fighting another socialist dictatorship.
Yeah and the Nazis were fighting them and us and Europe all at the same time. If Hitler was smarter they would have won. They sure had the army to do it. All powered by socialism according to you. Hmmmm....nationalists that spend a lot on the military. Sounds like republicans don't it?

Hitler was not at all a socialist, but the capitalist that fascism requires.

Nazi Germany was socialist.

The Soviet Union didn't stand a chance without hundreds of billions in U.S. Aid. Do you know how many trucks, tanks, planes we sent them? Tons of steel, copper, aluminum, rubber, yada, yada yada?

Nothing remotely socialist about Hitler after the Night of the Long Knives, when Hitler disassociated himself from the SA, so that the oligarchs would appoint him chancellor.

Any while yes the US supplied vital war material to the USSR at the very beginning, that was nothing compared to what the USSR finally produced, and it was only for a short while that we supplied anything.
The only real thing of value that we gave the soviets.

The US6 was manufactured primarily for export under Lend-Lease. The Soviet Union would become the largest foreign operator. The first Studebaker US6 trucks arrived in the USSR in the autumn of 1941. The Red Army organized a test of eleven 6×6 "Studebekkers" (as they become referred to in the USSR) which took place between July 1942 and May 1943. The results were used to direct the enlargement of the payload from 2 1⁄2 to 4 tons (2,300 to 3,600 kg).[4] In 1945, it was lowered to 3 1⁄2 tons (3,200 kg), although on improved roads they could carry up to a maximum of 5 tons (4,500 kg).

Large numbers of Studebaker US6 trucks were supplied to the Soviet Union via the Persian Corridor in Iran under the USA's Lend-Lease program. The truck fulfilled many important roles in service with Soviet military forces during the war, such as towing artillery pieces and anti-tank guns and transporting troops over long distances. It was renowned for its overall ruggedness and reliability, including its ability to run on poor-quality fuel. The Soviet Red Army also found them to be a suitable platform for conversion into Katyusha rocket launchers, although this was not their main purpose. The truck became affectionately known as the Studer by Soviet troops and was even recognised of its importance (to the Soviet war effort) by Joseph Stalin, who sent a personal letter of appreciation to Studebaker, in which he thanked them for the superb quality of the US6 for Soviet service.

Studebaker US6 trucks were also used by the US military in the construction of the Ledo Road in Burma, and the Alcan Highway in North America, during WWII.

Following the end of WWII, the US6 strongly influenced the USSR's design of the ZIS/ZIL-151 truck, which, in turn, evolved into the similar (and succeeding) ZIL-157.
Not sure how many we gave them, but 200,000 were made and I think we gave them most of them?
Slavery to the state never lasts, for the past 5,000 years people rose up again and again to defeat it.
What does that have to do with the terrorism of tradable shares?

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Tradable shares allowed private corporations to become larger and more powerful than states..."

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders."
Slavery to the state never lasts, for the past 5,000 years people rose up again and again to defeat it.
What does that have to do with the terrorism of tradable shares?

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Tradable shares allowed private corporations to become larger and more powerful than states..."

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders."

What's wrong with Corporations and other voluntary groups of citizens being allowed to stand up to the All-Powerful king or government?

Socialists don't like it because it is a hindrance to their dream of an All-Powerful State that will micromanage their subjects' lives

The First Amendment recognizes the right to free association that Almighty God endowed us with, and the 1st is main thing blocking their efforts to change this country into a Marxist Heck Hole.
The 1st World War had to do with the old Empires, the 2nd was the result of the 1st and Socialism. Regardless of your retarded attempts at historical revisionism the Nazi's were Socialist.
Both world wars were contested between capitalists in the US and UK against German capitalists for control of global resources like oil. Hitler killed German communists along with million of Soviet socialists while bestowing a medal on Henry Ford. Nazis were and still are capitalist fascists. Had the US stayed neutral in WWI, the Russian Revolution would have migrated to Berlin and London and Hitler would be a historical footnote, at best.
Both Germany and the USSR were socialist states. And before war broke out between the USSR and Germany on 22 June 1941, Mr. Hitler and Mr. Stalin were BFF's.
Germany was socialist in the same way Trump is a populist.

Hitler lied about "national socialism" as a means of bringing his brand of white supremacy to power. The idea of socialism was growing around the world a century ago in places you might find hard to believe today:


"As the first decade of the 20th Century drew to a close, the Socialist Party of Oklahoma was one of the most dominant state organizations of the national party, gaining the support of nearly one in five Oklahoma voters and electing candidates to office in various locales around the state."

Socialist Party of Oklahoma - Wikipedia
The 1st World War had to do with the old Empires, the 2nd was the result of the 1st and Socialism. Regardless of your retarded attempts at historical revisionism the Nazi's were Socialist.
Both world wars were contested between capitalists in the US and UK against German capitalists for control of global resources like oil. Hitler killed German communists along with million of Soviet socialists while bestowing a medal on Henry Ford. Nazis were and still are capitalist fascists. Had the US stayed neutral in WWI, the Russian Revolution would have migrated to Berlin and London and Hitler would be a historical footnote, at best.

Hitler was no "capitalist", he was a national Socialist. In a letter from Mr. Hitler to his good friend Julius Streicher , he acknowledges it. Remember this about Hitler, the entire basis of nazism was the idea of telling other people what to do- that the All Powerful government could run your life better than you can.

I KNOW otherwise. As for the Eastern Front? Winter beat Hitler.
Yes, too many fronts, divided forces, lack of oil. But it was ultimately Winter.
Noam Chomsky has written most US elites believed WWII would end in an European stalemate before Hitler invaded Russia. It seems possible those divisions sacrificed on the Eastern Front would have garrisoned Europe until September 1944 when the V-2 and the Messerschmitt 262 made it possible to cross the English channel?

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