A year after Trump.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
A year ago when Donald Trump shocked the world by becoming America’s 45th president a mass repudiation of the American political establishment came to fruition. US citizens, fed up with political aristocrats, saw no option but to pull the plug on a stinking, contaminated and corrupted Stillwater polluted with deep state bureaucracies and career politicians.

Those who voted for Trump knew what they were getting and it wasn’t polished or practiced in the arena of tactfulness or diplomacy. We’ve already had that and it’s brought us to a place suggestive of the fate of the Roman Empire. Consider the poisonous crusade underway after the election to re-litigate our history and revise it in its darkest, most negative terms.

Educational institutions are prostituted to factionalized legions of political correctness motivated by ideological hate speech targeted at students to incite them to commit violence against their fellow citizens, destroy public property and undermine our traditions. Manufactured struggles are everywhere look-men against women, old against young, black against white, rich against poor.

Trump’s election threw a big wrench into the gears that many on the left tout as progress. Since 1965 the War on Poverty and the Great Society have supplanted two-parent families with ubiquitous single motherhood producing a powder keg of hopelessness trapped in government safety nets. His vow to do away with the Affordable Care Act effectively precludes the efforts of the left to make the rest of us like the poor rather than improve the economy to eliminate the poverty of government dependence.

It’s not just Democrats. Republicans and their bloodlust for cheap labor are selling us out to globalization. The disappearance of company paid pensions and employer subsidized healthcare are concessions made for corporations to be competitive with Asian countries whose workers are treated little better than animals.

Speaking of animals US wages are stagnant but hours worked are the highest in the industrialized world with the lowest paid sick time or vacation days. There is no national parental paid leave benefit in the US. The US middle class is fodder for globalization.

When Trump described the American political establishment as a swamp that needs to be drained he misspoke. It’s not a swamp-it’s a sewer. When Trump uses Twitter to expand his views he looks like an oaf to some. But his followers don’t mind. They want him to keep up the good work.
Americans mostly voted for Clinton last I checked.

Clinton 65,853,516
Trump 62,984,825
Donald Trump is clearly the worst president this country has ever seen. The fools that voted for him are just that - fools. How anyone could align themselves with a crude lout such as Trump truly amazes me. Hopefully, he will somehow be removed from office, the sooner the better.





Donald Trump is clearly the worst president this country has ever seen. The fools that voted for him are just that - fools. How anyone could align themselves with a crude lout such as Trump truly amazes me. Hopefully, he will somehow be removed from office, the sooner the better.

Sure, give him about 7 more years.
Can you all recall?

The Trump can't win crowd. And yet he keeps winning, maybe one day I will get tired.

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