A year of skin-deep politics.

^ Of all the phrases and sayings in the English language, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ is arguably one of the most neglected today.

Instead, the cover is now frequently judged more important than the book’s contents. Take, for instance, the election of Kamala Harris as US vice president. She is celebrated because she will be the first black American to hold the position. Time magazine named her its joint person of the year. Forbes anointed her the third most powerful woman of the year.

Yet behind Harris’s glossy front cover, many outside the political-media bubble find the pages make for uncomfortable reading. Indeed, her role in the mass incarceration of African Americans – as San Francisco’s district attorney and then California’s attorney general between 2004 and 2015 – arguably cost her a chance to run for the presidency itself. Because, as Hillary Clinton found out in 2016, when she desperately tried to play the identity card, voters tend to look at the things you do and say, rather than your chromosomes or skin pigment.

Still, for the Twittering classes the obsession with identity seemingly informs their approach to, well, everything. Even a pandemic. This led to some claiming that female leaders were handling the Covid crisis better than male leaders because they were, er, women. It was on these grounds that New Zealand premier Jacinda Ardern, Taiwan president Tsai Ing-Wen and German chancellor Angela Merkel were all celebrated this year. Their sex has supposedly made them more caring and more willing to listen to expert advice, which allowed them to lock down earlier and save lives.
Their sex has supposedly made them more caring and more willing to listen to expert advice, which allowed them to lock down earlier and save lives.
More willing than? More caring than? Is being more caring really so distinct from being more willing to listen that an additional "more" is called for? Could one not simply be more caring and willing to listen to whomever? What gender are these supposed experts? Should one presume that being casual about such things is more helpful than being accurate and explicit?
Third most powerful lady?

Vice President Harris will be the de facto President of the United States of America, currently and for a few more decades the most powerful and important nation in the world!

Her Excellency is the No. 1 most powerful lady and leader in the world.

And some people still have the gall to label this nation "racist"!
I can only see Mrs. Harris as a human with human traits. I am sure others will exploit or condemn her by her color.

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