The Palestinian Tragedy.

I also enjoy civil and thoughtful exchanges, but admit occasional snark can be both fun and effective. Grin.

Actually, I was asking more about clarification on the language you used. Specifically:

How do you define the "Islamic World" and why would you consider them "justifiably embittered"?

Even though I prefer civil exchanges, I don't mean to misrepresent the facts in that not all of my responses have been sugar coated pearls of dispassionate rhetoric.
Alas, I too have feet of clay and am no stranger to snarky responses especially when provoked.

When I wrote about a "justifiably embittered Islamic world", I meant specifically the Islamic Middle East that has frequently been exploited, manipulated and betrayed by the West's foreign colonial powers.

For example, as far back as 1915 the British promised the Arabs that they could have all of Palestine if they would help fight the Ottoman Turks (The McMahon Agreement; 1915)

As you know, after the Arabs had fulfilled their part of the agreement, they were confronted by the Balfour declaration which abrogated the McMahon Agreement and left most of Palestine to a much smaller percent of foreign Jews.

Additionally, it is not lost on the regional Muslims that UN Resolutions against Islamic countries are far more swiftly and violently enforced than those against Israel.
For example, UN Resolution #s 242 and # 338 had long been gathering dust while the prompt enforcement of UN Resolution # 678 cost the Iraqi people dearly.

Finally, the egregious double standard that exemplifies US Middle East policy has done as much to embitter the Islamic Middle East as anything.
I know because they told me so about 50 years ago when I was walking and hitch-hiking around the Islamic Middle East for 10 - 11 months.

I can't remember the number of times I was "kidnapped" while hitch-hiking by a friendly driver who insisted on treating me to refreshments and introducing me to his friends in the village square.
There, my host and his friends wanted to know all about America and the West.
Neither my host nor his friends expressed hostility toward Americans or Jews and were generally fascinated by American cars, American movies, life in America.

In retrospect, I am surprised at how little anti Jewish sentiment I heard or saw expressed throughout the Islamic Middle East.

However the two questions I was most frequently asked were:
1. "Why do Americans suddenly hate us?"
2. "Why does America help the Israelis / Jews kill the Palestinians and steal their land?"
I tried to explain how many Americans have been adversely influenced by America's pro Israel media (1)
at the same time I tried to explain the disproportionate influence of AIPAC, the ZOA etc on US Middle East policy but they were surprised at the degree to which so many Americans could be so easily manipulated and deceived into unknowingly supporting right wing extremists who do not represent all Jews.

During these "kidnappings", I was always given a clean place to sleep after an exhausting day of hospitality and creative translations. When I was ready to go, I was always given fruit, bread and water for the road.

Please excuse my digression but I wanted to explain why I have the opinion that's possible for Arabs and Jews to coexist........sometime in the future.

Since my observations are 50 years old, I am certainly receptive to hearing more recent observations and opinions.
You were right when you wrote that 7 October and the subsequent carnage in Gaza changed many things.

I'll respond to your other comments as time permits.


(1). “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with,...." CONTINUEDD
I would like to think so as well.

I think it is important to counter the slander and blood-libels being tossed around so casually in these times. That is the difference between antisemitism and other regional conflicts between nations, which don't seem to have the widespread violent acts or threats against individuals of that ethnicity in other countries. It's important to speak accurately and objectively about the events in Gaza. That is what I try to do.

I live in an exceedingly safe place in the world. I can walk around my daily business wearing my Star or an Israeli pin without comment or fear. Security has been increased at the synagogue, but by that I only mean that the doors are closed and locked instead of propped open during services and we have a more robust alarm system. Our town's Jewish community and our Muslim community are close, and we have multi-faith events.

But I have a large international group of friends because of dayjob, so I carry much anxiety for them.

Re: I would like to think so as well.

Not only do I think that some day Arabs and Jews will be able peacefully co exist but, in general, I feel that most people are at least well intentioned

Re: It's important to speak accurately and objectively about the events in Gaza. That is what I try to do.

I agree with this as well.

I try to be as objective and accurate as any mortal human being can be and, at the same time acknowledging my biases and trying to keep them in check..

I can see differences in opinion as to whether it is "accurate" to classify the carnage in Gaza as a genocide or not but few can dispute that the operation has been far from surgical in nature with the majority of the casualties being women and children.

Do you consider characterizing Netanyahu's operation as a "genocide" to be an example of slander and blood-libel and if so, what are some other examples of what you consider slander and blood-libel frequently seen at this forum?

A complaint I frequently hear from right wing Israelis and their supporters has to do with Israel being singled out when it comes to Human Rights abuses, expansionism and acts of aggression.

From my perspective, there are 2 primary reasons that Israel seems to incur criticism while other countries appear able to commit abuses without the same volume of condemnation:

1. US aid, arms and complicity: No other country receives so much aid and weaponry from the US as Israel making the US complicit in Israeli war crimes, expansionism and human rights abuses.

2. "The Holocaust Card": For decades, I have read where some Jews have repeatedly been victims especially during the WW 2 era but, now, manage to extract hundreds of $ Billions in reparations while committing similar crimes.
Repeatedly playing the "Victim Card" has proven both effective in deflecting criticism over Human Rights abuses and extracting Reparations while committing war crimes but, at the same time, the phenomenon of "Victim turned Victimizer" has embittered much of the world against Israel.

Finally, I am sincerely glad that you can live, worship and express yourself as you like and when you like. Because I have spent time in totalitarian and formerly Communist countries, I especially appreciate those freedoms we both enjoy.
I think that your willingness to study, co-exist and worship with those of other cultures and faiths is extremely admirable.
Here, in a rural part of Central Virginia we do not have the same broad exposure to other religions and cultures except for friends I have scattered around the world.
Because of this, I am grateful to my Jewish Brother-in-Law as well as his friends and family for further educating me on the Jewish traditions, holidays and religious aspects.

But I have a large international group of friends because of dayjob, so I carry much anxiety for them.

I can only guess that you must help refugees get settled or teach in some capacity. At any rate, your job sounds interesting and I, too, too used to be anxious for my clients when I worked as a Psychiatric Case Worker long ago.

Congratulations on your inter-faith group and related efforts; I wish you good luck and good health.

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