A Zionist Soldier Shoot Dead Wounded Palestinian

I LOVE Jews,and have many Jewish friends...I just detest Zionists as they do......FOOL

I love Jews. I hate Zionists.

I love those who have kept the word of G-d. But I hate those who have corrupted the word of G-d.

I love those who meet my definitions and adhere to my beliefs. But I hate those who have their own beliefs.

I love those who are like me but detest those who are not like me. I detest the other. I just make excuses for why.
I could have given you a Winner Medal had you have inserted "Palestinians" instead of Zionists Shusha but you failed in the first step of Humanity...Shame and Shame on you.

So you now hate the Palestinians, do you even understand what you wrote here ?
Another zionazi who will be released soon.
Israeli soldier is filmed shooting dead wounded Palestinian attacker

"IDF Spokesperson Brigadier General Moti Almoz announced Thursday that the soldier was arrested and questioned."
OP somehow missed that one.

Now one for the OP. Name 1 Pal ever arrested by a Pal.

Worse than that, the Pal'istanians view the crimes of their Death Cult heroes as praiseworthy.

Palestinian Red Crescent hosts terror-honoring event - PMW Bulletins

Palestinian Red Crescent hosts Fatah ceremony honoring terrorists who killed 37 civilians,
including 12 children

- Ceremony honored leader of most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history - Dalal Mughrabi - as “Bride of Palestine”
Stupid Moron......Yet another Israeli Crime against Humanity......this footage would be the TIP OF THE ICEBERG,......yet the Zionist Trash on here thinks it's OK to behave in this manner,there was NO Palestinian Attack.....but it was Occupied(OCCUPIED)Palestine......Yet more ZIONIST FILTH

So you can LINK to the warrant issued by the ICC/ICJ on the charge of crime against humanity, or is it just more of your idiotic Jew hatred and childish Nazism we have come to expect.

Your use of the term Zionist is offensive and is seen as a racial attack that is illegal in all civilised nations like Australia and Britain.

What ever you say islamonazi scum
You are wrong again poor old Phonall.....in Australia "Zionist/s/ism"is not regarded as RACISM actually it is the reverse....https://sites.google.com/site/jewsagainstracistzionism/8whome

Using the term out of context and in a racist manner is racism in Oz, You really need to learn to read English or hand back to the semi literate boiler room member who does.
"IDF Spokesperson Brigadier General Moti Almoz announced Thursday that the soldier was arrested and questioned."
OP somehow missed that one.

Now one for the OP. Name 1 Pal ever arrested by a Pal.

Worse than that, the Pal'istanians view the crimes of their Death Cult heroes as praiseworthy.

Palestinian Red Crescent hosts terror-honoring event - PMW Bulletins

Palestinian Red Crescent hosts Fatah ceremony honoring terrorists who killed 37 civilians,
including 12 children

- Ceremony honored leader of most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history - Dalal Mughrabi - as “Bride of Palestine”
Stupid Moron......Yet another Israeli Crime against Humanity......this footage would be the TIP OF THE ICEBERG,......yet the Zionist Trash on here thinks it's OK to behave in this manner,there was NO Palestinian Attack.....but it was Occupied(OCCUPIED)Palestine......Yet more ZIONIST FILTH

Poor little self-hating Jew.
I LOVE Jews,and have many Jewish friends...I just detest Zionists as they do......FOOL

You don't even understand what a Zionist is, so use the term as a racist insult. Now you are being shown to be a rabid racist Nazi and Jew hater you don't like it.
Worse than that, the Pal'istanians view the crimes of their Death Cult heroes as praiseworthy.

Palestinian Red Crescent hosts terror-honoring event - PMW Bulletins

Palestinian Red Crescent hosts Fatah ceremony honoring terrorists who killed 37 civilians,
including 12 children

- Ceremony honored leader of most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history - Dalal Mughrabi - as “Bride of Palestine”
Stupid Moron......Yet another Israeli Crime against Humanity......this footage would be the TIP OF THE ICEBERG,......yet the Zionist Trash on here thinks it's OK to behave in this manner,there was NO Palestinian Attack.....but it was Occupied(OCCUPIED)Palestine......Yet more ZIONIST FILTH

So you can LINK to the warrant issued by the ICC/ICJ on the charge of crime against humanity, or is it just more of your idiotic Jew hatred and childish Nazism we have come to expect.

Your use of the term Zionist is offensive and is seen as a racial attack that is illegal in all civilised nations like Australia and Britain.

What ever you say islamonazi scum
You are wrong again poor old Phonall.....in Australia "Zionist/s/ism"is not regarded as RACISM actually it is the reverse....https://sites.google.com/site/jewsagainstracistzionism/8whome

You have already explicitly stated that all Jews in Israel are Zionist murderers.
Your histrionic hyperbole is comical.
IDIOT I have NEVER SAID ALL Jews at all....but Zionists I could well have

What is a Zionist in your own words, how do you define Zionism compared to how the law defines Zionism ?
Once again using the term Zionist as a racist attack, you should be given a warning for the incitement in your posts and told anymore and you are banned.

The topic is the justified killing of a Palestinian terrorist by an armed IDF soldier doing his job
Zionist/ism is not Racist at all......It is a true and factual description of the people who belong to a Terrorist Organization.......you mug,it's like me saying ISIS is a RACIST TERM........the Palestinian was innocent of any Crime,YOUR term "he was Justified of MURDER'' is to try to cover a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.
Funny, I could not find any posts from you about the thousands of missiles fired at civilians in direct violation of every international law on the books.
Keep Looking...but STOP deflecting the reality of this post.........................I will enlighten you on one fact though because you are somewhat Myopic(well all Zionistas are generally) since 1948 over 102,000 PLUS Palestinians have been Slaughtered mostly innocent women and children by the Israelis,compared to 10,000 Israelis(again women and children) by Palestinians,FULL STOP..................All DEATHS AND MAIMINGS ARE APPAULLING
The only one grieving for a dead terrorist is you.
Silence is concent, you love it when civilians are targeted, especially if their Jews.
Out come the Bullshit Zionist Possee.......as usual...full of Bull Shit.....no need to continue

In other words you have been soundly thrashed and don't want to lose any more face in the boiler room
The people of Israel support the soldier, don't listen to the media.
Well they would because this happens DAILY,the MURDER OF THE INNOCENT.......they have become use to it.....SADLY ISRAELI JEWS THINK THIS ABNORMAL BEHAVIOUR IS NORMAL........AND ZIONISTS ENCOURAGE THIS COWARDISM......because they LOVE AND ARE ATTEMPTING TO EXTERMINATE THE Palestinians...........We all know that...steven

Someone who comes upon a soldier with a knife is hardly "innocent"
Worse than that, the Pal'istanians view the crimes of their Death Cult heroes as praiseworthy.

Palestinian Red Crescent hosts terror-honoring event - PMW Bulletins

Palestinian Red Crescent hosts Fatah ceremony honoring terrorists who killed 37 civilians,
including 12 children

- Ceremony honored leader of most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history - Dalal Mughrabi - as “Bride of Palestine”
Stupid Moron......Yet another Israeli Crime against Humanity......this footage would be the TIP OF THE ICEBERG,......yet the Zionist Trash on here thinks it's OK to behave in this manner,there was NO Palestinian Attack.....but it was Occupied(OCCUPIED)Palestine......Yet more ZIONIST FILTH

So you can LINK to the warrant issued by the ICC/ICJ on the charge of crime against humanity, or is it just more of your idiotic Jew hatred and childish Nazism we have come to expect.

Your use of the term Zionist is offensive and is seen as a racial attack that is illegal in all civilised nations like Australia and Britain.

What ever you say islamonazi scum
You are wrong again poor old Phonall.....in Australia "Zionist/s/ism"is not regarded as RACISM actually it is the reverse....https://sites.google.com/site/jewsagainstracistzionism/8whome

You have already explicitly stated that all Jews in Israel are Zionist murderers.
Your histrionic hyperbole is comical.
IDIOT I have NEVER SAID ALL Jews at all....but Zionists I could well have

Stop playing with semantics as you're not very good at it.
You label ALL Jews living in Israel as Zionist murderers.
Shooting the wounded is, in fact, a war crime. One of the charges against Radovan Karadzic that landed him in prison for 40 years, was just that.
I'm sure you believe that, but it is a war crime.
Write a strongly worded email of protest to the prayer leader at your madrassah.

You would have thought that Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories would understand that attacking Israelis with knives can result in their immediate death. But then, life is cheap when the Arabs-Moslems who are a part of the Islamist Death Cult are raised from infants to be islamo-bots, submissive to their Death Cult leaders.
Shooting the wounded is a War crime

When did this become law and what law is it, as it has always been allowed to shoot to kill an injured combatant that is still being aggressive.

Don't make far reaching statements when you know they will be contested
Stupid Moron......Yet another Israeli Crime against Humanity......this footage would be the TIP OF THE ICEBERG,......yet the Zionist Trash on here thinks it's OK to behave in this manner,there was NO Palestinian Attack.....but it was Occupied(OCCUPIED)Palestine......Yet more ZIONIST FILTH

So you can LINK to the warrant issued by the ICC/ICJ on the charge of crime against humanity, or is it just more of your idiotic Jew hatred and childish Nazism we have come to expect.

Your use of the term Zionist is offensive and is seen as a racial attack that is illegal in all civilised nations like Australia and Britain.

What ever you say islamonazi scum
You are wrong again poor old Phonall.....in Australia "Zionist/s/ism"is not regarded as RACISM actually it is the reverse....https://sites.google.com/site/jewsagainstracistzionism/8whome

You have already explicitly stated that all Jews in Israel are Zionist murderers.
Your histrionic hyperbole is comical.
IDIOT I have NEVER SAID ALL Jews at all....but Zionists I could well have

Stop playing with semantics as you're not very good at it.
You label ALL Jews living in Israel as Zionist murderers.
Absolute Total Rubbish.......ad-nausium
Geneva Conventions (1949)
Pursuant to common Article 3(1) of the 1949 Geneva Conventions,
[p]ersons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placedhors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria.
To this end, the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons:
(a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture.

Additional Protocol I
Article 41(1) of the 1977 Additional Protocol I provides: “A person who is recognized or who, in the circumstances, should be recognized to be hors de combat shall not be made the object of attack.”

Under Article 85(3)(e) of the 1977 Additional Protocol I, “making a person the object of attack in the knowledge that he is hors de combat” is a grave breach of the Protocol.

Additional Protocol II (draft)
Article 7(1) of the draft Additional Protocol II submitted by the ICRC to the CDDH provided: “It is forbidden to kill, injure, ill-treat or torture an adversary hors de combat.”

ICRC service
Geneva Conventions (1949)
Pursuant to common Article 3(1) of the 1949 Geneva Conventions,
[p]ersons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placedhors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria.
To this end, the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons:
(a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture.

Additional Protocol I
Article 41(1) of the 1977 Additional Protocol I provides: “A person who is recognized or who, in the circumstances, should be recognized to be hors de combat shall not be made the object of attack.”

Under Article 85(3)(e) of the 1977 Additional Protocol I, “making a person the object of attack in the knowledge that he is hors de combat” is a grave breach of the Protocol.

Additional Protocol II (draft)
Article 7(1) of the draft Additional Protocol II submitted by the ICRC to the CDDH provided: “It is forbidden to kill, injure, ill-treat or torture an adversary hors de combat.”

ICRC service

He was suspected of carrying a bomb that he was trying to explode, his actions were such that he was seen as a combatant and not as an injured soldier. Keep it up as you are losing every time when you don't read the full section in regards to your claims.

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