Senior Member
you're speaking to exceptions--not the rule. You might wanna leave you're hatred of sex out of your argument.
*grins widely* Why do you think I hate sex ... because of over population in our area the places I grew up are now housing complexes, they drained our neighborhood swamp to make room for more houses, cut down all the beautiful wild areas for even more houses, and destroyed an entire wooded area for some stupid strip mall and Fred Meyers. Also, it's not the act of sex I hate, though I do not enjoy it myself, it's the mindless breeding without thinking about the consequences that I truly hate.
Did you know they have birth control these days ?
Just because it's there doesn't mean people take the responsibility to use it. I don't like sex myself, and don't really care if other people have it, what angers me is they breed mindlessly so much, then they whine about the environment getting messed up or that welfare costs are sky rocketing without once admitting that if they would only use birth control more often none of this would happen.