Abandoned by his colleagues after negotiating a border compromise, GOP senator faces backlash alone


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Abandoned by his colleagues after negotiating a border compromise, GOP senator faces backlash alone​

Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., left, the lead GOP negotiator on a border-foreign aid package, holds hands with his wife Cindy Lankford, center, joined at right by Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., who has been central to Senate border security talks, during procedural votes, at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024. Senate Republicans have blocked the bipartisan border package, scuttling months of negotiations between the two parties on legislation intended to cut down record numbers of illegal border crossings. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Just before the Senate voted Wednesday to kill the border deal he spent the last four months negotiating, Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford climbed a set of marble stairs outside the chamber and joined his wife in the visitors’ gallery.
As the Republican quietly watched from a floor above, briefly the outsider after defending his legislation in a last Senate floor speech, fellow negotiator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona was down on the floor excoriating the Republicans who had abandoned Lankford, one by one, after insisting on a border deal and asking him to negotiate a compromise on one of the country’s most intractable issues.

When asked by a reporter about being abandoned by his party on the issue, Lankford became teary eyed, and grabbed a mic and began to sing.

When I was young
I never needed anyone
And making love was just for fun
Those days are gone

Living alone
I think of all the friends I've known
But when I dial the telephone
Nobody's home

All by myself
Don't want to be all by myself anymore
All by myself
Don't want to live all by myself anymore

Hard to be sure
Sometimes I feel so insecure
And love so distant and obscure
Remains the cure

All by myself
Don't want to be all by myself anymore
All by myself
Don't want to live all by myself anymore

Unphased regarding Lankford emotional distress, Eric Carmen is reportedly suing Lankford for copyright issues

The problem that any Republican will have in supporting this now-dead bill is the following: It is based on a blatant lie. It is based on the premise that the President lacks the legal, statutory, and Constitutional authority to bring the southern border under control. That is simply false, as demonstrated by President Trump, who brought a semblance of order to our southern border while being opposed by the Leftists in Congress and the Deep State for every second of his Presidency.

The Democrat plan for destruction of the country is now in full view; how could any Republican go along with it? It is perverse. It is insane. It is political suicide.
The problem that any Republican will have in supporting this now-dead bill is the following: It is based on a blatant lie. It is based on the premise that the President lacks the legal, statutory, and Constitutional authority to bring the southern border under control. That is simply false, as demonstrated by President Trump, who brought a semblance of order to our southern border while being opposed by the Leftists in Congress and the Deep State for every second of his Presidency.

The Democrat plan for destruction of the country is now in full view; how could any Republican go along with it? It is perverse. It is insane. It is political suicide.
Biden has to explain why Trump could maintain the border better without the help of Congress than he can.

If only we have journalism and a free press.

Abandoned by his colleagues after negotiating a border compromise, GOP senator faces backlash alone​

Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., left, the lead GOP negotiator on a border-foreign aid package, holds hands with his wife Cindy Lankford, center, joined at right by Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., who has been central to Senate border security talks, during procedural votes, at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024. Senate Republicans have blocked the bipartisan border package, scuttling months of negotiations between the two parties on legislation intended to cut down record numbers of illegal border crossings. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Just before the Senate voted Wednesday to kill the border deal he spent the last four months negotiating, Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford climbed a set of marble stairs outside the chamber and joined his wife in the visitors’ gallery.
As the Republican quietly watched from a floor above, briefly the outsider after defending his legislation in a last Senate floor speech, fellow negotiator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona was down on the floor excoriating the Republicans who had abandoned Lankford, one by one, after insisting on a border deal and asking him to negotiate a compromise on one of the country’s most intractable issues.

When asked by a reporter about being abandoned by his party on the issue, Lankford became teary eyed, and grabbed a mic and began to sing.

When I was young
I never needed anyone
And making love was just for fun
Those days are gone

Living alone
I think of all the friends I've known
But when I dial the telephone
Nobody's home

All by myself
Don't want to be all by myself anymore
All by myself
Don't want to live all by myself anymore

Hard to be sure
Sometimes I feel so insecure
And love so distant and obscure
Remains the cure

All by myself
Don't want to be all by myself anymore
All by myself
Don't want to live all by myself anymore

Unphased regarding Lankford emotional distress, Eric Carmen is reportedly suing Lankford for copyright issues


The more I hear, the more I'm convinced that McTurtle pulled a Machiavellian move, putting Lankford out front in the "negotiations", so he would take the heat when the shit fell apart.

He's totally scummy like that, and we all know it.
The REAL DEM plan:

Step one,
flood the country for three years with millions of illegal aliens.
Step two, watch approval numbers on the border drop below 20%.
Step three, election year is here. Decide you need to act now that you’ve let millions of illegals into the country and the American people are pissed.
Step four, line up some rhinos in the Senate to assist with the next phase of the plan.
Step five, work with the RINOs on a bipartisan basis to devise a garbage piece of legislation that would make the crisis considerably worse.
Step six, ensure the bill is so bad that becomes toxic for Republicans, so much so that even the Republican RINO leadership who helped negotiate it is forced to abandon it.
Step seven, message the doomed legislation as the strongest immigration and border bill in history, knowing the media will faithfully echo your propaganda.
Step eight, claim the only reason Republicans abandon the bill is because Trump wants to use the open border as a campaign issue.
Step nine, adopt your new 2024 campaign mantra the border crisis is Trump’s fault.

Then, every day between now and November, the American people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump.

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