Abbas suggests Obama promised 67 lines - E. Jerusalem

Yep and despite all the demonization and bullshit Islamic anti semetic neo Nazi propaganda, the entire Christian world knows that all will be lost if Jerusalem was under the control of intolerant Muslim savages as opposed to Jews, who are great hosts and protectors of the rights of all religions and minorities. That is why the Baha'is have their main temple and center of their faith in Israel.

Does this idiot really think that anybody trusts Muslims and especially PALESTINIANS to be as good hosts and caretakers of other faiths?

Let's do a short review of Muslim and Palestinian "respect" for other faiths in the last century. All you will see is a trail of blood and desecration.

"WASHINGTON — Figures with deep roots in America’s religious right have launched a quiet effort aimed at pushing evangelical Christians away from decades of growing loyalty to Israel and toward increased solidarity with the Palestinians.

The campaign by a coalition of religious leaders, international nonprofits, and activists has taken place in recent years largely behind the scenes and away from the prying eyes of the political press — and it’s being driven by a generation of Evangelicals alienated by the way their faith was yoked to Republican foreign policy during the Bush years. Now, organizations like the Telos Group and the large Christian nonprofit World Vision have joined a small army of ministers and Christian opinion-makers working to reorient Evangelicals’ stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — producing documentaries about the plight of Palestinian Christians, providing theological rationale for a more “balanced” view of the issue, and taking Evangelicals on trips to the Middle East."

New Evangelical Movement Seeks Split From Pro-Israel Line

Presented at the Friends of Sabeel North America Conference held at the Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Albuquerque NM

[ame=]Ali Abunimah | Standing Up for Justice and Equal Rights in Palestine: How to Win the Struggle Ahead - YouTube[/ame]


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