Abby Martin on Breaking The Set and Her Work at RT

Day-yum! :clap2:

What a breath of fresh air. So THIS is what I'm missing not having TV. Oh wait, DreckTV never offered RT, never mind...

I think I'm in love. Or at least I wanna have her babies. Smart as a whip. And I love her description of mainstream media: "a circle jerk of fuckery". So true.
Abby is good but she's not the only cutie on RT. Erin Ade does a mainly financial program, which is far more interesting and informative than any other financial program on tv -- plus she is a very sexy young lady. In fact, it appears she and Abby Martin are engaged in an impromptu I'm sexier contest.

Oksana Boyko is strictly business. Her specialty is informative in-depth interviews of currently relevant persons in international news.

Sophie (Sophie Co.) is another interviewer and she's another cutie. Prim and reserved, but pretty and interesting.

Max Keiser (The Keiser Report) is a substantive, critical, and very entertaining half-hour which is devoted mainly to financial matters but is uniquely informative in many other areas. Max is a bit eccentric but real smart. He likes pulling the covers off Wall Street icons.

And there's a lot more.

RT here: Check it out.
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I never heard of RT America. Is it really "Russia Today" funded by Vlad Putin?
Who is Abby Martin?
What is RT?
And why should we care....

Is she a blogger on some Internet show that 100 people follow?
Who is Abby Martin?
What is RT?
And why should we care....

Is she a blogger on some Internet show that 100 people follow?

Do you know how to read a thread? How to go to the OP?

I didn't know who she was until I got here and did that. And I'm the second-dumbest poster on USMB. S.J. said so. That must make you Number 1.

I never heard of RT America. Is it really "Russia Today" funded by Vlad Putin?
Yes, it is. But don't worry -- the communist wolf is dead. If you watch RT you soon will realize its only objective is to supply its American audience with truth and with some very interesting facts our corporate-influenced media withholds.

Use your own judgment:

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