Abortion is Govmnt sanctioned murder.It must be made illegal.!


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I have always wondered why the people for Abortion have already been born, and were not Aborted when they were in their mothers womb.!? Lets face the facts, Abortion is murder. Once that female egg has been fetilized, it becomes a living, and growing human being. Those aborted fetuses were being used for genetic experiments.
I 'am glad that states like Alabama,Missouri, Texas, Georgia, and some of the other southern states have decided to put an end to this gov sanctioned genocide. Your thoughts.
Why do only the worst states in the country want to outlaw abortion? Do we need more Alabamans?

Define worst states in the country.

OMG is it because..... they're DEPLORABLE???


Why do only the worst states in the country want to outlaw abortion? Do we need more Alabamans?

How do you define worst States. Because they follow the Bible?, and don't accept Homosexuality, beastiality, and Abortion?!. So only states that allow Homosexuality and all other kinds of perversions are allowing Abortions.?
Something to think about.?!! The Ends justify the means , wow.
Why do only the worst states in the country want to outlaw abortion? Do we need more Alabamans?

How do you define worst States. Because they follow the Bible?, and don't accept Homosexuality, beastiality, and Abortion?!. So only states that allow Homosexuality and all other kinds of perversions are allowing Abortions.?
Something to think about.?!! The Ends justify the means , wow.

Um.. they are actually at the bottom by almost every metric imaginable. Poorest. Least happy. Least healthy. Most beastiality...
It should not just be a "Womans right to kill the Baby", it takes two to create that baby. A man should also have a
say if the baby should live. Abortion is murder by the mother. Plain and simple infantacide. It must stop now.!!
How do you define worst States. Because they follow the Bible?

YES! If your laws are based off the words of a megalomaniac who destroys entire cities, and turns good people into salt for looking back I'm not sure you have authority on the sanctity of life. If your laws are based on some sky wizard who flooded the entire world because his own creations sucked don't tell me how you're pro-life. If you worship some dude who Punk'd a father into almost killing his own son for some silly test don't talk to me about compassion.
How do you define worst States. Because they follow the Bible?

YES! If your laws are based off the words of a megalomaniac who destroys entire cities, and turns good people into salt for looking back I'm not sure you have authority on the sanctity of life. If your laws are based on some sky wizard who flooded the entire world because his own creations sucked don't tell me how you're pro-life. If you worship some dude who Punk'd a father into almost killing his own son for some silly test don't talk to me about compassion.

So you want a world with no God, and people who murder unborn babies, and men who punk each other in their butts, and women who grind their vaginas up on each other. Am I correct in what kind of world you want us to have?
I have always wondered why the people for Abortion have already been born, and were not Aborted when they were in their mothers womb.!? Lets face the facts, Abortion is murder. Once that female egg has been fetilized, it becomes a living, and growing human being. Those aborted fetuses were being used for genetic experiments.
I 'am glad that states like Alabama,Missouri, Texas, Georgia, and some of the other southern states have decided to put an end to this gov sanctioned genocide. Your thoughts.
Don't have an abortion if you don't like it. Other than that...myob.
I have always wondered why the people for Abortion have already been born, and were not Aborted when they were in their mothers womb.!? Lets face the facts, Abortion is murder. Once that female egg has been fetilized, it becomes a living, and growing human being. Those aborted fetuses were being used for genetic experiments.
I 'am glad that states like Alabama,Missouri, Texas, Georgia, and some of the other southern states have decided to put an end to this gov sanctioned genocide. Your thoughts.
52ndStreet, thank you for your post in speaking against abortion. The Democrats are currently driving their contingent pro-lifers out of their party because they are full of hatred for the good.

Killing someone else who is inconvenient to the killer pretty much sums up why many men and women are occupying a prison cell for the rest of their lives (out for time served if they're rich and get a good attorney). And Democrats are knocking themselves out to make sure all murderers can still vote.

The Democrats want to be sure all their members are pro-feticide, and I'm not sure why that is, except that in order to push off communism on people who think it's "only socialism" (as if it mattered) are preparing the party to go on a killing rampage of people who are inconvenient to them. Oh, and it goes without saying, a feticide means the victim cannot hurt the killer back.

Several Female DNC Representatives Want to Throw Out all Pro-lifers in the Democrat Party--and they're not whispering it, they're Demanding it

Pro-life Democrats could be the latest casualty in the progressive war on the party, as one influential representative on Friday called for primary challenges and even stripping of funding from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for those who differ from the pro-abortion stance that many in the party hold, even going as far as saying "you can't say you're a Democrat if you don't support abortion."

According to Newsweek, Washington State Representative Pramila Jayapal said, "I think we should allow for strong primary challenges, so that people can really put their Democratic chops on the line, if you will, and let the Democratic voters decide who they want," referring to the choice between pro-choice and pro-life Democrats.

Currently, there are five pro-life Democratic officials in all of Congress such as Representatives Dan Lipinski of Illinois, Collin Peterson of Minnesota, and Henry Cuellar of Texas as well as Senate Democrats Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania.

Earlier this week, Rep. Ro Khanna out of California, a fellow progressive made similar statements saying that the "last person the DCCC should be supporting" is pro-life Democrat Rep. Dan Lipinski.

The comments come as Republican state legislatures across the country have passed numerous state laws which protect life inside the mother's womb and limit when a woman can obtain an abortion. Progressives Call For Party Purge of Democratic Pro-Lifers
The Democrats want to take our guns, and kill our unborn babies. What kind of people are these Democrats? They want us to be childless and defensless.!!!?
How do you define worst States. Because they follow the Bible?

YES! If your laws are based off the words of a megalomaniac who destroys entire cities, and turns good people into salt for looking back I'm not sure you have authority on the sanctity of life. If your laws are based on some sky wizard who flooded the entire world because his own creations sucked don't tell me how you're pro-life. If you worship some dude who Punk'd a father into almost killing his own son for some silly test don't talk to me about compassion.

So now we should throw out any laws contained in religious texts..... like thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not covet, stealing, bearing false witness, etc,...?


Why do only the worst states in the country want to outlaw abortion? Do we need more Alabamans?

How do you define worst States. Because they follow the Bible?, and don't accept Homosexuality, beastiality, and Abortion?!. So only states that allow Homosexuality and all other kinds of perversions are allowing Abortions.?
Something to think about.?!! The Ends justify the means , wow.

Um.. they are actually at the bottom by almost every metric imaginable. Poorest. Least happy. Least healthy. Most beastiality...

Where men are men, and sheep are scared.
Why do only the worst states in the country want to outlaw abortion? Do we need more Alabamans?
According to the beliefs of America's Founding Fathers that were grounded in the Bible, the states who cannot condone abortion are against Baal worshippers who killed babies frequently to satisfy their God, Baal (the Bull). Worship of the Golden Calf is what Moses was up against, too. He was coming down the mountain with tablets written in stone with words of wisdom for the average man. He was mad when he saw them worshipping a statue of Baal (the bull) and broke the tablets in a rage that split the people into two separate groups--those agreeing to follow God's words, and those who choose to be baby killer Baal worshippers.

Moses had to go back up on the mountain of God and get another tablet to put God's 10 Commandments on after a heated reprimand to his brother Aaron.

We seem to be repeating History in the United States. The Baal group call themselves atheists, and the Godly group are unified as Christians and those who believe the truth that human life begins at conception (pro-lifers)

The Democrats are doing their thing, cursing those of us who are pro-life because we know human life starts at conception, and we are merely sticking to our beliefs in God that sacrifice. I took cursings from two different Democrats last night, and from what I posted above, it looks like people who believe in life for the unborn will not accept orders from murderers of the unborn Americans among us.

I cried for those abusive people I was talking to yesterday because they don't know how damaging murder is to the murderers, and they will not have a next life without souls, which is what murder does--it takes away a person's soul. So I'm about to fall asleep now to make up for last night's tears.

May God help our nation as Democrats terminate the good people who abstain from murder. We are divided, and we cannot approve of killing one's baby. It is scientifically not actually the mother any more once the female egg is fused with the male sperm. Its dna separates as it prepares itself for who it will be. Praying for America, yours truly... beautress.
I have always wondered why the people for Abortion have already been born, and were not Aborted when they were in their mothers womb.!? Lets face the facts, Abortion is murder. Once that female egg has been fetilized, it becomes a living, and growing human being. Those aborted fetuses were being used for genetic experiments.
I 'am glad that states like Alabama,Missouri, Texas, Georgia, and some of the other southern states have decided to put an end to this gov sanctioned genocide. Your thoughts.

Abortion is not ‘murder,’ ‘genocide,’ or anything of the like.

Murder is legal doctrine – and as a fact of law an embryo/fetus is not a person entitled to Constitutional protections, having no right to due process.

Now, you’re at liberty to make a religious or moral argument against abortion and advocate that the practice be ended via Constitutional means.

But you’re not at liberty to seek to ‘ban’ abortion or otherwise make it ‘illegal’ – that would be beyond the authority of the state to do, a violation of a woman’s right to privacy.
The Democrats want to take our guns, and kill our unborn babies. What kind of people are these Democrats? They want us to be childless and defensless.!!!?

Do you have any idea how dumb it is to say that?
Why do only the worst states in the country want to outlaw abortion? Do we need more Alabamans?

How do you define worst States. Because they follow the Bible?, and don't accept Homosexuality, beastiality, and Abortion?!. So only states that allow Homosexuality and all other kinds of perversions are allowing Abortions.?
Something to think about.?!! The Ends justify the means , wow.
Worst states: authoritarian rightwing hellholes where Republican lawmakers enact prima-facie un-Constitutional measures with the intent of compelling conformity and punishing dissent.
How do you define worst States. Because they follow the Bible?

YES! If your laws are based off the words of a megalomaniac who destroys entire cities, and turns good people into salt for looking back I'm not sure you have authority on the sanctity of life. If your laws are based on some sky wizard who flooded the entire world because his own creations sucked don't tell me how you're pro-life. If you worship some dude who Punk'd a father into almost killing his own son for some silly test don't talk to me about compassion.

So now we should throw out any laws contained in religious texts..... like thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not covet, stealing, bearing false witness, etc,...?



Yeah, that's almost exactly what I said in your warped mind.

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