About Being Civil


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

There are growing calls for “civility,” most notably and inexplicably by the Washington Post’s editorial board over the weekend after serial, professional liar Sarah Huckabee Sanders was tossed out of a Virginia restaurant. There is true rage from Democrats (and some Republicans) after hearing audio of young children crying out for their parents, asylum-seeking parents shackled like prisoners, reports of children kept in cages, images of children on prison buses being shipped across the country and the grim realization that some of these children may never be reunited with their parents.

Let’s revisit Donald Trump’s supporters in this photo heavy post because each of these pictures tells a thousand uncivil, angry, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic words. Where were the calls for civility then? Now? Why do Democrats and the left have to live up to the impossible standards of civility in the face of cruelty and inhumanity? Fuck your feelings, amirite?

When they say *you* need to be civil, hold up this mirror
Interestingly, flipping the bird comes nowhere close to some of the things liberals have said and done this past week.

1. "Rip Baron out of his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles."

2. Bullying the nation's press secretary out of a restaurant because of who she works for, and then following her to another restaurant to harass her family after she went home.

3. A Hollywood actor calling for the selfsame press secretary's children to be kidnapped.

4. Accosting our DHS Secretary while she tries to eat in peace at yet another restaurant, and then "protesting" outside her home.

5. Calling for the lunatic fringe of the left to openly chase down and harass anyone who supports or works for this administration.

6. Protesters literally getting in the face of Florida's AG at the airport.

Political hatred has gotten completely out of hand. And from what I see, people like you stand by while liberals take this viciousness to completely unprecedented levels.

And I implore you not to preach civility to anyone until you learn to condemn people on both sides instead of just one for this kind of vile behavior.
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Stupid OP.

Meanwhile Maxine Waters is encouraging her fellow idiots to harass Trump supporters and hours later a decapitated and burned animal was thrown onto the porch of a Homeland security offical.

Let's not forget, a Bernie staffer tried to assassinate multiple GOP members.

Your little gang of fascists are sick people.

Take your OP and shove up your ass.
Speaking of civility, let's look at what the the elected party members say and do:


There are growing calls for “civility,” most notably and inexplicably by the Washington Post’s editorial board over the weekend after serial, professional liar Sarah Huckabee Sanders was tossed out of a Virginia restaurant. There is true rage from Democrats (and some Republicans) after hearing audio of young children crying out for their parents, asylum-seeking parents shackled like prisoners, reports of children kept in cages, images of children on prison buses being shipped across the country and the grim realization that some of these children may never be reunited with their parents.

Let’s revisit Donald Trump’s supporters in this photo heavy post because each of these pictures tells a thousand uncivil, angry, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic words. Where were the calls for civility then? Now? Why do Democrats and the left have to live up to the impossible standards of civility in the face of cruelty and inhumanity? Fuck your feelings, amirite?

When they say *you* need to be civil, hold up this mirror

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Some democrats are not living up to any standard of civility. Neither are all republicans. See it's all about your perception--depending upon who you are, where you come from, in what you believe. It's about what triggers you versus what triggers your neighbor to be driven to uncivil behavior. For example I support our POTUS. I should be able to shout that from rooftops without fear of reprisal from any one or more of my fellow Americans just as you should be able to shout out your disapproval.

Passions run high and hatred deep on both sides. Nevertheless calls for direct action against the right by the left have highlighted an imbalance in the tone of civil norms between the two political parties. The gravest mistake you can make is basing your decision to harass or hurt someone on what you've seen in the media. Lies can kill. Lies spread can kill millions. Think about it.
We have had the far right on the Board call for civil war and threatening violence again today.

You are so right, eagle, that it won't end well for them if ever they rise up because they will be put down.
We have had the far right on the Board call for civil war and threatening violence again today.

You are so right, eagle, that it won't end well for them if ever they rise up because they will be put down.
Stop your dang trolling and call your rep to force a vote to end the 20 day rule..............and provide funding for more facilities.
Pretty fucking funny that after eight years of Obama and his Press Secretaries the left has suddenly figured that the job of the Press Secretary is to spin, deflect, twist things and yes even lie better late than never guys. Somehow I suspect when there is a Democrat President again you will have a relapse of selective memory syndrome.
We have had the far right on the Board call for civil war and threatening violence again today.

You are so right, eagle, that it won't end well for them if ever they rise up because they will be put down.
Stop your dang trolling and call your rep to force a vote to end the 20 day rule..............and provide funding for more facilities.

Eagle did not have the guts to include his prior post "They are unhinged...............and this will not end well." You troll and then yell at others. Be civil, please, and you will get it in return. That is the OP.
It would be a good thing if both sides could take it down a notch. It is pointless to engage in the debate "Oh yeah you guys are worse than we are" because you can always produce a picture or video that "proves" your point. That is the beauty and horror of omnipresent social media.

There are growing calls for “civility,” most notably and inexplicably by the Washington Post’s editorial board over the weekend after serial, professional liar Sarah Huckabee Sanders was tossed out of a Virginia restaurant. There is true rage from Democrats (and some Republicans) after hearing audio of young children crying out for their parents, asylum-seeking parents shackled like prisoners, reports of children kept in cages, images of children on prison buses being shipped across the country and the grim realization that some of these children may never be reunited with their parents.

Let’s revisit Donald Trump’s supporters in this photo heavy post because each of these pictures tells a thousand uncivil, angry, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic words. Where were the calls for civility then? Now? Why do Democrats and the left have to live up to the impossible standards of civility in the face of cruelty and inhumanity? Fuck your feelings, amirite?

When they say *you* need to be civil, hold up this mirror
These illegal aliens and their deadbeat fucking parents are going to be the ruination of this country. It’s already starting.
We don’t want these little motherfuckers here they should rot in Mexico
We have had the far right on the Board call for civil war and threatening violence again today.

You are so right, eagle, that it won't end well for them if ever they rise up because they will be put down.
Stop your dang trolling and call your rep to force a vote to end the 20 day rule..............and provide funding for more facilities.

Eagle did not have the guts to include his prior post "They are unhinged...............and this will not end well." You troll and then yell at others. Be civil, please, and you will get it in return. That is the OP.
The OP started with flipping everyone off...............He was being sarcastic...........the grounds for being civil ended in his first post troll.
It would be a good thing if both sides could take it down a notch. It is pointless to engage in the debate "Oh yeah you guys are worse than we are" because you can always produce a picture or video that "proves" your point. That is the beauty and horror of omnipresent social media.
With them calling people Nazi's.........Lying their butts off............very first thread flipping us off.........

Yeah I agree to be civil when they stop their crap............
Civility left civilization quite some time ago fellas ,and for good reason ,because if we're angry at each other the man behind the curtain is never outed

don't buy into it.

Civility left civilization quite some time ago fellas ,and for good reason ,because if we're angry at each other the man behind the curtain is never outed

don't buy into it.

I'm just slapping the trolls a bit.............it was open handed. LOL

There are growing calls for “civility,” most notably and inexplicably by the Washington Post’s editorial board over the weekend after serial, professional liar Sarah Huckabee Sanders was tossed out of a Virginia restaurant. There is true rage from Democrats (and some Republicans) after hearing audio of young children crying out for their parents, asylum-seeking parents shackled like prisoners, reports of children kept in cages, images of children on prison buses being shipped across the country and the grim realization that some of these children may never be reunited with their parents.

Let’s revisit Donald Trump’s supporters in this photo heavy post because each of these pictures tells a thousand uncivil, angry, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic words. Where were the calls for civility then? Now? Why do Democrats and the left have to live up to the impossible standards of civility in the face of cruelty and inhumanity? Fuck your feelings, amirite?

When they say *you* need to be civil, hold up this mirror

You’ve backed good people into a corner for too long...we tried that passive approach bullshit...it doesn’t work. We’ve declared all out war with you filthy fucks. Let’s do this!

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