About my username...

Jun 10, 2013
Perhaps this was obvious, but in case it was not, my username, "HistoryBefore67" is intended to reflect that the history of Israel began before 1967, and the "lines" that existed before the Six Day War have no validity as borders or a "starting point" for negotiations.

The Six Day War, despite the efforts of the anti-Israel/pro-"Palestinian" commentators, was a great victory for Israel that was grounded upon sound moral principles, genius-level military strategy, and almost unprecedented flawless execution of those strategies. Israel's actions not only saved it from imminent attack... they (along with the 1973 Yom Kippur War), created a territory that could be defended from attacks by hostile neighboring countries.

So, while some will try to focus on the history AFTER 1967... pretending that nothing else exists... I will remind people fothe history before 1967, when repeated efforts to destroy Israel created the conflicts we struggle with to this day.
Since you like to quiz others, here's one for you:
Are you hasbara; are you compensated in any way for the time spent posting on boards like this one?
Perhaps this was obvious, but in case it was not, my username, "HistoryBefore67" is intended to reflect that the history of Israel began before 1967, and the "lines" that existed before the Six Day War have no validity as borders or a "starting point" for negotiations.

The Six Day War, despite the efforts of the anti-Israel/pro-"Palestinian" commentators, was a great victory for Israel that was grounded upon sound moral principles, genius-level military strategy, and almost unprecedented flawless execution of those strategies. Israel's actions not only saved it from imminent attack... they (along with the 1973 Yom Kippur War), created a territory that could be defended from attacks by hostile neighboring countries.

So, while some will try to focus on the history AFTER 1967... pretending that nothing else exists... I will remind people fothe history before 1967, when repeated efforts to destroy Israel created the conflicts we struggle with to this day.
Yes, exactly. Here are the correct lines:


There will be no peace until Israel ends the occupation by finding some incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands.

Perhaps this was obvious, but in case it was not, my username, "HistoryBefore67" is intended to reflect that the history of Israel began before 1967, and the "lines" that existed before the Six Day War have no validity as borders or a "starting point" for negotiations.

The Six Day War, despite the efforts of the anti-Israel/pro-"Palestinian" commentators, was a great victory for Israel that was grounded upon sound moral principles, genius-level military strategy, and almost unprecedented flawless execution of those strategies. Israel's actions not only saved it from imminent attack... they (along with the 1973 Yom Kippur War), created a territory that could be defended from attacks by hostile neighboring countries.

So, while some will try to focus on the history AFTER 1967... pretending that nothing else exists... I will remind people fothe history before 1967, when repeated efforts to destroy Israel created the conflicts we struggle with to this day.
Yes, exactly. Here are the correct lines:



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