About time...

A lack of belief in the climate catastrophe was a threat to democratic wallets
in 1998, i remember seeing a map of the USA, as what it will look like by 2001? 2010? { I forgot} the map showed what the USA will look like if rich white men just kept driving their big SUV's and if we just let all cows/farm animals continue to just keep farting uncontrollably. i know Florida and Southern California were completely gone.
Well after what Irma did to Naples. I can't wait to move back to sarasota.even if global warming didn't create Irma..or was it Michelle. I am not going thru that nightmare ever again!
in 1998, i remember seeing a map of the USA, as what it will look like by 2001? 2010? { I forgot} the map showed what the USA will look like if rich white men just kept driving their big SUV's and if we just let all cows/farm animals continue to just keep farting uncontrollably. i know Florida and Southern California were completely gone.

^^^^ You cannot let that happen, you cannot allow America's Penis to fall off into the water :omg:


What would happen to America sans Penis? You would have 200 MILLION Transgenders :eek-52:

in 1998, i remember seeing a map of the USA, as what it will look like by 2001? 2010? { I forgot} the map showed what the USA will look like if rich white men just kept driving their big SUV's and if we just let all cows/farm animals continue to just keep farting uncontrollably. i know Florida and Southern California were completely gone.

^^^^ You cannot let that happen, you cannot allow America's Penis to fall off into the water :omg:

View attachment 166156

What would happen to America sans Penis? You would have 200 MILLION Transgenders :eek-52:

View attachment 166157
actually, i think much of Texas wound up in the gulf, then it looked like a pair of democrat hands groping two female breasts
The Clintons were knee deep in this climate malarkey also. They sent algore out to sell it. 30 years of clinton headaches.

Anything to keep money pouring into that phony Foundation.
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It would be much more important to add welfare as a national security threat. Only the dumbest are breeding and the intelligent people are taxed to death in order to pay for the single motherhood hell, and thus can't breed themselves (they have standards). At this rate, in a few thousand years we will be living in a 3rd world idiocracy. An eugenics program which would make Hitler prooud. Not to mention, the unborn have to be enslaved to pay for it all.

Just think, every person would be at the intellectual level of Matthew or NYCarbineer. Compared to that a few degrees is nothing.
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Climate change is only about controlling people you disagree with him…

BREAKING: Trump to remove ‘climate change’ as a national security threat

Why was Climate Change a national security threat to begin with?

The idea was to establish a national level of carbon dioxide emissions, and to sell pollution permits to industry. There was soem other stuff, too. Like regulating your apliances and stealing more tax money to give to the auto manufacturers. End of the day, the solution to them is always to expand government. Trump did the right thing here. Good for everyone.

As a true conservative, however, I believe we need to quit bombing the heck out of nations abroad who arent doing anything to us just to keep the price of oil artificially low. I think it best to let oil rise to its natural price and to seek other alternatives. From the private sector, though. Aything the government touches just destroys competition. And ultimately fails. I, for one, can’t support government “investment” in alternative sources because it isn't really investment. Government cannot invest. It doesn't produce anything. Therefore government has nothing. It can only redistribute someone elses resources. Remember the mess government created with ethanol? Congress decided that we needed more biofuels, and that the best choice was ethanol from corn. So we subsidized corn farmers at the expense of others, and investment in other types of renewables was crowded out. On top of that, corn is now going into gas tanks instead of onto tables or feeding livestock or dairy cows. So, food prices have been driven up. Then it turned out that the corn ethanol is inefficient. It turns out that the corn ethanol actually takes more energy to produce the fuel than the energy you get when you burn it. lolol. Hemp would likely be the most efficient ethanol, but hemp production is illegal. Why? Government. Thats why. This is what happens when we allow government to make choices instead of the market. It would be wise to avoid those mistakes moving forward, so, again, Trump did the right thing here.
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