Abrams tanks being taken out by "cheap" Russian drones

America operates under the dillusion that throwing money around solves the problem, Great society, vietnam. on and on

Not a single picture was of an Abrams. All the tank pictures they showed were T-72s
Have you watcked any videos from the battlefields. It’s like Kansas, the only cover/concealment is fence rows and roadsides. Inadequate even for infantry.
The army told us to do it no matter the terrain or eco system.
You're linking to propaganda from a Moscow news source, Comrade. The writer is the former editor of the Moscow Times.
Shall I send you a list of all the "former" KGB, CIA, FBI, Green Beret, US Marine, Navy Seal, Democrat, Republican, Sovjet defector, American defector, North Korean, South Korean, Shah supporter, Khomeini supporter, North Dakotan, South Dakotan, Capitalist, Communist, ....... whew! ...... and every other "former" anything ..... and see what kind of conspiracy goulash you can whip up? :stir: Anyhow, the way your mind ticks wouldn't a "former Moscow edited" be ...... ahhhhh ....... errrrr ..... you know ....... former and therefore not any longer? Duh! I say duh!
Tell us again you're not a traitor to the USA and its allies.
OK. He is not a traitor to the USA and its allies. Are you satisfied now?
You didn't even read it before blasting out that stupid lie.
She's illiterate. She can't read. But that doesn't prevent her from making "stupid lies". :nono:
Tank on tank the Abrams beats the not out of anything the Russians have

Warfare is however changing. Drones kill any of them
Tank on tank the Abrams beats the not out of anything the Russians have
The facts disagree with you. Or can it be that the Abrams tanks really are best and the reason the Russians blow the ahhh .... errrr ..... "not" out of them is because the NoKraniums are too busy giving each other a "ream & reach around"? :auiqs.jpg:
Are the Americans copying Russian technology again? Why can't the US come up with something original for a change?
Like the PC?? iPhone? Cars? Planes? etc.?
I don't know about the iPhone but the US did not invent the PC, cars, planes, etc. such as electricity, the wheel, the internal combustion engine, the camera, cinema, the English language, gunpowder, TNT, guns, Democracy, ships, mathematics, medicine, and a lot more etc. than that.
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I don't know about the iPhone but the US did not invent the PC, cars, planes, etc. such as electricity, the wheel, the English language, gunpowder, TNT, guns, Democracy, ships, mathematics, medicine, and a lot more etc. than that.
The US invented the internet, which you are using right now...
America operates under the dillusion that throwing money around solves the problem, Great society, vietnam. on and on

Right now despite all the tainted stories about the Russian economy the Russian munitions industry has gone into impressive overdrive. Trading gas, oil and coal to China, India and Iran in return for raw Materials. Yes I know that India has claimed publicly to stop trading with Russia but anyone who believes it is just plain stupid. The F16's that everyone is so keen on are highly vulnerable to the S-4 and S-5 Rocket systems.
The facts disagree with you. Or can it be that the Abrams tanks really are best and the reason the Russians blow the ahhh .... errrr ..... "not" out of them is because the NoKraniums are too busy giving each other a "ream & reach around"? :auiqs.jpg:
Are you a US Citizen? Seriously, are you?

If so, say hello to the FBI. If not, then you need to get the fuck off this particular board. This is the 'Politics' board and it's for AMERICAN politics, not for refugees of failed cultures like the Russia. Who fucked up everything they've ever touched.
Are you a US Citizen? Seriously, are you?

If so, say hello to the FBI. If not, then you need to get the fuck off this particular board. This is the 'Politics' board and it's for AMERICAN politics, not for refugees of failed cultures like the Russia. Who fucked up everything they've ever touched.
No, it isn't and it is also a Russian troll bot.

Ignore it.
$lava Ukraine

10% for the Big Guy and all Congressional traitors!
So what?

Would you not pay off crooked politicians (dimocrap scum DEFINITELY are) to save your Country? To prevent your wife and sisters from being raped by Russian pigs? To prevent your brothers and fathers from being murdered in front of them?

How can you fault the Ukrainians for trying to save their Country from Russian filth?
You're linking to propaganda from a Moscow news source, Comrade. The writer is the former editor of the Moscow Times.

Tell us again you're not a traitor to the USA and its allies.
LOL, You guys are a riot. funny as your conspircacy theories
No, it isn't and it is also a Russian troll bot. Ignore it.
Glasnost means "transparency" and government honesty, sometimes paired with perestroika.

Perestroika was a political reform movement within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during the late 1980s widely associated with CPSU general secretary Mikhail Gorbachev and his glasnost policy reform.
The army told us to do it no matter the terrain or eco system.
😆Gives ya the warm and fuzzies knowing what master strategists they were don’t it? I guess it wasn’t bad advice at the time, it worked in WW2 and drones weren’t a thing then.

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