‘Acceptable’ Violence Against Peaceful Pro-Lifers Is Unacceptable

Goodness you are ignorant. Fetuses aren't people? Go back to school loser. A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development and all human beings have human rights. Asshole.

Nope, if they were people, we'd count them on the census.
Their mothers would be able to claim them as tax deductions if they weren't born before January 1st.
Women who have abortions would be charged with murder (which didn't happen even when abortion was illegal)
Women who have miscarriages would be charged with negligent homicide.

But thankfully, they are just globs of tissue...
Goodness you are ignorant. Fetuses aren't people? Go back to school loser. A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development and all human beings have human rights. Asshole.
You’re arguing with an insane person. Be warned. He doesn’t understand how abortion is funded
Being pro choice is to be anti science.

No, stupid, it's being pro-reality.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant. No matter what the laws are.

When I was still in the service in the early 1990's, one of my fellow NCOs was dating this Asian-American girl. Cute as a button, came from a very religious family, college educated, so not a stupid person by any means. After stringing her along for years about marrying her, she decided to stop taking birth control. Maybe she was trying to force the issue with a pregnancy, or she just got tired of what the hormones were doing to her body. (She did start to get a little chunkier at the end.)

Long story short, she got pregnant, and because this guy was kind of a cad, he still wasn't going to marry her and even put the engagement on hold. Welp, off to the Abortion Clinic she went. A year after breaking up with this guy, she got back with him, got knocked up again, and, well, Cleetus the Fetus went to the medical waste container.

Why? Because this girl didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

Now, please, tell me, what law was going to make that girl make better relationship choices?
Nope, if they were people, we'd count them on the census.
Their mothers would be able to claim them as tax deductions if they weren't born before January 1st.
Women who have abortions would be charged with murder (which didn't happen even when abortion was illegal)
Women who have miscarriages would be charged with negligent homicide.

But thankfully, they are just globs of tissue...
I did like cinderella though.

Goodness you are ignorant. Fetuses aren't people? Go back to school loser. A human being is a human being regardless of their stage of development and all human beings have human rights. Asshole.
FACTS: The child in the womb is a human being: Not a bird, not a cat, but a human being. DNA science also shows that the child in the womb is a unique person, a not just a part of the woman's body. Therefore, scientifically, Abortion is the murder of an innocent human being. I deal in facts.
FACTS: The child in the womb is a human being: Not a bird, not a cat, but a human being. DNA science also shows that the child in the womb is a unique person, a not just a part of the woman's body. Therefore, scientifically, Abortion is the murder of an innocent human being. I deal in facts.

DNA says my fingernail is human... but I am still going to clip it when it gets too long.

The reality - 2/3rds of zygotes that are fertilized never attach to the uterine wall. We don't have funerals for tampons.

Also, I would take your side's "concern" for "babies" a lot more seriously if you weren't trying to slash social programs for poor children at every turn.

Right to life until birth... then you'd better not want any welfare.


‘Acceptable’ Violence Against Peaceful Pro-Lifers Is Unacceptable​

In Washington, D.C., a woman crossed the street to fling her coffee in the face of a sidewalk counselor outside an abortion facility. Meanwhile, her partner began a shouting match with another sidewalk counselor, which soon devolved into a physical altercation.

In Baltimore, a man lunged at an elderly man praying outside an abortion facility, knocking him into a concrete planter and down to the ground. When a second elderly sidewalk counselor hurried over to help the first victim, the passerby shoved him to the ground and kicked his face with extreme force. Both men were knocked unconscious and required medical care.

In Saginaw, Michigan, an abortionist ran over a man who regularly prays outside the abortion facility — not once, but twice.

In a tumultuous culture where the emotional temperature seems to be ever-rising after the 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court decision on abortion, it’s perhaps not surprising that violence is being reported more frequently outside facilities that perform abortions — which, ironically, is a violence of its own.

These are situations in which people engaged in sidewalk counseling, or people who are simply praying quietly, are being attacked. In two of these instances, the attackers had nothing to do with the abortion facility — they were mere passersby whose rage was somehow sparked by the sight of people ready to help women in crisis.

OP Comment: The hate and evil and violence among those who are so deseperate to keep legal the murdering babies can be described in no other way than demonic. How could anyone want to kill a child so badly that they would actually attack people in the street who have a different opinion? Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
Violence is unacceptable PERIOD. Pro choice or zero abortion.
What's wrong with people?
Trying too solve problems with HATE,
IS a losing situation.
Violence is unacceptable PERIOD. Pro choice or zero abortion.
What's wrong with people?
Trying too solve problems with HATE,
IS a losing situation.

In the long run, yes. But many a govt have been toppled with violence, and thats what the Left ultimately wants to do

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