according to NBC. You are living an alternative life style ...

CaféAuLait;8657194 said:
I love Love Bear threads because they can be deumbunked on page 1. Heres why they called it an "alternative lifestyle"

As you can see they are applauding him for being more mature than the other youngsters there and his "alternative lifestyle" is different than the single youngsters with no kids and responsibilities.

Awww Love Bear. Bringing the Stupid again. Good job!

Never heard of a responsible adult raising a child and being married being referred to as "alternative lifestyle".

When comparing him to others his ag...

You know what fine. Be offended. Shit.

Um, I'm not offended. Not sure where you got that from. I try to see things from every angle.

If that had been a single mother and Olympic athlete and they labeled her lifestyle as 'alternative' because she was mature and caring for her child while being an Olympian or just an athlete, it would be considered a slur to other single mothers, implying they do not do the same.
CaféAuLait;8657303 said:
CaféAuLait;8657194 said:
Never heard of a responsible adult raising a child and being married being referred to as "alternative lifestyle".

When comparing him to others his ag...

You know what fine. Be offended. Shit.

Um, I'm not offended. Not sure where you got that from. I try to see things from every angle.

If that had been a single mother and Olympic athlete and they labeled her lifestyle as 'alternative' because she was mature and caring for her child while being an Olympian or just an athlete, it would be considered a slur to other single mothers, implying they do not do the same.

Right only it wasnt a single mother.
I love Love Bear threads because they can be deumbunked on page 1. Heres why they called it an "alternative lifestyle"

David Wise is at the top of his sport. He’s always smiling among his friends and competitors, however, he’s not like the rest of the field. He is mature.

Not to say the rest of the freestyle skiers of halfpipe are not mature, but Wise is mature far beyond his years. At only twenty-three years old, he has a wife, Alexandra, who was waiting patiently in the crowd, and together they have a two-year-old daughter waiting for them to return to their home in Reno, Nevada.

At such a young age, Wise has the lifestyle of an adult. He wears a Baby Bjorn baby carrier around the house. He also attends church regularly and says he could see himself becoming a pastor a little later down the road.

Not exactly the picture you had in mind while watching him nail two double corks wearing baggy pants.

Wise is, well, wise. He knows where his head should be at all time, focused on being the best father and husband he can be. Then comes skiing.

“I think my lifestyle — the fact that I have a little girl to take care of and a wife — really takes the pressure off of my skiing, because first and foremost I have to be a good husband and father.”

- See more at: | NBC Olympics

As you can see they are applauding him for being more mature than the other youngsters there and his "alternative lifestyle" is different than the single youngsters with no kids and responsibilities.

Awww Love Bear. Bringing the Stupid again. Good job!

I saw that. It's an alternative life style in that it's different than other boarders.

He must have seen it on Drudge. :cuckoo:
23 with a wife and kid is not the norm and when you compare it to his team mates it again is not the norm. Whether it should be is a different topic all together.

yes, but what's wrong with him? (-:

Absolutely nothing....but the OP, once again, cut and pastes without actually reading what she cuts and pastes. It's pretty much what she does.
Lovebears, this is the description of the alnternative lifestyle: "Not to say the rest of the freestyle skiers of halfpipe are not mature, but Wise is mature far beyond his years. At only twenty-three years old, he has a wife, Alexandra, who was waiting patiently in the crowd, and together they have a two-year-old daughter waiting for them to return to their home in Reno, Nevada.

At such a young age, Wise has the lifestyle of an adult. He wears a Baby Bjorn baby carrier around the house. He also attends church regularly and says he could see himself becoming a pastor a little later down the road."

Don't you read and comprehend?
If you are a straight married family with kids :cuckoo:

NBC: 23-Year-Old Olympic Freestyle Skier With Wife, Kid Living 'Alternative Lifestyle' | NewsBusters
NBC can't seem to keep its left-leaning slant out of its coverage of the Winter Olympics. One day after playing up Stalin's "palace for the people" in Moscow's metro system, the Big Three network's spotlighted how an American freestyle skier is living an "alternative lifestyle" – for being married at 23 and having a young daughter.
The Lefties at NBC are worst that many, better than a few... but usually full of shit, nevertheless, clean up to their ears, as they are in this instance.
He has a wife kid providing for them not living off his parents or the government sadly that now is the alternative lifestyle.

For a professional athelete at that age married with a kid. That's like one year out of college. How many rookies inthe NFL or any other sport are married at that age. There is probably statistics out there, but my guess is that he is not in the majority.

No one is bashing his lifestyle but I find it rediculous that this gets your guys panties in a bunch.
He has a wife kid providing for them not living off his parents or the government sadly that now is the alternative lifestyle.

For a professional athelete at that age married with a kid. That's like one year out of college. How many rookies inthe NFL or any other sport are married at that age. There is probably statistics out there, but my guess is that he is not in the majority.

No one is bashing his lifestyle but I find it rediculous that this gets your guys panties in a bunch.

Don't know who you mean by your guys all I did was point out that in fact what he is doing is no longer really the norm in America today and in fact it really is the alternative lifestyle so I am agreeing that his lifestyle is now alternative. I find it ridiculous that you somehow missed that and came to conclusion it somehow angered or upset me.
I love Love Bear threads because they can be deumbunked on page 1. Heres why they called it an "alternative lifestyle"

David Wise is at the top of his sport. He’s always smiling among his friends and competitors, however, he’s not like the rest of the field. He is mature.

Not to say the rest of the freestyle skiers of halfpipe are not mature, but Wise is mature far beyond his years. At only twenty-three years old, he has a wife, Alexandra, who was waiting patiently in the crowd, and together they have a two-year-old daughter waiting for them to return to their home in Reno, Nevada.

At such a young age, Wise has the lifestyle of an adult. He wears a Baby Bjorn baby carrier around the house. He also attends church regularly and says he could see himself becoming a pastor a little later down the road.

Not exactly the picture you had in mind while watching him nail two double corks wearing baggy pants.

Wise is, well, wise. He knows where his head should be at all time, focused on being the best father and husband he can be. Then comes skiing.

“I think my lifestyle — the fact that I have a little girl to take care of and a wife — really takes the pressure off of my skiing, because first and foremost I have to be a good husband and father.”

- See more at: | NBC Olympics

As you can see they are applauding him for being more mature than the other youngsters there and his "alternative lifestyle" is different than the single youngsters with no kids and responsibilities.

Awww Love Bear. Bringing the Stupid again. Good job!

Being responsible at a young age is all it takes to confuse liberals. To some of them, having your act together and not being dependent on government is strange. Some even call them knuckleheads because they just don't get it. Only properly 'educated' people cede their liberty so the government can steal to provide for them and their out of wedlock children.

I don't think it's the fact that the guy is straight that raised eyebrows, rather the fact that young people can hold traditional values. They are wondering how the hell he made it through the school system with his beliefs intact.

The way I took it is that since he is a responsible young man with a wife and child and he doesn't expect government to act as his baby's daddy, the left finds him strange. They've no use for anyone who isn't dependent on them or contributing to their campaigns. Then there is the religious element that really blew them away. It's lefties that listen to NBC, so of course they address their audience. I wonder how many NBC fans were shocked to see a guy taking care of his family and making plans for his future that didn't involve government programs.
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