Accused Whitmer kidnapper rips judge, faults FBI for using undercover informants

How so? What did the FBI do that was illegal? Can you explain how this was different than any other undercover sting?
The problem is these right wing deplorables know they are the wrong side but they've dug in so deep they cant escape.
So what if it the FBI agents encouraged the idea of a kidnapping?

Because then it becomes entrapment.

Considering the lead agent on this case was recently arrested for beating the shit out of his wife I don't hold any of them in high regard and I certainly wouldn't put it past them to trump up fictitious charges.
Because then it becomes entrapment.
Again, that’s how going undercover works. No one FORCED the accused men to participate.

LE agents set up fake drug deals all the time to capture drug dealers. Fake meet-ups between pedophiles and agents posing as children.

Are those situations illegal entrapment? Explain to me the difference?
Again, that’s how going undercover works. No one FORCED the accused men to participate.

LE agents set up fake drug deals all the time to capture drug dealers. Fake meet-ups between pedophiles and agents posing as children.

Are those situations illegal entrapment? Explain to me the difference?

Entrapment is not "forcing" anyone to do anything. It is coercing them to commit a crime they would not otherwise be likely to commit.

Entrapment is not "forcing" anyone to do anything. It is coercing them to commit a crime they would not otherwise be likely to commit.

Lol, how were they coerced? They’re grown men. They made their own decisions.

if an undercover agent suspects I’m a robber and comes up to me and says “hey, wanna knock over a jewelry store” and I say “yeah” and actively I participate….. how can I turn around and cry that I was “entrapped”. In my book that makes you a pussy. Be a man and own up to your own decisions.
I can’t imagine a universe where kidnapping planners coerced into planning kidnapping is a sentence that could ever make sense.

it sounds like an Onion headline.
Entrapment is not "forcing" anyone to do anything. It is coercing them to commit a crime they would not otherwise be likely to commit.

Thanks for admitting the FBI was correct.

what does that have to do with anything?

the accused group of men caught the attention of the FBI with their extremist rhetoric.

So what if it the FBI agents encouraged the idea of a kidnapping?

if the accused were *really* innocent, and if it was *really* only the undercover agents who planned the kidnapping….. then WHY did the accused participate? WHY didn’t they say “hey wait a minute, this is crazy” and drop out?

no one forced them to do anything. They had EVERY opportunity to back out and not participate. Everything they did, they did of their own free will. Now they have to take personal responsibility for the actions they chose to take.
I speak for the entire board…thanks for beating the ever loving shit out of this dope.
Lol at white racists just learning the law doesn't give a shit about their feelings. Hahahaha!
White racist based on what Curried...not like it fucking matters since the evidence really isn't there and this judge has not done anything to insure a fair trial---

FBI tried entrapment...FBI is known to perjure themselves, FBI is known to entrap, FBI is known to falsify where is the hard evidence? DOJ is known to keep people in prison who are innocent in order to force a confession as they destroy people lives and mental sanity. Obama's judges are known to ignore the law, and SOROS prosecutors are known to abuse their office to harass political opponents. So where is the evidence?

Based on the FBI who was entrapping (which is illegal btw) claims? These men are being railroaded...
White racist based on what Curried...not like it fucking matters since the evidence really isn't there and this judge has not done anything to insure a fair trial---

FBI tried entrapment...FBI is known to perjure themselves, FBI is known to entrap, FBI is known to falsify where is the hard evidence? DOJ is known to keep people in prison who are innocent in order to force a confession as they destroy people lives and mental sanity. Obama's judges are known to ignore the law, and SOROS prosecutors are known to abuse their office to harass political opponents. So where is the evidence?

Based on the FBI who was entrapping (which is illegal btw) claims? These men are being railroaded...
All of that and you patriots are still aren't doing anything? Aren't you supposed to be watering the tree or liberty by now? What are you pussies waiting on? Lol

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