Accuser Details Don Lemon’s Alleged Sexual Assault


Dec 23, 2009
Eeewww! A homo sexually assaulting another man is like a booger-eater trying to make someone else eat his boogers.
Gross! Throw the book at him — if he’s guilty!
This shit came out a year or 2 ago and nobody gave a shit. And that was when #metoo was at its prime.
Nobody will give a shit now.
Just like nobody gave a shit when mariah carey did it to one of her staff members.
As usual, the disingenuous dipshits pick and choose the winners and losers.

Don Lemon Accuser Rejected Settlement Attempts,

'Money Is Not What I'm After'

8 Nov 2021 ~~ By Nicholas Fondacaro
Don Lemon accuser Dustin Hice made an appearance on Megyn Kelly’s SiriusXM radio show on Monday to detail the alleged sexual assault he experienced at the hands of the CNN anchor in 2019, which is the subject of an ongoing lawsuit. Hice also disclosed that Lemon has made three settlement offers through his legal team, which were rejected because “money is not what I’m after.”
After noting that CNN had labeled him as an “extortionist,” Hice declared: “Money is not what I’m after here. I just want to not live the rest of my life in regret, and to have a clear conscience, and to have closure from this situation.”

He also alleges that The Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon was told about the incident the next day. The comedian apparently frequents the bar Hice works at and was close to the employees who shared it with him. There’s also the fact celebrities like Lemon wield a tremendous amount of power in the Hamptons, where the alleged assault took place, and one person has already lost their job for speaking out against him.
Hice says this has had a chilling effect on people coming forward to be witnesses at the trial.

Hice better have 24X7 bodyguards.
You don't not poke the bear of the scared cows of liberalism.
Strange isn't it? Had this incident been about a white conservative, the media would have crucified him in the #Me Too and Cancel Culture Woke Media... Yet, Lemon continues to walk free without any repercussions.
Where's the Justice? Apparently what we have here is PM/DSA Democrat Just-Us in play.
All you have to see and compare is what has happened to Conservative TV celebrities who have strayed.
lemon fag 1.jpg
lemon is fucking animal.... he'd sell his kidney to be white for 15 minutes, but that's not going to happen...

he'll have to settle for the next best thing- sucking the jizz out of his white "husband"... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
When the time comes, one way or the other all of these broadcasting frauds will be held to their endless spouts. They are their own worse enemies as people become poorer.
Lemmon is guilty because Democrats says being accused is enough evidence like they did with Kavanaugh.


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