Acid attacks in Britain are up 200% in 15 years.....

Damn. Acid attacks hurt almost as many people in London in one year as the gun attack in Vegas did in one night. How many dead? 58 at Vegas, in one night. And how many hurt and dead in our nation by attacks with guns as compared to Britian including acid, knives, and guns?

And why do you glory in the reports of people doing terrible things to each other? Perhaps you really need to be on a watch list.
Damn. Acid attacks hurt almost as many people in London in one year as the gun attack in Vegas did in one night. How many dead? 58 at Vegas, in one night. And how many hurt and dead in our nation by attacks with guns as compared to Britian including acid, knives, and guns?

And why do you glory in the reports of people doing terrible things to each other? Perhaps you really need to be on a watch list.

What this shows is that violence of all types are on the rise in Britain.......that is what happens when you take guns away from normal, law abiding people...they were promised that if they gave up their guns, they would be safer from crime.....the exact opposite happened as their criminals now have nothing to fear from unarmed, easy victims....
You know, I have seen no one advocating taking away the guns of people in the US. What I have seen is that there are movements to control the type of weapons used in the mass killings that are becoming a weekly event in the US. And you are advocating making those attacks even more possible.
You know, I have seen no one advocating taking away the guns of people in the US. What I have seen is that there are movements to control the type of weapons used in the mass killings that are becoming a weekly event in the US. And you are advocating making those attacks even more possible. have the leadership of the democrat party pushing gun weapon or piece of equipment at a time...and they are appointing anti gun judges and justices who are allowing various gun bans legal....they took the fight out of congress....where they lose seats on gun control votes, and moved to courts where left wing, social justice warriors can just rule guns illegal.

By weapons used for mass killings do you mean rental the one that killed 8 people on Halloween....or the one in Nice, France that murdered 89 people and wounded over 450 people?

While Americans use their legal guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop criminals and many times mass public shooters.

The only ones making these attacks more possible are people like you...who make every inch of public space gun free, making innocent people completely defenseless against these killers...
Yep...London is more violent than New York...gun crime is up all over their country, violent crime is up all through their country...this is what happens when people are not allowed to defend themselves...

Revealed: Violent acid-related crimes soar by almost 200%
USMB's ray of sunshine.

This has nothing to do with Britain's gun laws. Who throws acid? Who has been immigrating to Britain lately? Connect the dots.
Damn. Acid attacks hurt almost as many people in London in one year as the gun attack in Vegas did in one night. How many dead? 58 at Vegas, in one night. And how many hurt and dead in our nation by attacks with guns as compared to Britian including acid, knives, and guns?

And why do you glory in the reports of people doing terrible things to each other? Perhaps you really need to be on a watch list.

What this shows is that violence of all types are on the rise in Britain.......that is what happens when you take guns away from normal, law abiding people...they were promised that if they gave up their guns, they would be safer from crime.....the exact opposite happened as their criminals now have nothing to fear from unarmed, easy victims....

What this shows is that you are a gun nut desperately trying to make a point that doesn't exist. I thought you were swapping to Mexico. We are all bored with your
England rants.
Damn. Acid attacks hurt almost as many people in London in one year as the gun attack in Vegas did in one night. How many dead? 58 at Vegas, in one night. And how many hurt and dead in our nation by attacks with guns as compared to Britian including acid, knives, and guns?

And why do you glory in the reports of people doing terrible things to each other? Perhaps you really need to be on a watch list.

What this shows is that violence of all types are on the rise in Britain.......that is what happens when you take guns away from normal, law abiding people...they were promised that if they gave up their guns, they would be safer from crime.....the exact opposite happened as their criminals now have nothing to fear from unarmed, easy victims....

What this shows is that you are a gun nut desperately trying to make a point that doesn't exist. I thought you were swapping to Mexico. We are all bored with your
England rants.

Yes..the truth is boring to left wingers...they are driven by you.
Damn. Acid attacks hurt almost as many people in London in one year as the gun attack in Vegas did in one night. How many dead? 58 at Vegas, in one night. And how many hurt and dead in our nation by attacks with guns as compared to Britian including acid, knives, and guns?

And why do you glory in the reports of people doing terrible things to each other? Perhaps you really need to be on a watch list.

What this shows is that violence of all types are on the rise in Britain.......that is what happens when you take guns away from normal, law abiding people...they were promised that if they gave up their guns, they would be safer from crime.....the exact opposite happened as their criminals now have nothing to fear from unarmed, easy victims....

What this shows is that you are a gun nut desperately trying to make a point that doesn't exist. I thought you were swapping to Mexico. We are all bored with your
England rants.

Yes..the truth is boring to left wingers...they are driven by you.

If you say so.
Yet gun violence is so much less in the UK than America.


They banned guns and their gun violence is going up....we have more people who own and carry guns and our rate is going down. Crime rates are not driven by law abiding people owning the facts on the ground show....they are about to see a wave of violence they can't handle...
Gun violence and gun death in the UK remains so much very lower than in the US.

That is what 2aguy cannot evade.
Damn. Acid attacks hurt almost as many people in London in one year as the gun attack in Vegas did in one night. How many dead? 58 at Vegas, in one night. And how many hurt and dead in our nation by attacks with guns as compared to Britian including acid, knives, and guns?

And why do you glory in the reports of people doing terrible things to each other? Perhaps you really need to be on a watch list.
Making light of victims of acid thrown in their faces?

This can be prevented -- NOT by banning acid
You know, I have seen no one advocating taking away the guns of people in the US. What I have seen is that there are movements to control the type of weapons used in the mass killings that are becoming a weekly event in the US. And you are advocating making those attacks even more possible.
You must not have been paying attention. All kinds of nuts want to disarm us.
Gun violence and gun death in the UK remains so much very lower than in the US.

That is what 2aguy cannot evade.
60 million population vs over 300 million. lol The UK has a ton of crime. Gun crime is lower because guns are banned except for criminals who do not obey laws. banning guns only encourages violent thugs to prey on the weak, which is what YOU must want so bad.
Damn. Acid attacks hurt almost as many people in London in one year as the gun attack in Vegas did in one night. How many dead? 58 at Vegas, in one night. And how many hurt and dead in our nation by attacks with guns as compared to Britian including acid, knives, and guns?

And why do you glory in the reports of people doing terrible things to each other? Perhaps you really need to be on a watch list.

What this shows is that violence of all types are on the rise in Britain.......that is what happens when you take guns away from normal, law abiding people...they were promised that if they gave up their guns, they would be safer from crime.....the exact opposite happened as their criminals now have nothing to fear from unarmed, easy victims....

What this shows is that you are a gun nut desperately trying to make a point that doesn't exist. I thought you were swapping to Mexico. We are all bored with your
England rants.

Yes..the truth is boring to left wingers...they are driven by you.
Emotions like those of posters who can't wait to start posts about deaths as long as they aren't 'MURICAN! Gun deaths.
Gun violence and gun death in the UK remains so much very lower than in the US.

That is what 2aguy cannot evade.

Gun violence is going up in the can't get around that.....and their gun murder rate went up, then never went back to what it was before the gun are wrong......

Here...this anti gun lefty from NPR who is slowly seeing the truth says it pretty well....

This Liberal Found It's More Complicated Than ‘More Guns, More Crime’

Yes, We Have High Violence Rates, But It’s Not Guns’ Fault

One of the key arguments for gun control is the unfavorable comparison between gun violence in the United States and in other developed countries. As President Obama noted in 2015, “What we also have to recognize is, is that our homicide rates are so much higher than other industrialized countries. I mean by like a mile. And most of that is attributable to the easy ready availability of firearms, particularly handguns.”

And it is true; out of the 35 countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United States ranks 31st in homicide rates, though gun proponents hasten to note that the United States is far safer than Russia, Mexico, and Brazil, and a little safer than Latvia, none of which is likely to be bulletin-board material for our national tourism agency. And what is most disturbing is that we are not even a close 31. Our homicide rate is ten times the rate in Japan and three times the rate in Canada, for instance.

Gun control advocates link the low murder rate in England, for example, to the 1997 Firearms Act, which effectively outlawed private ownership of handguns, but in truth the homicide rate in England was low long before the Firearms Act and it has actually increased modestly since 1997.

Gun Prevalence Is Not the Key Cause of Crime
And the relationship between the number of guns and murder rates is not always very clear. If you are to believe the Small Arms Survey, countries like Russia and Brazil have relatively low firearms ownership rates, but apparently all those guns are in the hands of killers and thieves, and high-ownership countries like Switzerland and Finland have comparatively low murder rates.

Switzerland, for instance, is awash in guns—a “gun in every closet” is integral both to the national defense plan and the national culture—and there is roughly one gun for every two people in the country. And yet the murder rate is pleasingly low, not so different from England itself. It is not that there is no relationship between gun availability and homicide rates—of course there is—but the story of violence and the means of controlling it are far more complicated and nuanced than advocates on either side of the story would have us believe.
Yet gun violence is so much less in the UK than America.


They banned guns and their gun violence is going up....we have more people who own and carry guns and our rate is going down. Crime rates are not driven by law abiding people owning the facts on the ground show....they are about to see a wave of violence they can't handle...

I guess you might say "ANY DAY NOW"?

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