Acid Storm (Transformers): Celebrity/Dianetics/Trump


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-imaginarium fable inspired by Videodrome and references the fictional robot Acid Storm.

Signing off,



A really nifty war-minded fictional A.I. robot-fighter named Acid Storm (who transformed into a jet-fighter) inspired a movie star (Tom Cruise) and a random Internet-blogger (Ajay Satan) to talk about the symbolism of toys in modern media and why Americans loved entertainment in general(!).


As Cruise and Satan continued their research, their paths crossed online (when Cruise was surfing online one day using the Internet-alias/avatar 'Maverick'). Tom and Ajay talked about the relics from Big '80s consumerism such as ingenious compact audio-cassettes (blanks ready for making personalized mixes or 'mixtapes'). These 'tape-tapestries' represented American flowery, and Tom Cruise and Ajay Satan loved it(!).


As we might imagine, Cruise became paranoid about what it'd be like consorting with a random Internet-blogger --- I mean, he could turn out to be a psycho (or something!). Cruise also wondered in the back of his mind the potential that lay in terrorists infiltrating American territories, posing as random citizens, passerby, or even Internet-bloggers(!). Nevertheless, Cruise decided he could trust Ajay Satan, and the idealistic Internet-blogger explained to the super-celebrity, "I just want to teach Comparative Literature Sociology at Yale University." Ajay sort of looked like a Zapatista but was in fact a very devout/faithful Catholic who attended church regularly!


As people took notice of Cruise and Satan mingling about Big '80s tapes and Jack-in-the-Box Sourdough Jack Burgers in southern California for the summer-time, they decided the two were the ideal 'modern media diplomats' of cultural imagination. Cruise was after all the greatest Hollywood (USA) movie star...ever. Ajay was an earnest scholar of modernism pedestrianism pluralism. Ajay was also very interested in the Arabian Nights, Arthurian folklore, and Atlantis stories.


As with any pair of unlikely 'culture cops' there comes the amazing and confounding Harlot of Babylon who really represents all the mischievous voyeurism of social criticism (in any era!). Who was the harlot in the time of the Great Gatsby? Clyde Barrow? Al Capone? JFK? Media-culture is like a magazine, so images of great encounters with metaphysics-complexities stir the heart and inspire people to wonder, "Is entertainment a daydream?" However, Tom Cruise and Ajay Satan were more interested in the 'dictionaries' of modernism meteorology.


After all was said and done, Tom took a wife and Ajay took a maiden as well, and they retired to the mountains of Nepal where they studied existentialism together and lived in lantern-lit custom-made treehouse-mansions in the forests of the Amazon where they studied Nietzsche. Cruise and Satan were still fascinated by the Transformers (Hasbro) jet-fighter Acid Storm and decided to outline a joint-media campaign about the sociological value (and virtue!) of eco-paranoia oriented modernism-paranoia avatars such as Captain Planet, Poison Ivy, and Neo(!).


GOD: It seems Tom and Ajay are intrigued by modernism metaphysics!
SATAN: They've transcended the minor-temptations of haunting cyber-fantasies.
GOD: They're now 'media professionals' in the court-of-public-opinion, no?
SATAN: Yes, I think that's correct. They'll make movies about them.
GOD: Isn't that what a film like Universal Soldier really represents?
SATAN: I think you're correct. Universal Soldier is about cyborg-warriors fighting for honor.
GOD: Such a film about 'cyborg honor' beckons ideas about technology in modern society.
SATAN: Yes, machine-use can feel honourable instead of Orwellian...
GOD: I fear that sort of Arthurian idealism is simply and sadly dying!
SATAN: Well, what about Acid Storm?
GOD: Acid Storm can only loosely be tied to eco-dialogue.
SATAN: I disagree; 'acid storm' can be an allegory for 'acid rain awareness.'
GOD: The use of modern avatars for personalized politics is a liberal-community deed.
SATAN: The fact is that Acid Storm reminds consumers of energy and organics...
GOD: Perhaps there are 'society toys' that symbolize pure imagination.
SATAN: That's the goal for TrumpUSA --- 'pure imagination' (to erase doubt).
GOD: Doubt regards the contradictions between capitalism and democracy.
SATAN: What about Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (TV)??
GOD: That fortune-hunting parade represents harmless wealth obsession.
SATAN: I think the sci-fi horror-film Alien: Covenant symbolizes Communism!




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