Acorn Loses Another One


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
People's Republic of NJ
NEW YORK — A federal appeals court on Friday threw out a decision that had barred Congress from withholding funds from ACORN, the activist group driven to ruin by scandal and financial woes. The ruling by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan reversed a ruling by a district court judge in Brooklyn that found Congress had violated the group's rights by punishing it without a trial.

Congress cut off ACORN's federal funding last year in response to allegations the group engaged in voter registration fraud and embezzlement and violated the tax-exempt status of some of its affiliates by engaging in partisan political activities.

ACORN responded with a lawsuit accusing Congress of abusing its power with what amounted to a "death sentence." The appeals court disagreed, citing a study finding that ACORN received only 10 percent of its funding from federal sources.

"We doubt that the direct consequences of the appropriations laws temporarily precluding ACORN from federal funds were so disproportionately severe or so inappropriate as to constitute punishment," the three-judge panel wrote.

Federal Appeals Court Rules Against ACORN | The FOX Nation
ACORN is a group that helps poor people and was the victim of the racist right-wing, ,led by breitbart and fox news.
ACORN is a group that helps poor people and was the victim of the racist right-wing, ,led by breitbart and fox news.

Even though you are an established Obamarrhoidal Lieberrhoid can you in good conscience disagree that ACORN is an unofficial political arm of the CORRUPT Dem Party ?
Im surprised this wasnt dismissed immediately. Their argument is horrible.
I repeat: Obamarrhoidal Liebtards, ACORN is a VERY TRANSPARENT political arm of the CORRUPT Dem Party........Do you arseholes deny that ?

To deny this OBVIOUS FACT would be ludicrous wouldn't it ?

But then, what's another LIE among thousands......especially when led by a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, the TWENTY YEAR tenured Political Charlatan, who in his own words referred to The Black Racist Whackjob WRIGHT as his "pastor, friend, and mentor".

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