Actually paying for it


Apr 2, 2014
Enrolling and paying are 2 different things.

Recent CBS news article says only 67% of enrolled have actually paid their premiums.
Enrolling and paying are 2 different things.

Recent CBS news article says only 67% of enrolled have actually paid their premiums.

funny BCBS or etna or all of the insurance companies out there who have new enrollies have said that 85% of people who have Enrolled have paid for their policy the also have said the rest, the 15%, are waiting for their currant policy to expire ...I would suggest CBS go to these companies and talk to them, instead of repeating shit from FOX NOISE ... because we all know CBS really didn't say that, FOX NOISE did ...
67% of all of those enrolled in health insurance through the exchange with all companies. Not just a few of them.
67% of all of those enrolled in health insurance through the exchange with all companies. Not just a few of them.

heres a typical republican ... can't comprehend a thing they read or what I wrote .... so I'll write it again ...just so they can grasp, hopefully ...
see where I wrote funny BCBS or etna that was me naming a few insurance companies .... See where I wrote or all of the insurance companies that was me saying that all of these insurance companies were saying they have 85% of their policies paid for ... didn't ya see that??? or are you comprehend Challenged
67% of all of those enrolled in health insurance through the exchange with all companies. Not just a few of them.

heres a typical republican ... can't comprehend a thing they read or what I wrote .... so I'll write it again ...just so they can grasp, hopefully ...
see where I wrote funny BCBS or etna that was me naming a few insurance companies .... See where I wrote or all of the insurance companies that was me saying that all of these insurance companies were saying they have 85% of their policies paid for ... didn't ya see that??? or are you comprehend Challenged
I see where you provided no proof of your assertion. Comprehend that?
67% of all of those enrolled in health insurance through the exchange with all companies. Not just a few of them.

heres a typical republican ... can't comprehend a thing they read or what I wrote .... so I'll write it again ...just so they can grasp, hopefully ...
see where I wrote funny BCBS or etna that was me naming a few insurance companies .... See where I wrote or all of the insurance companies that was me saying that all of these insurance companies were saying they have 85% of their policies paid for ... didn't ya see that??? or are you comprehend Challenged
I see where you provided no proof of your assertion. Comprehend that?
strait from the horse mouth... try and keep up will ya

Blue Cross Says '80-85' Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Are Paying

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, which represents the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, says “80-85″ percent of newly enrolled individuals buying plans under the Affordable Care Act are paying their premiums.

The figure was confirmed by Forbes this morning and is slated to be announced later today by the Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. The results, which confirm from a survey of most Blue Cross participating on exchanges, are as of Feb. 1.

is that proof enought for you ??? or are you Comprehend challenged too???
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heres a typical republican ... can't comprehend a thing they read or what I wrote .... so I'll write it again ...just so they can grasp, hopefully ...
see where I wrote funny BCBS or etna that was me naming a few insurance companies .... See where I wrote or all of the insurance companies that was me saying that all of these insurance companies were saying they have 85% of their policies paid for ... didn't ya see that??? or are you comprehend Challenged
I see where you provided no proof of your assertion. Comprehend that?
strait from the horse mouth... try and keep up will ya

Blue Cross Says '80-85' Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Are Paying

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, which represents the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, says “80-85″ percent of newly enrolled individuals buying plans under the Affordable Care Act are paying their premiums.

The figure was confirmed by Forbes this morning and is slated to be announced later today by the Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. The results, which confirm from a survey of most Blue Cross participating on exchanges, are as of Feb. 1.
So, again. You provided no proof. Just a post in a thread. A link would be needed for you to add another persons opinion to the conversation. to look at some environmental studies from Shell Oil?
I see where you provided no proof of your assertion. Comprehend that?
strait from the horse mouth... try and keep up will ya

Blue Cross Says '80-85' Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Are Paying

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, which represents the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, says “80-85″ percent of newly enrolled individuals buying plans under the Affordable Care Act are paying their premiums.

The figure was confirmed by Forbes this morning and is slated to be announced later today by the Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. The results, which confirm from a survey of most Blue Cross participating on exchanges, are as of Feb. 1.
So, again. You provided no proof. Just a post in a thread. A link would be needed for you to add another persons opinion to the conversation. to look at some environmental studies from Shell Oil?

and the stupid people keep saying stupid shit ...its from Forbes web site I don't prove me wrong you try and prove me wrong if you can ... heres a surprise for you you won't be able to ... mine comes from a credible source... yours not so much ... so you do your little dance here because you know ya got nothing to refute my post ... nice try ... but try again

we are not talking about environmental studies from Shell Oil? we are talking about health care being paid for but nice dodge try and keep up
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strait from the horse mouth... try and keep up will ya

Blue Cross Says '80-85' Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Are Paying

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, which represents the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, says “80-85″ percent of newly enrolled individuals buying plans under the Affordable Care Act are paying their premiums.

The figure was confirmed by Forbes this morning and is slated to be announced later today by the Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. The results, which confirm from a survey of most Blue Cross participating on exchanges, are as of Feb. 1.
So, again. You provided no proof. Just a post in a thread. A link would be needed for you to add another persons opinion to the conversation. to look at some environmental studies from Shell Oil?

and the stupid people keep saying stupid shit ...its from Forbes web site I don't prove me wrong you try and prove me wrong if you can ... heres a surprise for you you won't be able to ... mine comes from a credible source... yours not so much ... so you do your little dance here because you know ya got nothing to refute my post ... nice try ... but try again

we are not talking about environmental studies from Shell Oil? we are talking about health care being paid for but nice dodge try and keep up
IF you want stupid to stop, stop posting here.

Why am I not surprised you lack the intelligence to know that the comparison I was making was one of sources and bias....

Go away little boy. I now see that you are not worth the time.
So, again. You provided no proof. Just a post in a thread. A link would be needed for you to add another persons opinion to the conversation. to look at some environmental studies from Shell Oil?

and the stupid people keep saying stupid shit ...its from Forbes web site I don't prove me wrong you try and prove me wrong if you can ... heres a surprise for you you won't be able to ... mine comes from a credible source... yours not so much ... so you do your little dance here because you know ya got nothing to refute my post ... nice try ... but try again

we are not talking about environmental studies from Shell Oil? we are talking about health care being paid for but nice dodge try and keep up
IF you want stupid to stop, stop posting here.

Why am I not surprised you lack the intelligence to know that the comparison I was making was one of sources and bias....

Go away little boy. I now see that you are not worth the time.

go away little C&NT ... I see you're lazy and you have to have people prove themselves right were you can't prove shit ... just your little rants here that's all you repub-LIE-tards got ...ranting, ragging about shit you know nothing about ... you get your info from the right wing nuts of the net ... prove me wong if you can, C&NT ....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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67% of all of those enrolled in health insurance through the exchange with all companies. Not just a few of them.

heres a typical republican ... can't comprehend a thing they read or what I wrote .... so I'll write it again ...just so they can grasp, hopefully ...
see where I wrote funny BCBS or etna that was me naming a few insurance companies .... See where I wrote or all of the insurance companies that was me saying that all of these insurance companies were saying they have 85% of their policies paid for ... didn't ya see that??? or are you comprehend Challenged

So who are all of these "other insurance companies" that are claiming 85% have paid for their policies on the exchange. The only proof you have is a claim by ONE insurance company in the Forbes link.

“Across the Blue system, we are seeing payment from 80-85 percent of new exchange customers,
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67% of all of those enrolled in health insurance through the exchange with all companies. Not just a few of them.

heres a typical republican ... can't comprehend a thing they read or what I wrote .... so I'll write it again ...just so they can grasp, hopefully ...
see where I wrote funny BCBS or etna that was me naming a few insurance companies .... See where I wrote or all of the insurance companies that was me saying that all of these insurance companies were saying they have 85% of their policies paid for ... didn't ya see that??? or are you comprehend Challenged

So who are all of these "other insurance companies" that are claiming 85% have paid for their policies on the exchange. The only proof you have is a claim by ONE insurance company in the Forbes link.

“Across the Blue system, we are seeing payment from 80-85 percent of new exchange customers,

BCBS is one of the larges companies in the country ... if the one I chose to use is showing you 85% the rest will show the same ... there isn't any reason for them not to show you ...

do you realize how many insurance companies are out there??? I would be here all day trying to get information on each and ever one of them of how many paid ...

... I know humana has said the same ... I know etna has said the same .... kaiser permanente has said the same one would come to the conclusion that if these major health care companies are saying this, one could say that all the companies are getting between 80 to 85% paid ... I sure you will find one obscure company that says 67%, the fact remains the same ... 80 to 85% are getting paid and you don't like that thought ...because it proves that your understanding is wrong ... I get this
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BCBS is the larges companies in the country ... if the one I chose to use is showing you 85% the rest will show the same ...

Do you have proof of that?

do you realize how many insurance companies are out there???

Yes, I do. My wife is a health insurance agent and sells for a dozen others besides BCBS. Between February and March 31 she has signed up 6 people on through the exchange system. Not one of them has paid their premium yet, since she hasn't received the commission on those sales. Now multiply that scenario among hundreds of other insurance agents across the country.

I would be here all day trying to get information on each and ever one of them of how many paid ...

Then you have proved my point. You really don't know. All you have is reference from one article contained in the Forbes link. Same reason the administration won't tell. They inflate the numbers. 8 million signed up doesn't mean 8 million paid. When all is said and done, I would be surprised if 4 million actually paid and keep paying through the end of the year.
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Insurers: High Proportion of Health Plan Enrollees Paid Premiums | Wall Street Journal
Insurance company executives on Wednesday told Congress that high proportions of people signing up for coverage under the Affordable Care Act paid their first month's premium, fueling the partisan fight over the impact of the health law.

Officials from Aetna Inc., WellPoint Inc. and Health Care Service Corp. said that in March and April they had seen around 80% to 90% of enrollees who faced payment deadlines respond to invoices by the insurers' deadlines. They expect more people who had signed up for coverage toward the end of the enrollment period to pay in the coming weeks.

The testimony before a panel of the House Energy and Commerce Committee came a week after the Republican-led committee released a payment report based on data gathered from insurers. It concluded that as of mid-April only about 67% of the people who had picked plans through the federally run insurance exchanges had made their first month's payment, the final step in signing up for coverage.

They should've quit while they were ahead with their bogus report last week. Following up with actual testimony from leading health insurers ruined the whole thing. But at least we got to enjoy watching GOPers get "visibly exasperated" seeing their claims refuted at their own hearing by witnesses they called.

Republicans struggled to land punches against ObamaCare in a hearing Wednesday, as responses from insurance companies deflated several lines of questioning.
But Republicans were visibly exasperated, as insurers failed to confirm certain claims about ObamaCare, such as the committee's allegation that one-third of federal exchange enrollees have not paid their first premium.

Four out of five companies represented said more than 80 percent of their new customers had paid. The fifth, Cigna, did not offer an estimate.
BCBS is the larges companies in the country ... if the one I chose to use is showing you 85% the rest will show the same ...

Do you have proof of that? (BR) What the Fuck??? can't you read ??? I post the article from forbes saying what BCBS told them...are you this stupid???

do you realize how many insurance companies are out there???

Yes, I do. My wife is a health insurance agent and sells for a dozen others besides BCBS. Between February and March 31 she has signed up 6 people on through the exchange system. Not one of them has paid their premium yet, since she hasn't received the commission on those sales. Now multiply that scenario among hundreds of other insurance agents across the country.
(BR) are you this stupid??? really are you???
I would be here all day trying to get information on each and ever one of them of how many paid ...

Then you have proved my point. You really don't know. All you have is reference from one article contained in the Forbes link. Same reason the administration won't tell. They inflate the numbers. 8 million signed up doesn't mean 8 million paid. When all is said and done, I would be surprised if 4 million actually paid and keep paying through the end of the year.

the only thing you have proved here is you're stupid, real stupid ...yesterday, If you had a brain, which we all realize you don 't, just a bunch of silly putty between your ears ... you would have seen on TV where the republicans held a hearing for all Insurance companies to come to ... to Air out their grievances with the ACA ... not only did they not come they all said that they were getting their policies paid for and for the republicans to stop trying to repeal the ACA... pull you ignorant republican heads out of your ass and pay attention
I'm wondering what percentage of the 18-35 year olds that enrolled.
I'm wondering how many have insurance now that didn't prior?
I'm, wondering how many still don't have insurance?

It takes more than just the number that enrolled or even payed to make this a success.
the only thing you have proved here is you're stupid, real stupid ...yesterday, If you had a brain, which we all realize you don 't, just a bunch of silly putty between your ears ...

Says the guy who didn't even know what the essential benefits were. :lol:

Says the guy that stated there were no federal mandates. :lol:

you would have seen on TV where the republicans held a hearing for all Insurance companies to come to ... to Air out their grievances with the ACA ... not only did they not come they all said that they were getting their policies paid for and for the republicans to stop trying to repeal the ACA... pull you ignorant republican heads out of your ass and pay attention

After the repubs win the mid-terms this year (you heard it here first) ACA repeal will begin.
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So, again. You provided no proof. Just a post in a thread. A link would be needed for you to add another persons opinion to the conversation. to look at some environmental studies from Shell Oil?

and the stupid people keep saying stupid shit ...its from Forbes web site I don't prove me wrong you try and prove me wrong if you can ... heres a surprise for you you won't be able to ... mine comes from a credible source... yours not so much ... so you do your little dance here because you know ya got nothing to refute my post ... nice try ... but try again

we are not talking about environmental studies from Shell Oil? we are talking about health care being paid for but nice dodge try and keep up
IF you want stupid to stop, stop posting here.

Why am I not surprised you lack the intelligence to know that the comparison I was making was one of sources and bias....

Go away little boy. I now see that you are not worth the time.

Billy is cross posting this line of bull.

post #87 :eusa_angel:
BCBS is the larges companies in the country ... if the one I chose to use is showing you 85% the rest will show the same ...

Do you have proof of that?

do you realize how many insurance companies are out there???

Yes, I do. My wife is a health insurance agent and sells for a dozen others besides BCBS. Between February and March 31 she has signed up 6 people on through the exchange system. Not one of them has paid their premium yet, since she hasn't received the commission on those sales. Now multiply that scenario among hundreds of other insurance agents across the country.

I would be here all day trying to get information on each and ever one of them of how many paid ...

Then you have proved my point. You really don't know. All you have is reference from one article contained in the Forbes link. Same reason the administration won't tell. They inflate the numbers. 8 million signed up doesn't mean 8 million paid. When all is said and done, I would be surprised if 4 million actually paid and keep paying through the end of the year.

finally here, I do know its you who doesn't know ... we had the republicans hold a hearing a week ago or more ...what they did was have all the insurance companies show up to their hearing and complain to the house to show how bad payment were being made... they insurance companies all declined to come to the house to air out their grievances ... they said because between 85, 90 percent were signing up and paying for their health care ... they told the republicans not to hold that hearing .... the republicans ignored them and made a fool of themselves ... because nobody came

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