Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

These people are arguing about the correct interpretation of a mythological allegory. As if there's only one way to view it.
Nah, get that apologist nonsense out of here. Every single word was written to be literal by ignorant, superstitious, terrified, primitive people.
Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

Be you a believer or not, your life has been affected by the mainstream religions and the myth of Adam and Eve. It is the source of Christian homophobia and misogyny.

There are many strange things in the myth of Adam and Eve.
Was Adam born alone or first?
If Adam was created in God’s image and likeness, who is woman modeled after?
Satan is depicted in part as a woman.

Who was she modeled on and why female? Likely because of evolution and women being men’s biological prize.

In law, to be punished, one must be shown to have evil intent or an evil mind. Latin, Men’s Rea.

This is what human justice is based on.

Was Eve innocent, given that she had no evil intent?

Both were thrown out of the garden according to one mythology. Viewed in the same light, they had to stay together otherwise there would be no human race.
Typical guy response.


Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

Be you a believer or not, your life has been affected by the mainstream religions and the myth of Adam and Eve. It is the source of Christian homophobia and misogyny.

There are many strange things in the myth of Adam and Eve.
Was Adam born alone or first?
If Adam was created in God’s image and likeness, who is woman modeled after?
Satan is depicted in part as a woman.

Who was she modeled on and why female? Likely because of evolution and women being men’s biological prize.

In law, to be punished, one must be shown to have evil intent or an evil mind. Latin, Men’s Rea.

This is what human justice is based on.

Was Eve innocent, given that she had no evil intent?

She tempted Adam.
She tempted Adam.
Are you able to resist Satan?

Job 2;3 says that even God cannot help but be moved by her.

Yahweh gave Satan the added power to deceive Eve and then put Satan where she could do her job. Or better said, play her assigned role in the myth.

If she had failed, the planned sacrifice of Jesus would not have happened, and Christians could not sing their Exultet hymn that calls Adam's sin a happy fault and necessary to God's plan.

Without Satan, A & E never reproduce as their eyes and minds are never opened.

Satan and Eve are who make Jesus the hero in the Christian religion.

They are the natural source of evil as they are the great evolutionary prize.

The OP is simply WRONG. Eve sinned. She chose the fruit God said not to eat. THEN she led Adam to sin. BOTH sinned.

I put the reasons just above.

Your bible says that Adam sinned while Eve was only tempted and deceived.

Check your favorite bible and not that Adam is said to have brought death, through his sin, to earth.

Obviously they had alcohol in The Garden.

Extensive research into Penthouse Forum has concluded that every woman is 3 to 4 drinks away from being a lesbian.
While most men become able to jump anything that moves, male or female and the others too.

Women will never outdo men in the sexual impropriety category.

That aside.

Their alcoholic beverages were poor, so Cannabis and mushrooms were the order of the day.

Temple Prostitutes were not out of the question either.

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I put the reasons just above.

Your bible says that Adam sinned while Eve was only tempted and deceived.

Check your favorite bible and not that Adam is said to have brought death, through his sin, to earth.


Sin is the transgressing of the LAW.

Eve SINNED. Get over it.

Sin is the transgressing of the LAW.

Eve SINNED. Get over it.
You are calling your bible a liar.

If you are to believe your bible literally, remember that it has Jesus preaching that you will die for your own sins.

Get over you mesianic ass kissing.

There was no law when A & E ate of knowledge.

There was only a command that negated A & E's free will.

They intelligently told God to shove his --- stay stupid --- command up his own stupid ass.

If He told both of them not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge, then it would be a sin to do so or to exhort another to do so.
You are calling your bible a liar.

If you are to believe your bible literally, remember that it has Jesus preaching that you will die for your own sins.

Get over you mesianic ass kissing.

There was no law when A & E ate of knowledge.

There was only a command that negated A & E's free will.

They intelligently told God to shove his --- stay stupid --- command up his own stupid ass.

It's an ignorant allegory, nothing to get excited about.

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