Zone1 When Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent (Satan)... interesting how God dealt with that

Failure to take accountability. Wow. Really rich coming from folks who can clear their conscience of any immoral act by simply asking their imaginary friend for forgiveness.
YOu mistate 3 things and I will leave it at that.

1)Immorality has nothing to do with imaginary or not imaginary,IF I aim a banana at you thinking it is a gun and hoping to kill you, that is wrong.Despite your constant claim it isn't,normal people do not take your side.
2) You could not be arguing that we should not take accountability so that just makes you look stupid or dishonest, your pick
3) Again, you think what you call moral must be moral but even if that were true. you don't own my conscience.I know that is your aim in life.

In short, If they thought it was wrong,it was wrong. If they thought they should ask for forgiveness,they should ask for forgiveness.

You are a cipher and you know you are
All I get from the story is that snakes used to walk.
Hey, Baffoon-glow!

You finally said something interesting. I also wondered about that. But again, the Bible is not all absolutely literal. Ther is the literal, the allegorical and... the other 2 things escape me
My bad. I took that "confront reality" next to your avatar too literally.
It's because I confront reality that I can't take the easy way of dismissing everything I find uncomfortable. I actually have to think about all sides of an issue and test it.
You misread that in the same way you ascribe to God
4 points to correct you
I tend to not want to read things that begin in such a way. Some people are here at the forum primarily to correct others, seemingly thinking they themselves are already fully corrected, thank you..

I don't really like interacting with such... not saying you are doing that, but it doesn't look good. Then there's the fact that I am worn out interacting with those obstinate creatures known as anti-Catholic protestants
Hey, Baffoon-glow!

You finally said something interesting. I also wondered about that. But again, the Bible is not all absolutely literal. Ther is the literal, the allegorical and... the other 2 things escape me
Then the book should have came with a warning
You tell me. I'm sure there are some real nice religious people out there, but you slowing us down. We are trying to move forward, progress, and you're in the fucking way.
Do any of them have a sense of humour, understand sarcasm, and can express themselves without profanity where it isn't needed?
You never explained to me why you think religion should be exempt from ridicule. Please do so.
If you were to walk through a minefield you'd step on every mine in the whole vicinity even if each and every one of them were signposted.

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