Add 'Deep State' crackpot theory to the list of other crackpot theories


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Far-right, bible thumpers have more excuses for their misery than you can shake a stick at.

Sean Hannity has given his viewers a new buzz word / talking point excuse for why things don't go their way --


Like ACORN it's the reason the Trump presidency is a train wreck of failure -- so they say.

See here's how it goes, persons unseen in DC are hampering the good work of Bannon, Miller, Don and Don Jr. behind the scenes. Leaks and unfair rules and that Constitution thingy keep getting in the way of their really terrific ideas.


Shows what a weak mother Trump is and what a bunch of sniveling little babies Hannity and supporters are.

Excuses, excuses... and these mystery men behind the scenes making life hard for poor donny.

Give me a break.

Donny doesn't know what the F he's doing. He was a terrible business man, his only talent was bankruptcy and avoiding prosecution. There's not bankruptcy law to protect him now -- Mueller has all the tax returns and financial. Soon we'll see it all.


Just stop with the "deep state" excuse. It's pathetic.
The closest thing we have to a "deep state", Wall Street/oil/MIC, is overjoyed by Trump and the promise that they will be totally immune to the rule of law while he serves.
it's amazing how that 'poor businessman' became a multi-billionaire.

Surprising there aren't hundreds, THOUSANDS, more billionaires
it's amazing how that 'poor businessman' became a multi-billionaire.

Surprising there aren't hundreds, THOUSANDS, more billionaires
To become a multimillionaire the way Trump did you have to have no conscience and start out with a few hundred million from your daddy.
it's amazing how that 'poor businessman' became a multi-billionaire.

Surprising there aren't hundreds, THOUSANDS, more billionaires
To become a multimillionaire the way Trump did you have to have no conscience and start out with a few hundred million from your daddy.
To become a multimillionaire like the Clintons did you have to have no conscience and murder anyone who threatens to expose how you got the money, how you are getting away with child trafficking, pedophile rings - money laundering through CF, stealing elections, robbing the poorest of the poor (1.2 billion from the Haitian people) and then suicide the Haitian representative who is due to appear in Congress and testify against you.
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I shouldn't be surprised, but I still just have to shake my head at those who cannot fathom the truth. ANYONE who has the balls to start in 1913 and follow the evolution of the Fed and the Tax system will not like what they find. Nobody will because people are lazy and indoctrinated.
Far-right, bible thumpers have more excuses for their misery than you can shake a stick at.

Sean Hannity has given his viewers a new buzz word / talking point excuse for why things don't go their way --


Like ACORN it's the reason the Trump presidency is a train wreck of failure -- so they say.

See here's how it goes, persons unseen in DC are hampering the good work of Bannon, Miller, Don and Don Jr. behind the scenes. Leaks and unfair rules and that Constitution thingy keep getting in the way of their really terrific ideas.


Shows what a weak mother Trump is and what a bunch of sniveling little babies Hannity and supporters are.

Excuses, excuses... and these mystery men behind the scenes making life hard for poor donny.

Give me a break.

Donny doesn't know what the F he's doing. He was a terrible business man, his only talent was bankruptcy and avoiding prosecution. There's not bankruptcy law to protect him now -- Mueller has all the tax returns and financial. Soon we'll see it all.


Just stop with the "deep state" excuse. It's pathetic.

I've studied the Deep State for years. Hannity is a Johnny Come lately, and he is a disinfo agent.

The Deep State is recognized by academics and politicos on both the left and right, it is a non-partisan concept. It was first introduced in a speech by Eisenhower.

Whether Trump knows what he is doing, or not, may in fact be irrelevant. Whether or not he is a terrible business man, again, is probably, irrelevant. These are all non-sequiturs

In all probability, if you knew what you were talking about, you would realize, that Trump is either A) a part of the Deep State, or B) a patsy.

We have only to wait and see what their plans are, and what happens to Trump after it come out in the wash.

Back in 2014 when folks were making presidential predictions, I predicted a Dominionist would be made president, I just didn't know which one. I didn't know who, or how, I only know what the elites have planned for the world.

Now look at you. You HATE evangelical Christians so much, yet you are screaming for Trump's head. What would that leave you with?

Precisely. A bigger Dominionist than even Ted Cruz. One that could never in a million years get elected, one the would be the dream of the Zionists and certainly bring about the final prophecies of Revelations if given half a chance. You want someone to bring about Atwood's dystopian vision? Look no further than Pence. The liberals and progressives are being fools, each and everyone of them screaming for Trump's head.

This was all planned from the start, and you are too dumb to understand how. The globalists are having the left slit their own damn throat, it's horrifying to watch the slow motion Armageddon rise of the Anti-Christ. Seriously.
Far-right, bible thumpers have more excuses for their misery than you can shake a stick at.

Sean Hannity has given his viewers a new buzz word / talking point excuse for why things don't go their way --


Like ACORN it's the reason the Trump presidency is a train wreck of failure -- so they say.

See here's how it goes, persons unseen in DC are hampering the good work of Bannon, Miller, Don and Don Jr. behind the scenes. Leaks and unfair rules and that Constitution thingy keep getting in the way of their really terrific ideas.


Shows what a weak mother Trump is and what a bunch of sniveling little babies Hannity and supporters are.

Excuses, excuses... and these mystery men behind the scenes making life hard for poor donny.

Give me a break.

Donny doesn't know what the F he's doing. He was a terrible business man, his only talent was bankruptcy and avoiding prosecution. There's not bankruptcy law to protect him now -- Mueller has all the tax returns and financial. Soon we'll see it all.


Just stop with the "deep state" excuse. It's pathetic.

Trumpardly lion meets Hannity's 'deep state.

Far-right, bible thumpers have more excuses for their misery than you can shake a stick at.

Sean Hannity has given his viewers a new buzz word / talking point excuse for why things don't go their way --


Like ACORN it's the reason the Trump presidency is a train wreck of failure -- so they say.

See here's how it goes, persons unseen in DC are hampering the good work of Bannon, Miller, Don and Don Jr. behind the scenes. Leaks and unfair rules and that Constitution thingy keep getting in the way of their really terrific ideas.


Shows what a weak mother Trump is and what a bunch of sniveling little babies Hannity and supporters are.

Excuses, excuses... and these mystery men behind the scenes making life hard for poor donny.

Give me a break.

Donny doesn't know what the F he's doing. He was a terrible business man, his only talent was bankruptcy and avoiding prosecution. There's not bankruptcy law to protect him now -- Mueller has all the tax returns and financial. Soon we'll see it all.


Just stop with the "deep state" excuse. It's pathetic.

Hey moron. Deep State isn't a theory. Its a long-used term of art to describe the US Intel community. USED INSIDE the Intel Community AMOFact.. You should stop showing your ignorance by mocking phrases that you don't understand..

It's called the "Deep State" because its mission and purpose rarely changes between Admins. And it has a level of INDEPENDENCE from oversight on their budget or their programs. VERY few Congress critters have an f'ing clue what they are doing or what they spend. OR how ABUSES of their power COULD affect Civil Liberties or the very STABILITY of the country.

It just keeps on trucking. SUPPOSEDLY below the political swamp conflicts. Until -------- it's USED as a political weapon..

I'll send you the bill for the chat...

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