Admits Water Fluoridation National IQ Reduction


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
Conservatives better stay away from fluoridated drinking water, vaccines and GMO's. Or else you will become dependent on the government.

AMA Admits Water Fluoridation National IQ Reduction

Controversial study links drinking fluoridated water during pregnancy to lower IQ in children

Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ

I wasn't aware that fluoridated drinking water, vaccines and GMO's were conservative issues. I was under the impression that they were more libertarian issues.

That being said, fluoridated drinking water, vaccines and GMO's were all given to us by liberals, progressives, and Democrats.

Wouldn't it be more advantageous for them to have a generation of low-IQ retards, who ultimately tend to vote for Democrats?
I wasn't aware that fluoridated drinking water, vaccines and GMO's were conservative issues. I was under the impression that they were more libertarian issues.

That being said, fluoridated drinking water, vaccines and GMO's were all given to us by liberals, progressives, and Democrats.

Wouldn't it be more advantageous for them

You are trying to get me to eat unhealthy, so that ANTIFA can push me around.

Are Organic Food Advocates Democrats or Republicans? Yes

And, while I’ve never been invited up front, sources close to the campaign tell me the shelves are stocked with a wide variety of healthy fare. Kashi cereals, hummus, pita as well as organic applesauce. Everything’s organic, I’m told, including the ingredients to Romney’s favorite, peanut butter and honey sandwiches.

Nor is this the first time the Romney family has been linked to organic food. Get a load of this 2002 profile of Ann Romney from the Worcester (Mass.) Telegram & Gazette:

Does Monsanto Man Mitt Romney Secretly Eat Organic?

If it's really safe, then why does the Obama family avoid Monsanto foods?, page 1

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