Blocked Meta Analysis of Studies Proves Fluoride Lowers IQ's But HHS Rachel Levine Hid It


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Remember when claiming fluoride that was a dangerous toxin was labeled an insane "conspiracy theory"?
It turns out, the govt is aware of this but doesn't want you to know.

A mentally ill man masquerading as a female health expert is behind the attempt to block an explosive 6 year meta analysis of studies on the effects of fluoride exposure.
Everybody knows Richard Levine as the fake health expert at HHS who resembles a water buffalo in an ill fitting dress. He is the one who blocked a the results from becoming public, along with the CDC & "dr. death" Fauxi's NIH.
This is what they did with asbestos contaminated J&J talc powders.

It's only coming out because they were successfully sued to release it.
Sounds like the rona jab studies they tried to block, doesn't it?

52 out of 55 studies show fluoride lowers IQ's, particularly damaging the developing brains & nervous systems of children.

Disturbingly, the meta-analysis found that 52 of 55 studies saw lower IQ with higher fluoride exposures, demonstrating remarkable consistency. Of the 19 studies rated higher quality, 18 found a lower IQ. With data that can’t be ignored, NTP’s meta-analysis puts the harm into perspective:

[R]esearch on other neurotoxicants has shown that subtle shifts in IQ at the population level can have a profound impact…a 5-point decrease in a population’s IQ would nearly double the number of people classified as intellectually disabled.”

This makes me wonder if prog infested territories have an abnormally high level of fluoride in the water.

At the time, the NTP report had already undergone two unprecedented peer reviews by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). Its authors had concluded that fluoride, a controversial health topic for years, was a “presumed developmental neurotoxicant,” with 27 out of the 29 highest-quality studies showing that fluoride damaged the brains of kids. Most of these studies were at levels equivalent to exposures experienced in fluoridated communities.

I'm sure the govt health authoritarians will do the right thing & immediately prevent the fluoridation of our drinking water... right.
They have been doing this for years & not only with fluoride.

Does anybody still believe the clot shots are "safe & effective" because the "experts" say so & our govt wouldn't allow it otherwise?

Remember when claiming fluoride that was a dangerous toxin was labeled an insane "conspiracy theory"?
It turns out, the govt is aware of this but doesn't want you to know.

A mentally ill man masquerading as a female health expert is behind the attempt to block an explosive 6 year meta analysis of studies on the effects of fluoride exposure.
Everybody knows Richard Levine as the fake health expert at HHS who resembles a water buffalo in an ill fitting dress. He is the one who blocked a the results from becoming public, along with the CDC & "dr. death" Fauxi's NIH.
This is what they did with asbestos contaminated J&J talc powders.

It's only coming out because they were successfully sued to release it.
Sounds like the rona jab studies they tried to block, doesn't it?

52 out of 55 studies show fluoride lowers IQ's, particularly damaging the developing brains & nervous systems of children.

Disturbingly, the meta-analysis found that 52 of 55 studies saw lower IQ with higher fluoride exposures, demonstrating remarkable consistency. Of the 19 studies rated higher quality, 18 found a lower IQ. With data that can’t be ignored, NTP’s meta-analysis puts the harm into perspective:

[R]esearch on other neurotoxicants has shown that subtle shifts in IQ at the population level can have a profound impact…a 5-point decrease in a population’s IQ would nearly double the number of people classified as intellectually disabled.”

This makes me wonder if prog infested territories have an abnormally high level of fluoride in the water.

At the time, the NTP report had already undergone two unprecedented peer reviews by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). Its authors had concluded that fluoride, a controversial health topic for years, was a “presumed developmental neurotoxicant,” with 27 out of the 29 highest-quality studies showing that fluoride damaged the brains of kids. Most of these studies were at levels equivalent to exposures experienced in fluoridated communities.

I'm sure the govt health authoritarians will do the right thing & immediately prevent the fluoridation of our drinking water... right.
They have been doing this for years & not only with fluoride.

Does anybody still believe the clot shots are "safe & effective" because the "experts" say so & our govt wouldn't allow it otherwise?

Find a legit source. Not gonna bother to read horseshit conspiracy crap from horseshit conspiracy websites.
Find a legit source. Not gonna bother to read horseshit conspiracy crap from horseshit conspiracy websites.
Brilliant post. Did your monkey write that for you?

Forget the fact MSM will never report this, it's just better to ignore it.
Can't be ignorant if you don't know how to ignore.

Do facts always make your cognitive dissonance flare up because IDGAF about your hurt feelers
Find a legit source. Not gonna bother to read horseshit conspiracy crap from horseshit conspiracy websites.
What, you have misgivings about getting your news from Hell, I've never even heard of them before. Why the doubt? Lol

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